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As Dogecoin miners exit, investors turn to InQubeta

隨著狗狗幣礦工退出,投資者轉向 InQubeta

發布: 2023/10/16 00:17 閱讀: 537



The popularity of the leading meme coin Dogecoin took a strong hit between August and October after some of its miners exited. As a result, many Dogecoin patrons are now flocking to other top altcoins like InQubeta (QUBE). 

在一些礦工退出後,領先的 meme 貨幣狗狗幣的受歡迎程度在 8 月至 10 月期間受到了嚴重打擊。因此,許多狗狗幣的購買者現在紛紛湧向 InQubeta (QUBE) 等其他頂級山寨幣。

Powered by Ethereum, InQubeta helps startups working in the field of artificial intelligence find authentic investors for their projects and fast-track their growth journeys.

InQubeta 在以太坊的支持下,幫助人工智慧領域的新創公司為他們的專案找到真正的投資者,並快速追蹤他們的成長之旅。

InQubeta’s popularity has been rising even though it’s still in the presale stage. While some feel it’s because of InQubeta’s unique model, others feel it’s due to its huge presale success. It is likely one of the best new ICOs of 2023 after its presale funding crossed $3.5 million recently.

儘管InQubeta仍處於預售階段,但其受歡迎程度卻不斷上升。有些人認為這是因為 InQubeta 獨特的模式,而有些人則認為這是因為其預售的巨大成功。它可能是 2023 年最好的新 ICO 之一,其預售資金最近超過 350 萬美元。

InQubeta: assisting AI startups grow


InQubeta utilizes blockchain technology to allow startups to gain access to funding opportunities to bring their ideas to life. It’s also a place where investors get to explore promising opportunities even before their launch in the market. This unique feature of InQubeta not only gives an early-bird advantage but also enables investors to stay ahead of the competition. The AI revolution is unlocking new avenues of growth across the world and InQubeta might gain from an early mover advantage. 

InQubeta 利用區塊鏈技術讓新創公司獲得融資機會,將他們的想法變為現實。這也是投資者在市場推出之前就可以探索有前途的機會的地方。 InQubeta 的這項獨特功能不僅提供了早鳥優勢,還使投資者能夠在競爭中保持領先。人工智慧革命正在開啟全球新的成長途徑,InQubeta 可能會從先發優勢中獲益。

To facilitate seamless transactions, InQubeta has rolled out a native cryptocurrency called the QUBE token. The QUBE cryptocurrency can be bought on presale and has been featured among the new altcoins that have the potential to deliver 100x gains. It has attracted many buyers due to its intuitive interface and user-friendly features. 

為了促成無縫交易,InQubeta 推出了名為 QUBE 代幣的原生加密貨幣。 QUBE 加密貨幣可以透過預售購買,並且已成為有潛力帶來 100 倍收益的新山寨幣之一。由於其直覺的介面和用戶友好的功能吸引了許多買家。

QUBE has a deflationary model designed to curb price fluctuations. In a deflationary cryptocurrency, the supply is not allowed to rise above the demand and is always kept scarce. Even if it does exceed the demand, the extra supply is destroyed by sending the tokens to a burn wallet. As the token supply is limited, fluctuations in its price are minimized while its value stays stable. 

QUBE 有一個旨在抑制價格波動的通貨緊縮模型。在通貨緊縮的加密貨幣中,供應不允許超過需求,並且始終保持稀缺。即使它確實超過了需求,額外的供應將透過將代幣發送到銷毀錢包而被銷毀。由於代幣供應有限,其價格波動最小化,同時其價值保持穩定。

The QUBE token also has an important role to play in the platform’s governance. Powered by a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) model, InQubeta’s governance structure involves all stakeholders in the decision-making process. So, if a community member has a suggestion in mind, they can move a proposal and it will be vetted by other community members. The final say, however, rests with the QUBE token holders who get voting privileges. Once the proposal is put to a vote, QUBE token holders can use these privileges to express their opinions about a set of proposed changes.

QUBE 代幣在平台治理中也扮演著重要角色。 InQubeta 的治理結構由去中心化自治組織 (DAO) 模型提供支持,所有利害關係人參與決策過程。因此,如果社區成員有建議,他們可以提出提案,並且該提案將由其他社區成員進行審查。然而,最終決定權在於獲得投票權的 QUBE 代幣持有者。一旦提案進行投票,QUBE 代幣持有者就可以使用這些特權來表達他們對一系列擬議變更的意見。

If you are a startup looking to explore InQubeta, the first thing to get in order is an offer for the investors. These offers would entail what investors can look forward to getting if they choose to invest in a startup. All offers are tokenized, minted into NFTs, and then uploaded on InQubeta’s NFT marketplace. Here, investors can critically examine all offers and make well-informed decisions. They can then buy an NFT and pay for it with their QUBE tokens. These NFTs can be fractionalized meaning anyone can be a startup investor no matter their budget. 

如果您是一家想要探索 InQubeta 的新創公司,首先要做的就是向投資者提供報價。如果投資人選擇投資新創公司,這些優惠將帶來他們可以期待得到的東西。所有報價均被代幣化、鑄造成 NFT,然後上傳到 InQubeta 的 NFT 市場。在這裡,投資者可以批判性地審查所有報價並做出明智的決定。然後他們可以購買 NFT 並用 QUBE 代幣支付。這些 NFT 可以細分,這意味著任何人都可以成為新創投資者,無論其預算為何。

If interested in InQubeta, visit the InQubeta Presale to purchase your QUBE tokens.

如果對 InQubeta 感興趣,請造訪 InQubeta 預售購買您的 QUBE 代幣。

Dogecoin’s popularity suffers as miners exit


Dogecoin is the first meme coin and is inspired by a Japanese dog breed. The popular meme coin leverages the proof-of-work consensus protocol for securing its network and verifying all transactions. The platform’s native token is known as DOGE and it is widely used as a payment currency across the world. 

狗狗幣是第一個迷因硬幣,靈感來自日本的狗品種。流行的模因幣利用工作量證明共識協議來保護其網路並驗證所有交易。該平台的原生代幣被稱為 DOGE,它在世界各地廣泛用作支付貨幣。

Recently, DOGE’s popularity suffered as miners decided to exit and shift focus to other popular cryptocurrencies. As a result, the price is facing a downturn. However, long-term holders believe DOGE could recover as it remains the favourite cryptocurrency of meme coin enthusiasts. 

最近,隨著礦工決定退出並將焦點轉移到其他流行的加密貨幣,DOGE 的受歡迎程度受到影響。因此,價格面臨低迷。然而,長期持有者相信 DOGE 可能會復甦,因為它仍然是模因幣愛好者最喜歡的加密貨幣。



Dogecoin, which was once a darling of meme coin lovers, has seen a significant decline in the recent past despite being acknowledged by large companies like Tesla. This is forcing crypto investors to look for alternatives.


InQubeta is positioning itself as an alternative for investors fleeing the declining Dogecoin meme coin. It is currently conducting a presale for its native token QUBE.

InQubeta 將自己定位為投資者逃離不斷下跌的狗狗幣 meme 幣的替代方案。目前正在對其原生代幣 QUBE 進行預售。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/as-dogecoin-miners-exit-investors-turn-to-inqubeta-tbt66423.html



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