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Dogecoin Co-Founder Questions U.S. Taxation Policy


發布: 2023/10/22 22:15 閱讀: 794



  • This is his second remark on the topic in as many weeks; his first concerned with crypto.
  • 這是他幾週來第二次就這個主題發表評論。他首先關心的是加密貨幣。

  • Markus offered his thoughts on the tax structure in the United States.
  • 馬庫斯提出了他對美國稅收結構的看法。

Billy Markus, who co-created the Dogecoin (DOGE) with Jackson Palmer in 2013 has spoken on taxation systems in the U.S under the alias Shibetoshi Nakamoto on twitter. This time, Markus offered his thoughts on the tax structure in the United States. This is his second remark on the topic in as many weeks; his first concerned with crypto.

比利馬庫斯 (Billy Markus) 於 2013 年與傑克遜帕爾默 (Jackson Palmer) 共同創建了狗狗幣 (DOGE),他在 Twitter 上化名 Shibetoshi Nakamoto 就美國的稅收系統發表了演講。這次,馬庫斯提出了他對美國稅收結構的看法。這是他幾週來第二次就這個主題發表評論。他首先關心的是加密貨幣。

In response to a twitter post by the account @unusual_whales, Markus pointed out that the account had referenced statistics from the Federal Reserve showing that the 55.8 million Americans aged 65 and older currently make up 17% of the country’s population and hold “half of America’s wealth,” which the government may progressively remove via taxes.

馬庫斯在回應帳號@unusual_whales的推特貼文時指出,該帳號引用了聯準會的統計數據,顯示目前65歲及以上的5580萬美國人佔全國人口的17%,並擁有“美國人口的一半” 。財富”,政府可以透過稅收逐步消除這些財富。

Intrinsic Worth


This was met with criticism from DOGE’s creator, who said, “The government is salivating over getting to re-tax the already taxed money when they die.” On October 9th, Markus said that if the U.S. government does not think cryptocurrency has intrinsic worth, then it should not tax cryptocurrency transactions.

這遭到了 DOGE 創始人的批評,他說:“政府對在他們去世後對已經徵稅的錢重新徵稅垂涎。” 10 月 9 日,馬庫斯表示,如果美國政府不認為加密貨幣具有內在價值,那麼就不應該對加密貨幣交易徵稅。

The co-founder tweeted:


“Then return all the taxes y’all made me pay for receiving it you horrific evil hypocrites.”


Supporting him at the time was Elon Musk, who tweeted, “It’s real if you have to pay taxes, but otherwise not real?” The crypto community may have been surprised by Markus’s answer.

當時支持他的是埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk),他在推特上寫道:“如果你必須納稅,那就是真的,但否則就不真實了?”加密社群可能對馬庫斯的回答感到驚訝。

Moreover, he put it succinctly, “Its realness is transitory.” Whether or not Billy Markus considers all cryptocurrencies to be genuine assets is still up for debate. He recently came clean about his preference for Bitcoin and Ethereum over tokens built on the ERC20 standard.

而且,他簡潔地說:“它的真實性是短暫的。”比利馬庫斯是否認為所有加密貨幣都是真正的資產仍有爭議。他最近坦白了自己對比特幣和以太坊的偏好,而不是基於 ERC20 標準的代幣。

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