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Whooping 400 Million DOGE Suddenly Change Hands as Dogecoin Miners Make U-Turn


發布: 2024/02/22 20:04 閱讀: 504



In a startling turn of events within the Dogecoin community, a staggering 400 million DOGE tokens have vanished without a trace, leaving experts puzzled and investors on edge. The abrupt disappearance unfolded in a series of mysterious transactions between unknown wallets, prompting a flurry of speculation and concern within the DOGE community.

狗狗幣社群發生了令人震驚的事件,數量驚人的 4 億枚 DOGE 代幣消失得無影無踪,讓專家們感到困惑,也讓投資者感到緊張。突然失蹤事件在未知錢包之間發生的一系列神秘交易中展開,引發了 DOGE 社區的一系列猜測和擔憂。

According to insights shared by Whale Alert, a whopping 400 million DOGE tokens were swiftly transferred between undisclosed wallets, marking a significant and unexpected shift in the digital currency landscape. However, a deeper dive into on-chain explorer data unveiled an even larger transfer, totaling 512.68 million tokens, valued at approximately $43.39 million.

根據 Whale Alert 分享的見解,多達 4 億個 DOGE 代幣在未公開的錢包之間迅速轉移,標誌著數位貨幣格局發生了重大且意想不到的轉變。然而,更深入研究鏈上瀏覽器數據發現了一筆規模更大的轉賬,總計 5.1268 億個代幣,價值約 4,339 萬美元。

🚨 🚨 400,000,000 #DOGE (34,115,063 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to unknown new wallethttps://t.co/MKEPCBinOi

🚨 🚨 400,000,000 #DOGE (34,115,063 USD) 從未知錢包轉移到未知新錢包https://t.co/MKEPCBinOi

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) February 22, 2024

- 鯨魚警報 (@whale_alert) 2024 年 2 月 22 日

What adds to the intrigue is the elusive nature of the wallets involved. All addresses participating in this enigmatic transfer, encompassing over half a billion Dogecoins, are fresh on the scene, devoid of any prior transaction history.

更令人感興趣的是所涉及的錢包的難以捉摸的性質。參與這項神秘轉移的所有地址(包含超過 5 億狗狗幣)都是新鮮出現的,沒有任何先前的交易歷史。

Dogecoin miners hit pause


This sudden disappearance coincides with a curious trend emerging among Dogecoin miners. Recent data from IntoTheBlock reveals a notable decrease in sell-offs by miners, with net outflows plummeting from 19.44 million to 7.27 million DOGE in the past 24 hours. 

這種突然消失恰逢狗狗幣礦工中出現的一種奇怪趨勢。 IntoTheBlock 的最新數據顯示,礦工拋售量顯著減少,過去 24 小時內淨流出量從 1,944 萬枚 DOGE 驟降至 727 萬枚。

Miner Netflows by IntoTheBlock

IntoTheBlock 的礦工網路流量

While outflows persist, the diminishing magnitude hints at a potential shift in miner behavior.


Currently, Dogecoin miners collectively hold reserves estimated at 4.16 billion DOGE, valued at $354.86 million. Amid these developments, the community remains abuzz with speculation and intrigue, as the whereabouts of the 400 million DOGE continue to elude scrutiny.

目前,狗狗幣礦工總共持有約 41.6 億 DOGE 的儲備,價值 3.5486 億美元。在這些事態發展中,社區仍然充滿猜測和陰謀,因為 4 億 DOGE 的下落繼續逃避審查。


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