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Dogecoin to Moon in 2024? Analyst Predict DOGE Price Rally Soon

狗狗幣 2024 年登陸月球?分析師預測 DOGE 價格很快就會上漲

發布: 2023/11/24 15:37 閱讀: 292

原文作者:Coinpedia Fintech News


狗狗幣 2024 年登陸月球?分析師預測 DOGE 價格很快就會上漲

The post Dogecoin to Moon in 2024? Analyst Predict DOGE Price Rally Soon appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

2024 年狗狗幣登陸月球?分析師預測 DOGE 價格反彈很快就會出現在 Coinpedia 上

Dogecoin, the charismatic underdog of the crypto world, is once again stepping into the spotlight. According to insights from respected cryptocurrency analyst Ali Martinez, Dogecoin is positioned for a significant price surge. 

狗狗幣,加密貨幣世界中最具魅力的失敗者,再次成為人們關注的焦點。根據受人尊敬的加密貨幣分析師 Ali Martinez 的見解,狗狗幣的價格有望大幅上漲。

As excitement builds, there’s anticipation that Dogecoin might reach approximately 20 cents during this rally.

隨著興奮情緒的增加,人們預計狗狗幣在這次反彈中可能會達到約 20 美分。

Ali Martinez’s Analysis


In a recent X post, esteemed crypto analyst Ali Martinez, known for her accurate predictions in the crypto space, shared key observations that have the community buzzing with anticipation.

在最近的 X 貼文中,以在加密領域的準確預測而聞名的受人尊敬的加密分析師 Ali Martinez 分享了令社群充滿期待的關鍵觀察。

Martinez specifically points to critical metrics such as trading volume and the delicate balance between buying and selling pressure. A surge in trading volume, coupled with a dominance of buying activity over selling, indicates a growing interest in Dogecoin, often signaling an impending uptick in its value.


In a tweet, Martinez highlights that “There’s a notable surge in DOGE transactions exceeding $100,000 in the past month, consistently hitting new highs. This uptick suggests increased interest in DOGE from institutional players and whales, potentially gearing up for a significant price spike.”

Martinez 在推文中強調,「過去一個月,DOGE 交易量顯著激增,超過 10 萬美元,不斷創出新高。這種上升表明機構參與者和鯨魚對 DOGE 的興趣增加,可能會為價格大幅上漲做好準備。”

Analyst Kaleo’s Positive Outlook

分析師 Kaleo 的積極展望

Kaleo, another prominent figure in the crypto analysis space, shares a positive sentiment regarding Dogecoin. On November 9, he shared insights and a strategic overview of Dogecoin, predicting noteworthy movements in its price in the near term.

Kaleo 是加密貨幣分析領域的另一位知名人物,他對狗狗幣持正面態度。 11 月 9 日,他分享了對狗狗幣的見解和策略概述,預測近期其價格將出現值得注意的變化。

Kaleo anticipates an upward trajectory in Dogecoin’s value within the next week or two. Drawing from historical trends, he notes that Dogecoin tends to experience rapid price increases once it initiates movement.

Kaleo 預計狗狗幣的價值將在未來一兩週內呈上升趨勢。根據歷史趨勢,他指出,狗狗幣一旦開始波動,價格往往會迅速上漲。

The analyst predicts a swift ascent in Dogecoin’s price, reaching a range between 9 to 10 cents, followed by a stabilizing period. Subsequently, he envisions another quick surge to around 15 cents. While expressing optimism for a substantial rise, Kaleo realistically sets the potential peak at approximately 20 cents during this rally.

分析師預測狗狗幣的價格將迅速上漲,達到 9 至 10 美分的範圍,然後進入穩定期。隨後,他預計價格會再次快速飆升至 15 美分左右。在對大幅上漲表示樂觀的同時,Kaleo 實際上將本次反彈期間的潛在高峰設定在 20 美分左右。

Dogecoin Rally in 2024

2024 年狗狗幣反彈

Further, the analyst also touches upon Dogecoin’s longer-term prospects, suggesting that a more significant rally might materialize later in 2024. 

此外,分析師還談到了狗狗幣的長期前景,表明更大幅度的反彈可能會在 2024 年晚些時候實現。

Despite this, he believes there’s still room for notable price movements before that period, drawing parallels with Dogecoin’s behavior in the spring of 2021 and noting similarities in price action before a substantial increase

儘管如此,他認為在此期間之前仍然存在顯著的價格變動空間,與狗狗幣在 2021 年春季的行為相似,並指出大幅上漲之前價格走勢的相似之處

Kaleo’s analysis delves into Dogecoin’s price concerning Bitcoin, utilizing a high time frame (HTF) approach. He identifies a critical point where Dogecoin, measured in satoshis (Bitcoin’s smallest unit), may encounter resistance—historically a point where the price ceases to rise and may reverse.

Kaleo 的分析利用高時間框架 (HTF) 方法深入研究了狗狗幣與比特幣相關的價格。他確定了狗狗幣(以聰(比特幣的最小單位)為單位)可能會遇到阻力的關鍵點——歷史上價格停止上漲並可能逆轉的點。


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