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Dogecoin Community Alert: My Doge Wallet X Account Has Been Compromised

狗狗幣社群警報:我的 Doge Wallet X 帳號已被盜用

發布: 2023/12/07 22:17 閱讀: 960



On the back of the tenth anniversary of Dogecoin, the community has run into another problem. The official X (formerly Twitter) account of the official DOGE wallet has reportedly been compromised, and community members have been advised to stay away for now.

在狗狗幣十週年之際,社區遇到了另一個問題。據報道,DOGE 官方錢包的官方 X(以前的 Twitter)帳戶已洩露,建議社區成員暫時遠離。

DOGE Wallet Account Compromised

DOGE 錢包帳戶被盜

On Thursday, Dogecoin influencer Mishaboar informed the community of a critical security breach. According to Mishaboar, the official X account for My Doge Wallet, @MyDogeOfficial, suffered a security breach in the late hours of Wednesday.

週四,狗狗幣影響者 Mishaboar 向社區通報了嚴重的安全漏洞。據 Mishaboar 稱​​,My Doge Wallet 的官方 X 帳戶@MyDogeOfficial 在周三深夜遭遇安全漏洞。

Following the trend of other notable crypto accounts that have been compromised in recent times, the hackers did not waste any time posting scam links on the account. The link posted on the account’s 24,800 followers led to a wallet drainer, and users have been advised to refrain from clicking any links on the account for now.

跟隨最近被入侵的其他著名加密貨幣帳戶的趨勢,駭客沒有浪費任何時間在該帳戶上發布詐騙連結。該帳戶的 24,800 名追蹤者上發布的連結導致錢包耗盡,建議用戶暫時不要點擊該帳戶上的任何連結。

“WARNING #Dogecoin, this is important: @MyDogeOfficial, the official X account of the very popular MyDoge wallet, has been compromised, pointing to a scam website which will attempt to drain your ETH wallet assets. STAY AWAY and spread the warning please!” Mishaboar warned.

「警告#Dogecoin,這很重要:@MyDogeOfficial,非常受歡迎的 MyDoge 錢包的官方 X 帳戶已被洩露,指向一個詐騙網站,該網站將試圖耗盡您的 ETH 錢包資產。請遠離並傳播警告!”米沙布爾警告。

Alex, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of the My Doge Wallet also confirmed the security breach in a separate post. The CTO was swift to inform the Dogecoin community of the breach, asking community members to “disregard all messages from the account.”

My Doge Wallet 的技術長 (CTO) Alex 也在另一篇文章中證實了這個安全漏洞。首席技術官迅速向狗狗幣社群通報了此次違規事件,並要求社群成員「忽略來自該帳戶的所有訊息」。

Dogecoin Mobile And Wallets Remain Safe


Following the security breach on the official X account of My Doge Wallet, Dogecoin community members were understandably worried about how far-reaching the breach was. In this vein, Alex also took to the social media platform to allay fears of a wallet security breach.

在 My Doge Wallet 的官方 X 帳戶發生安全漏洞後,狗狗幣社群成員對漏洞的影響範圍有多深感到擔憂,這是可以理解的。本著這種精神,亞歷克斯也利用社群媒體平台來減輕對錢包安全漏洞的擔憂。

The CTO informed the community that the breach was localized to the X account alone and nothing else was affected. According to him, the mobile app remains completely safe and unaffected, and wallets are still safe to use.

CTO 告知社區,此外洩僅限於 X 帳戶,其他任何地方都沒有受到影響。據他介紹,行動應用程式仍然完全安全且不受影響,錢包仍然可以安全使用。

Alex further stressed the safety of the My Doge Wallet mobile app in another post. “To be 100000% clear. Wallets are NEVER at risk!” He assured community members. “That’s what self custody means,” Alex added.

Alex 在另一篇文章中進一步強調了 My Doge Wallet 行動應用程式的安全性。 「要 100000% 清楚。錢包永遠不會有風險!”他向社區成員保證。 「這就是自我監護的意義,」亞歷克斯補充道。

According to the CTO, they are still working with X to resolve the issue and regain ownership of the account. However, for now, he advises users to stay away from the account, saying:

據 CTO 稱,他們仍在與 X 合作解決問題並重新獲得該帳戶的所有權。然而,目前他建議用戶遠離該帳戶,並表示:

1) @MyDogeOfficial account was hacked

1)@MyDogeOfficial 帳號被盜

2) This does not affect user wallets OR data, in anyway possible


3) Don’t click links shared from the account

3) 不要點擊帳戶分享的鏈接

4) @x is working to resolve it for us

4) @x 正在努力為我們解決這個問題


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