首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 加密貨幣綜述,12 月 7 日:多頭會發動攻擊還是空頭會佔據主導地位

Crypto Roundup, 07 Dec: Will Bulls Charge or Bears Take Control

加密貨幣綜述,12 月 7 日:多頭會發動攻擊還是空頭會佔據主導地位

發布: 2023/12/07 22:12 閱讀: 383

原文作者:Coin Gabbar News


加密貨幣綜述,12 月 7 日:多頭會發動攻擊還是空頭會佔據主導地位

Cryptos are ranked by 24-hour performance, from top to bottom.

加密貨幣以 24 小時表現從上到下排名。

TOP 5 Losers Coins

前 5 名失敗者硬幣



改變 (%)







6.27 美元








Indices LTP Change (%)
Sei $0.2648 10.02%
Blur $0.4771 8.46%
THORChain $6.27 8.40%
Dogecoin $0.09507 8.23%
Pepe $0.000001445 8.19%

Crypto News Key Highlights:


  • Anticipated in the imminent release is the weekly unemployment claims report with an expected figure of 224 thousand, showing a marginal rise from the preceding week's 218 thousand. Additionally, attention is on the RBI rate decision and US Nonfarm Payrolls.

    預計即將發布的每週失業救濟人數預計為 22.4 萬人,較前一周的 21.8 萬人略有上升。此外,關注的是印度央行利率決定和美國非農業就業數據。

  • Sotheby's New York introduces "BitcoinShrooms: An Ordinals Auction," a groundbreaking online event featuring NFTs by digital artist Shroomtoshi, delving into Bitcoin's history and culture. The collection, blending art and education, signifies Sotheby's venture into Bitcoin Ordinals, showcasing the potential of revolutionizing the digital art space. Estimated bids range from $20,000 to $30,000.

    紐約蘇富比推出“BitcoinShrooms:Ordinals 拍賣”,這是一項開創性的線上活動,以數位藝術家 Shroomtoshi 的 NFT 為特色,深入探討比特幣的歷史和文化。該系列融合了藝術和教育,標誌著蘇富比進軍比特幣序數,展現了數位藝術空間革命的潛力。預計出價範圍為 20,000 美元至 30,000 美元。

  • Binance faces controversy as the listing of Anchored Coins EUR (AEUR) results in extreme volatility and losses for users. AEUR, initially pegged at $1, surged to over $3, prompting Binance to suspend trading and delist AEUR, leading to community backlash. Binance promises compensation in USDT vouchers for affected users.

    由於錨定幣歐元(AEUR)的上市導致極度波動和用戶損失,幣安面臨爭議。 AEUR 最初的價格為 1 美元,後來飆升至 3 美元以上,促使幣安暫停交易並將 AEUR 下架,引發社區強烈反對。幣安承諾對受影響的用戶進行 USDT 代金券補償。

  • Concerns arise over Binance's future following the guilty plea by former CEO CZ and a $4.3 billion settlement with US regulators. Former SEC official John Reed Stark questions Binance's transparency and compliance, highlighting evasive responses and predicting potential collapse amid ongoing investigations and regulatory pressure.

    在前執行長 CZ 認罪並與美國監管機構達成 43 億美元和解後,人們對幣安的未來感到擔憂。前 SEC 官員約翰·里德·斯塔克 (John Reed Stark) 質疑幣安的透明度和合規性,強調了幣安的迴避反應,並預測在持續的調查和監管壓力下可能會崩潰。

  • Meta, formerly Facebook, will introduce invisible watermarks to its AI-generated images through Meta AI to enhance transparency and traceability. Resilient to common manipulations, these watermarks will deter misuse by making removal difficult. Initially applied to Meta AI, the feature will extend to other Meta services using AI-generated content. This move addresses concerns about the potential misuse of AI-generated content for misleading purposes and deepfake scams.

    Meta(前身為 Facebook)將透過 Meta AI 為其人工智慧生成的圖像引入隱形浮水印,以增強透明度和可追溯性。這些浮水印能夠抵抗常見的操作,使刪除變得困難,從而阻止濫用。該功能最初應用於 Meta AI,之後將擴展到使用 AI 生成內容的其他 Meta 服務。此舉解決了人們對人工智慧生成內容可能被濫用於誤導目的和深度造假詐騙的擔憂。

  • The UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has added Poloniex, linked to entrepreneur Justin Sun, to its warning list, citing unauthorized operation. Poloniex suffered a $100 million hack in November. The FCA emphasizes the lack of financial law protection when dealing with unauthorized entities. Poloniex has not yet responded to requests for comment.

    英國金融行為監理局 (FCA) 已將與企業家孫宇晨有關的 Poloniex 列入警告名單,理由是其未經授權的操作。 Poloniex 在 11 月遭受了價值 1 億美元的駭客攻擊。 FCA 強調在與未經授權的實體打交道時缺乏金融法保護。 Poloniex 尚未回應置評請求。

  • Robinhood has expanded its crypto services to eligible European Union customers, offering trading for over 25 cryptocurrencies with zero fees. This move follows the recent launch of the company's stock trading application in the United Kingdom. Robinhood sees the EU as a key market for its international expansion plans.

    Robinhood 已將其加密貨幣服務擴展到符合資格的歐盟客戶,以零費用提供超過 25 種加密貨幣的交易。在此之前,該公司最近在英國推出了股票交易應用程式。 Robinhood 將歐盟視為其國際擴張計劃的關鍵市場。

  • Global governments, including the U.S., U.K., and China, are accelerating efforts to regulate generative AI technology amid concerns of potential misuse. The EU's AI Act, a pioneering set of regulations, is set to include controls for tools like ChatGPT and Bard. The move follows similar initiatives in Australia and China.

    由於擔心可能被濫用,包括美國、英國和中國在內的全球各國政府正加緊努力監管生成型人工智慧技術。歐盟的人工智慧法案是一套開創性的法規,將包括對 ChatGPT 和 Bard 等工具的控制。此前,澳洲和中國也採取了類似措施。

  • Binance Coin (BNB) faces a challenging year with a mere 1% gain amid the broader crypto market's 12% rally. Regulatory struggles and a $4.3 billion settlement contribute to BNB's decline. Binance's market share drops, and competitors may challenge its leading position. The token's underperformance raises the risk of losing the fourth spot to XRP.

    幣安幣 (BNB) 面臨充滿挑戰的一年,在加密貨幣市場整體上漲 12% 的情況下,幣安幣僅上漲 1%。監管鬥爭和 43 億美元的和解導致 BNB 下跌。幣安的市佔率下降,競爭對手可能會挑戰其領先地位。該代幣的表現不佳增加了將第四名位置讓給 XRP 的風險。

Also read - 24 Crypto Update, 6 Dec: BTC stable, while altcoins are under pressure

另請閱讀 - 24 Crypto Update,12 月 6 日:BTC 穩定,而山寨幣面臨壓力


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