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Significant Advancements in Blockchain Gaming


發布: 2024/02/22 20:04 閱讀: 939



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Bitcoin ecosystem’s group of ninjas, campaigning to preserve classic video games using blockchain infrastructure, wrote code for the classic home video game console Nintendo 64 (N64) on the Bitcoin network. Ninjalerts’ CEO Trevor Owens announced a development in their ongoing Pizza Ninjas project.

比特幣生態系統的忍者團體致力於利用區塊鏈基礎設施保護經典電玩遊戲,他們為比特幣網路上的經典家用電玩遊戲任天堂 64 (N64) 編寫了程式碼。 Ninjalerts 的執行長 Trevor Owens 宣布了他們正在進行的 Pizza Ninjas 專案的進展。

Major Achievement in the Bitcoin Ecosystem


Owens explained that their developers were able to write N64 code on Bitcoin using the Ordinals protocol. The executive mentioned that this is part of their efforts to protect endangered games.

Owens 解釋說,他們的開發人員能夠使用 Ordinals 協議在比特幣上編寫 N64 程式碼。該高層提到,這是他們保護瀕危遊戲努力的一部分。

While games placed in the blockchain ecosystem have faced criticism due to copyright issues, Owens assured the community that their project is legal. The CEO of Ninjalerts stated that they have not placed any copyrighted games on the blockchain. Instead, they are careful to select games that are in the public domain. Owens commented on the issue:

儘管區塊鏈生態系統中的遊戲因版權問題而受到批評,但歐文斯向社群保證他們的專案是合法的。 Ninjalerts 的執行長表示,他們沒有將任何受版權保護的遊戲放在區塊鏈上。相反,他們會謹慎選擇公共領域的遊戲。歐文斯對這個問題評論道:

“We want to advance conversations with conservationists about classic games and hope that the community can make an effort to find legal ways to add critically endangered games to the chain.”


This is not Ninjalert’s first attempt to protect games through the Bitcoin network. The Ninjalerts team had written code for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) on Bitcoin on January 8th. In addition to preserving games, the project also undertook an initiative to raise the technical bar for Bitcoin Ordinals projects.

這並不是 Ninjalert 第一次嘗試透過比特幣網路保護遊戲。 Ninjalerts 團隊於 1 月 8 日在比特幣上編寫了超級任天堂娛樂系統 (SNES) 的程式碼。除了保留遊戲之外,該專案還採取了提高比特幣序數專案技術門檻的措施。

Significant Developments in the Blockchain Field


Weeks later, another developer attempted to write a video game on the blockchain using Ordinals. Following Ninjalerts, a developer going by the pseudonym Mini Doge wrote the 1990s-style first-person shooter game Doom on the Dogecoin blockchain network on January 23rd using the Ordinals protocol. This allows users to access the Dogecoin network and play a free version of the classic game.

幾週後,另一位開發人員嘗試使用 Ordinals 在區塊鏈上編寫視訊遊戲。繼 Ninjalerts 之後,一位化名 Mini Doge 的開發者於 1 月 23 日使用 Ordinals 協議在 Dogecoin 區塊鏈網絡上編寫了 90 年代風格的第一人稱射擊遊戲《Doom》。這允許用戶訪問狗狗幣網路並玩經典遊戲的免費版本。

Owens believes the trend of writing games on the blockchain will continue. “I think this is really great and believe this trend will continue,” said Owens, who sees people wanting to preserve cultural history, with games being a significant part of it. However, the executive called on community members not to violate copyright laws. Owens advocated for finding legal ways to preserve games on the blockchain.

歐文斯相信在區塊鏈上編寫遊戲的趨勢將會持續下去。 「我認為這真的很棒,並且相信這種趨勢將會持續下去,」歐文斯說,他看到人們希望保護文化歷史,而遊戲是其中的重要組成部分。然而,該行政人員呼籲社區成員不要違反著作權法。歐文斯主張尋找合法方法在區塊鏈上保存遊戲。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Significant Advancements in Blockchain Gaming

該貼文首次出現在 COINTURK 新聞:區塊鏈遊戲的重大進展


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