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Dogecoin To Moon! DOGE Price Could Skyrocket to $1 – Predicts Crypto Analyst

狗狗幣去月球!加密貨幣分析師預測 DOGE 價格可能飆升至 1 美元

發布: 2023/10/23 19:06 閱讀: 498

原文作者:CoinPedia News


The post Dogecoin To Moon! DOGE Price Could Skyrocket to $1 – Predicts Crypto Analyst appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

狗狗幣到月球後! DOGE 價格可能飆升至 1 美元 – 預測加密貨幣分析師首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞

A prominent figure in the world of crypto, AngeloBTC, has recently made a forecast that’s capturing the crypto community’s attention. AngeloBTC believes that Dogecoin, the popular meme-based cryptocurrency, is very close to hitting the magic $1 mark.

加密貨幣世界的知名人物 AngeloBTC 最近做出的預測引起了加密貨幣社群的關注。 AngeloBTC 認為,狗狗幣(Dogecoin)——流行的基於 meme 的加密貨幣——非常接近達到神奇的 1 美元大關。

Dogecoin’s Up and Down Journey


Dogecoin, the cryptocurrency that began as a playful internet meme, has had its fair share of ups and downs. But a recent post on the social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter) by AngeloBTC, a renowned Bitcoin trader and market expert, has added an exciting twist to its story. 

狗狗幣是一種加密貨幣,最初是一種有趣的網路迷因,但也經歷了一些起起落落。但著名比特幣交易員和市場專家 AngeloBTC 最近在社群媒體平台 X(以前稱為 Twitter)上發布的貼文為其故事增添了令人興奮的轉折。

AngeloBTC has boldly predicted that Dogecoin’s price could skyrocket to an impressive $1 per coin.

AngeloBTC 大膽預測狗狗幣的價格可能會飆升至每枚令人印象深刻的 1 美元。

Since the beginning of 2021, Dogecoin has been the talk of the town. It soared in price and got everyone talking. This was thanks to a mix of celebrities like Elon Musk endorsing it and regular people getting interested.

自 2021 年初以來,狗狗幣一直是人們談論的話題。它的價格飆升,引起了每個人的討論。這要歸功於像伊隆馬斯克這樣的名人的認可以及普通人的興趣。

But as time passed, Dogecoin’s story changed; its price dropped significantly, and now it’s about 91% less than its highest point.


Dogecoin Still in the Top 10

狗狗幣仍位列前 10 名

Dogecoin is still one of the ten biggest cryptocurrencies when you look at how much it’s worth. Dogecoin is worth about $0.06273, and its price has increased by 3.37% in the last 24 hours. Many people are still interested in Dogecoin, and its total worth is nearly $9 billion. 

當你看到狗狗幣的價值時,它仍然是十大加密貨幣之一。狗狗幣價值約0.06273美元,其價格在過去24小時內上漲了3.37%。許多人仍然對狗狗幣感興趣,其總價值接近 90 億美元。

Every day, people trade more than $296 million worth of Dogecoin. But there’s a big question – can something special make Dogecoin reach $1, something it couldn’t do in the last cryptocurrency boom?

每天,人們交易的狗狗幣價值超過 2.96 億美元。但有一個大問題——有什麼特殊的東西能讓狗狗幣達到 1 美元嗎?這是它在上次加密貨幣繁榮時期無法做到的?

That’s our look at AngeloBTC’s big dreams for Dogecoin and its journey from being an internet joke to something potentially unique.

這就是我們對 AngeloBTC 對狗狗幣的遠大夢想的看法,以及它從網路笑話到潛在獨特事物的歷程。


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