首頁 > 資訊新聞 > UniSwap 最近的決定成為爭議點:KYC 和白名單爭論的真相是什麼?

UniSwap’s Recent Decision Becomes a Point of Controversy: What’s the Truth of the KYC and Whitelist Debate?

UniSwap 最近的決定成為爭議點:KYC 和白名單爭論的真相是什麼?

發布: 2023/10/16 06:15 閱讀: 248

原文作者:Bitcoin Sistemi EN


The decentralized finance (DeFi) industry is witnessing a wave of change as Uniswap, a leading decentralized cryptocurrency exchange, introduces Know Your Customer (KYC) hooks in its upcoming V4 update. This development sparked controversy and criticism within the community.

隨著領先的去中心化加密貨幣交易所 Uniswap 在即將推出的 V4 更新中引入「了解你的客戶」(KYC) 掛鉤,去中心化金融 (DeFi) 行業正在經歷一波變革。這一發展引發了社區內的爭議和批評。

In Uniswap V4, hooks were introduced as a dynamic feature that allowed users to add completely new pool functions. These refer to pieces of code that run at various points in the lifecycle of a sink process.

在 Uniswap V4 中,引入了鉤子作為動態功能,讓使用者可以添加全新的池功能。這些是指在接收器進程生命週期的不同點運行的程式碼片段。

These hooks can be described as smart contracts that are different from the main V4 liquidity contract. They can be used to dynamically adjust fees or create innovative order types.

這些鉤子可以描述為與主要的 V4 流動性合約不同的智慧合約。它們可用於動態調整費用或建立創新的訂單類型。

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Uniswap's decision to include KYC hooks in the V4 update came as a surprise to many. The new feature will specifically allow US-based liquidity pools to request KYC and Whitelist applications from users who want to join the pool. However, it is important to note that Uniswap, as a platform, will not enforce this requirement on all transactions.

Uniswap 在 V4 更新中包含 KYC 掛鉤的決定令許多人感到驚訝。新功能將專門允許美國流動性池向想要加入該池的用戶請求 KYC 和白名單申請。但要注意的是,Uniswap 作為一個平台,不會對所有交易強制執行這項要求。

The introduction of KYC hooks has been met with mixed reactions. While some see this as a disappointing shift towards centralization, others argue that an open and permissionless hook market can coexist with centralized hooks. They claim that the existence of KYC hooks does not mean that every transaction processed by Uniswap V4 must necessarily undergo KYC verification.

KYC hooks 的推出引起了不同的反應。雖然有些人認為這是向中心化的令人失望的轉變,但另一些人則認為開放且無需許可的鉤子市場可以與中心化的鉤子共存。他們聲稱,KYC hooks 的存在並不意味著 Uniswap V4 處理的每筆交易都必須經過 KYC 驗證。

Similarly, AAVE had also launched the Aave Arc protocol, which also includes KYC and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) measures.

同樣,AAVE 也推出了 Aave Arc 協議,其中還包括 KYC 和反洗錢 (AML) 措施。

*This is not investment advice.


Continue Reading: UniSwap’s Recent Decision Becomes a Point of Controversy: What’s the Truth of the KYC and Whitelist Debate?

繼續閱讀:UniSwap 最近的決定成為爭議點:KYC 和白名單爭論的真相是什麼?


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