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Dogecoin Founder Refutes Rumors of His Wealth Size


發布: 2024/02/22 20:31 閱讀: 801




Billy Markus, who created and launched the original meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin, together with Jackson Palmer, in 2013, often shares parts of the history of how he created DOGE and his attitude not only to DOGE and crypto but toward a wide range of subjects overall.

比利馬庫斯(Billy Markus) 於2013 年與傑克遜帕爾默(Jackson Palmer) 一起創建並推出了原始模因加密貨幣狗狗幣,他經常分享他如何創建DOGE 的部分歷史,以及他對DOGE 和加密貨幣以及整個廣泛主題的態度。

Several times in the past, Markus was driven to comment on the rumors of the size of his net worth. Today, he responded to a Twitter user, once again refuting these allegations.


Markus and Palmer made "hardly anything off of DOGE"

馬庫斯和帕爾默“幾乎沒有從 DOGE 中賺到任何東西”

Earlier today, Billy Markus (known on Twitter/X as “Shibetoshi Nakamoto”) tweeted that he would suggest changing the retirement age from the current standard to the age of 38. He went a little further and provided his own definition of being “retired.” For the Dogecoin cofounder this is an opportunity for “working on stuff you wanna work on.”

今天早些時候,Billy Markus(在Twitter/X 上被稱為“Shibetoshi Nakamoto”)發推文表示,他建議將退休年齡從現行標準改為38 歲。他更進一步,提供了他自己對“退休」的定義。 」。對於狗狗幣聯合創始人來說,這是一個「從事你想做的事情」的機會。

When a Twitter user told Markus “you’re rich, stop acting poor,” “Shibetoshi Nakamoto” dismissed that assumption by stating that he is not wealthy at all since he cannot afford to give up his day job.

當一名推特用戶告訴馬庫斯「你很富有,別再裝窮了」時,「Shibetoshi Nakamoto」駁斥了這一假設,稱他根本不富有,因為他無法放棄自己的日常工作。

if i stopped working i couldn’t pay my rent so no i’m not rich lol


— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) February 21, 2024

- Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2024 年 2 月 21 日

In a tweet published in early 2022, Markus literally stated that he and Jackson Palmer “made hardly anything off of it,” meaning Dogecoin. He also commented on the great amount of meme cryptocurrencies being built these days. Markus calls them “forced tokens,” and he reckons the only goal of developers making them is financial gain from gamblers. Some developers try to give their meme coins some utility, he admits.

在 2022 年初發布的一條推文中,馬庫斯字面意思是他和傑克遜·帕爾默“幾乎沒有從中賺到任何錢”,指的是狗狗幣。他還評論了這些天正在建立的大量模因加密貨幣。馬庫斯稱它們為“強制代幣”,他認為開發人員製作它們的唯一目標是從賭徒那裡獲得經濟利益。他承認,一些開發人員試圖賦予他們的迷因幣一些實用性。

As for DOGE, it was made “with no intention except to be stupid and satire,” according to Billy Markus. Regarding his net worth, in November last year, Markus commented on an article claiming that he is worth $5 million. He stated that he does not own that fortune.


Here's how much DOGE and BTC Markus holds

這是 DOGE 和 BTC Markus 持有的數量

Recently Markus revealed the size of his Bitcoin stash, and in earlier tweets he shared how much Dogecoin he still holds after quitting his meme coin project immediately after launching it in 2013.

最近,馬庫斯透露了他的比特幣儲備規模,並在之前的推文中分享了他在 2013 年推出模因幣項目後立即退出後仍持有多少狗狗幣。

Per Shibetoshi Nakamoto, his Bitcoin holdings are tiny and comprise 0.006 BTC. This is the equivalent of $310.09 at the time of this writing. As for his Dogecoin stash, it contains approximately 220,000 DOGE.

根據 Shibetoshi Nakamoto 的說法,他持有的比特幣很少,只有 0.006 BTC。截至撰寫本文時,這相當於 310.09 美元。至於他的狗狗幣藏品,大約有 220,000 DOGE。


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