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Dogecoin turns 10 – the meme celebrates by briefly touching $0.1

狗狗幣 10 歲生日——該表情包通過短暫觸碰 0.1 美元來慶祝

發布: 2023/12/07 22:11 閱讀: 306

原文作者:News – AMBCrypto


  • Since Elon Musk’s public declaration, DOGE has gone up and down.
  • 自從馬斯克公開聲明以來,DOGE 就起起落落。

  • Dogecoin’s Open Interest jumped and other indicators suggest a recovery.
  • 狗狗幣的未平倉合約大幅上升,其他指標顯示復甦。

On its 10th anniversary of existence, Dogecoin [DOGE]  gave holders of the meme something to celebrate. The coin did this by running upwards and reaching $0.1 on the 6th of December. This was the second time throughout 2023 that DOGE tapped that level.

在其誕生 10 週年之際,狗狗幣 [DOGE] 為該表情包的持有者提供了值得慶祝的東西。該代幣通過上漲並於 12 月 6 日達到 0.1 美元。這是 DOGE 在 2023 年第二次達到這一水平。

The first time it did was on the 4th of April. But at that time, hitting the milestone was only momentary as the price pulled back in a matter of minutes.

第一次是在 4 月 4 日。但當時,達到里程碑只是暫時的,因為價格在幾分鐘內就回落了。

However, this season was a little different as DOGE held on to the price before its recent retracement to $0.098 at press time. 

然而,這個季節有點不同,因為 DOGE 在截至發稿時最近回撤至 0.098 美元之前一直保持價格不變。

Dogecoin’s uptick did not happen without other memes following in a similar direction. The likes of Pepe [PEPE], and Floki [FLOKI] also had their respective increases. But unlike these cryptocurrencies mentioned, Dogecoin has come a long way.


DOGE  is a “crypto of the people”

DOGE 是“人民的加密貨幣”

Dogecoin was introduced as an open-source cryptocurrency in 2013 by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer. During that period, Palmer was a software engineer at Adobe, and Markus had the same role at IBM.

狗狗幣是由 Billy Markus 和 Jackson Palmer 於 2013 年作為開源加密貨幣推出的。在此期間,Palmer 是 Adob​​e 的軟體工程師,Markus 在 IBM 擔任同樣的角色。

Markus and Palmer ideated and launched Dogecoin in December as a “joke” version of Bitcoin [BTC]. This was one of the reasons it used a Shiba Inu dog as its logo.

馬庫斯和帕爾默於 12 月構思並推出了狗狗幣,作為比特幣 [BTC] 的「笑話」版本。這就是它使用柴犬作為標誌的原因之一。

Furthermore, the founders of the cryptocurrency did not expect the coin to gain quick acceptance.


But two weeks after its launch, DOGE gained popularity on social media platform Reddit, and at one point had more transactions than Bitcoin in its early stages. In 2014, Markus and Palmer left Dogecoin’s development to the community.

但推出兩週後,DOGE 在社群媒體平台 Reddit 上廣受歡迎,早期交易量一度超過比特幣。 2014 年,Markus 和 Palmer 將狗狗幣的開發交給了社群。

After that, not much happened with Dogecoin. But in 2019, Tesla CEO Elon Musk endorsed the cryptocurrency. He also revealed that he had been supporting Dogecoin developers behind closed doors before his disclosure. 

此後,狗狗幣並沒有發生太多事情。但在 2019 年,特斯拉執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)認可了這種加密貨幣。他還透露,在他披露之前,他一直在秘密支持狗狗幣開發商。

In April 2019, Musk posted about the meme on X (formerly Twitter) citing his support for DOGE. Then, in February 2021, the SpaceX head called DOGE the “people’s crypto.”

2019 年 4 月,馬斯克在 X(以前稱為 Twitter)上發布了該表情包,表示他對 DOGE 的支持。然後,在 2021 年 2 月,SpaceX 負責人將 DOGE 稱為「人民的加密貨幣」。

Posts like this were part of why the coin was one of the outstanding performers of the 2021 bull market. 

這類貼文是該代幣成為 2021 年牛市表現出色的貨幣之一的部分原因。

Source: CoinMarketCap


While Musk was accused of manipulating the cryptocurrency to his favor, the richest man in the world did not stop promoting the coin. In fact, before the appointment of a new X CEO, Mush hinted that his replacement would be a Dogecoin lover.

儘管馬斯克被指控操縱加密貨幣對他有利,但這位世界首富並沒有停止推廣這種加密貨幣。事實上,在任命新的 X 執行長之前,Mush 曾暗示他的繼任者將是狗狗幣愛好者。

Down but not out


AMBCrypto also reported on how Musk changed the former Twitter logo to DOGE before the company rebranded to X. Per its All-Time Performance, Dogecoin’s value has increased by 17,365.63%, according to CoinMarketCap data.

AMBCrypto 也報導了馬斯克如何在公司更名為 X 之前將前 Twitter 標誌更改為 DOGE。根據 CoinMarketCap 數據,根據其歷史表現,狗狗幣的價值增加 17,365.63%。

However, the coin is 91.42% down from its $0.73 ATH. Despite the drawdown from the heights, the number of DOGE holders has been growing. At press time, there were 5.45 million holders of the coins.

然而,該代幣較 0.73 美元下跌了 91.42%。儘管數量有所回落,但 DOGE 持有者的數量仍在增長。截至發稿時,該幣持有者為 545 萬。

As of the 7th of June, the total number was 5 million, meaning that an additional 450,000 had joined the Dogecoin clan within six months. Concerning its funding rate, AMBCrypto checked the data provided by crypto analysis tool Santiment.

截至 6 月 7 日,總數為 500 萬,這意味著六個月內又有 45 萬加入了狗狗幣家族。關於其資金費率,AMBCrypto檢查了加密貨幣分析工具Santiment提供的數據。

According to the information assessed, Dogecoin’s funding rate was 0.023%. This reading implies that most traders are bullish on the coin price. If the funding rate was negative, then it would have suggested otherwise. 


Source: Santiment


From a technical perspective, Dogecoin’s buying volume on the 6th of December was immense. This spike indicated by the sharp green bar implies that the community seemed determined to have a good celebration of the coin’s birthday.

從技術角度來看,狗狗幣 12 月 6 日的購買量非常龐大。尖銳的綠色條表示的峰值意味著社區似乎決心好好慶祝代幣的生日。

Recovery is an option either way


However, there seems to have been some profit-taking as DOGE moved down to $0.0967. This assertion was also reinforced by the Accumulation/Distribution (A/D) indicator which had reduced to 27.10 billion. 

然而,隨著 DOGE 跌至 0.0967 美元,似乎出現了一些獲利了結。吸籌/發放 (A/D) 指標已降至 271 億,也強化了這一說法。

The decrease in the A/D reading suggests that there has been a surge in distribution since accumulation hit a peak. Should the distribution continue, DOGE might drop below $0.0949 which was a support that triggered the rise to $0.01.

A/D 讀數的下降表明,自累積達到高峰以來,分配出現了激增。如果繼續分配,DOGE 可能會跌破 0.0949 美元,這是觸發上漲至 0.01 美元的支撐位。

Also, DOGE would only remain above $0.09 if bulls defended other support at $0.0877. However, the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) showed that the buying momentum may return soon. 

此外,如果多頭捍衛 0.0877 美元的其他支撐位,DOGE 只會保持在 0.09 美元之上。然而,移動平均線趨同分歧(MACD)顯示買盤勢頭可能很快就會恢復。

Source: TradingView


But that will be the case if the MACD reading pumps above the zero midpoint and sellers do not flip the 26-day EMA (orange) over the 12-day EMA (blue). 

但如果 MACD 讀數升至零中點之上,且賣家不將 26 日均線(橘色)翻轉至 12 日均線(藍色),情況就會出現這種情況。

Another indicator to look at is the Open Interest. The Open Interest is the number of futures contracts left open by traders. It is also a sign of liquidity allocated that could impact the price action of a cryptocurrency.


Read Dogecoin’s [DOGE] Price Prediction 2024-2025

閱讀狗狗幣 [DOGE] 2024-2025 年價格預測

As of this writing, DOGE’s Open Interest had increased to $628.39 million, according to Coinglass. Alongside the downward trend, the Open Interest is a sign of strength for the coin’s momentum.

據 Coinglass 稱,截至撰寫本文時,DOGE 的未平倉合約已增至 6.2839 億美元。除了下降趨勢之外,未平倉合約也是代幣勢頭強勁的標誌。

If by chance the Open Interest stays high and DOGE’s movement reverses northward, then the coin may reclaim $0.01.

如果碰巧未平倉量保持在高位並且 DOGE 的走勢反轉向北,那麼代幣可能會收回 0.01 美元。

Source: Coinglass


The post Dogecoin turns 10 – the meme celebrates by briefly touching $0.1 appeared first on AMBCrypto.

狗狗幣 10 歲生日——透過短暫觸碰 0.1 美元來慶祝的表情包首先出現在 AMBCrypto 上。


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