The post Profit Peaks on the Horizon Bitcoin Spark, Dogecoin, and Solana appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News
比特幣 Spark、狗狗幣和 Solana 的利潤高峰一文首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上
The DeFi industry has experienced tremendous growth, prompting policymakers and financial watchdogs worldwide to take legal actions to regulate cryptocurrency adoption. The boom of cryptocurrencies came at the right time when the world’s economic situation has become heavily dependent on traditional banking systems, such as fractional reserve banking, that gradually depreciate the buying power of fiat currencies. Crypto assets backed by blockchain technology are now proving suitable investment vehicles to store wealth and earn passive income through capital gains. Venture capitalists and expert analysts believe the perfect crypto gems are Bitcoin Spark, Dogecoin, and Solana.
DeFi 產業經歷了巨大的成長,促使世界各地的政策制定者和金融監管機構採取法律行動來規範加密貨幣的採用。加密貨幣的繁榮恰逢世界經濟狀況嚴重依賴傳統銀行體系(例如部分準備金銀行),而這些系統逐漸削弱了法定貨幣的購買力。由區塊鏈技術支援的加密資產現在被證明是合適的投資工具,可以儲存財富並透過資本利得賺取被動收入。創投家和專家分析師認為,完美的加密貨幣寶石是 Bitcoin Spark、Dogecoin 和 Solana。
Will Dogecoin reach $1?
狗狗幣會達到 1 美元嗎?
Dogecoin fanatics have long aspired to see their beloved crypto project skyrocket to the highly coveted $1 mark. However, judging from the facts about the cryptocurrency and its underlying blockchain functionality, this dream might remain an illusion. First, Dogecoin has an unlimited supply since miners create new DOGE assets each time they mine. Compared to other crypto projects such as Bitcoin and Bitcoin Spark with capped supplies, an unlimited supply means that DOGE is oversaturated. Dogecoin also lacks utility, yet it competes for the top spot among projects with massive use cases in the DeFi arena. The platform is mainly driven by hype and celebrity endorsements.
狗狗幣狂熱者長期以來一直渴望看到他們心愛的加密項目飆升至令人垂涎的 1 美元大關。然而,從加密貨幣及其底層區塊鏈功能的事實來看,這個夢想可能仍然是一個幻想。首先,狗狗幣的供應量是無限的,因為礦工每次挖礦都會創造新的狗狗幣資產。與比特幣、Bitcoin Spark 等其他加密項目的供應量有限相比,無限供應量意味著 DOGE 已經過度飽和。狗狗幣也缺乏實用性,但它在 DeFi 領域擁有大量用例的專案中爭奪頭把交椅。該平台主要由炒作和名人代言驅動。
Bitcoin Spark’s new consensus mechanism: What is proof of process
Bitcoin Spark的新共識機制:什麼是過程證明
Proof of process refers to a blockchain-based consensus mechanism that powers a new BTC fork called Bitcoin Spark. This network validation process serves the proprietary Bitcoin Spark network, a decentralized, lightweight, high-performance blockchain network, by coupling two prominent network verification processes, proof-of-work and proof-of-stake. The proof-of-process only capitalizes on these two consensus mechanisms’ adaptive and improved aspects, yielding a fast, secure, and cost-effective network for Bitcoin Spark users.
過程證明是指一種基於區塊鏈的共識機制,為名為 Bitcoin Spark 的新 BTC 分叉提供動力。這個網路驗證過程透過耦合兩個著名的網路驗證流程(工作量證明和權益證明),為專有的比特幣Spark 網路(一個去中心化、輕量級、高效能的區塊鏈網路)提供服務。流程證明僅利用這兩種共識機制的適應性和改進方面,為 Bitcoin Spark 用戶提供快速、安全且經濟高效的網路。
Unlike the old generation proof of work consensus mechanism found on the Bitcoin network, the adaptive proof of work consensus on the Bitcoin Spark network has a low affinity for power regarding block confirmation. The network’s lightweight feature allows miners to use handheld electric gadgets to execute the mining process regarding earnings delivered in BTCS, the native digital asset of the Bitcoin Spark network.
與比特幣網路上的老一代工作量證明共識機制不同,比特幣 Spark 網路上的自適應工作量證明共識在區塊確認方面對權力的親和力較低。該網路的輕量級功能允許礦工使用手持式電子設備來執行以 BTCS(比特幣 Spark 網路的本地數位資產)提供的收益的挖掘過程。
For this reason, the Bitcoin Spark team has developed an online mining application available on Android, iOS, Mac OS, Linux, and Windows that will go live after the Bitcoin Spark mainnet launches. This application will utilize the mining device’s Central Processing Unit (CPU) or the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) together with the Random Access Memory (RAM) through the Contract Wolf audited Bitcoin Spark smart contract.
為此,Bitcoin Spark 團隊開發了一款可在 Android、iOS、Mac OS、Linux 和 Windows 上使用的線上挖礦應用程序,該應用程式將在 Bitcoin Spark 主網啟動後上線。該應用程式將透過 Contract Wolf 審核的 Bitcoin Spark 智慧合約,利用挖礦設備的中央處理單元 (CPU) 或圖形處理單元 (GPU) 以及隨機存取記憶體 (RAM)。

The application will also provide wallet services for the Bitcoin Spark community members, featuring various networks alongside the platform’s mainnet, such as Ripple, Ethereum, Solana, and BNB Smart Chain, among other blockchain ledgers, indicating the platform’s interoperability capacity. The wallet will receive two data streams from each official RPC provider due to its capacity to interact with multiple layers at the same time.
該應用程式還將為Bitcoin Spark 社群成員提供錢包服務,包括平台主網旁的各種網絡,例如Ripple、Ethereum、Solana 和BNB Smart Chain 以及其他區塊鏈分類賬,這表明了該平台的互操作能力。由於錢包能夠同時與多個層進行交互,因此錢包將從每個官方 RPC 提供者接收兩個資料流。
What is Solana?
Solana is a decentralized ledger founded in 2017 by Solana Labs as an open-source network. The platform hosts fast transaction speeds and a reliable network powering smart contracts. The activities of Solana are spearheaded by a nonprofit organization called Solana Foundation. The headquarters of the Solana Foundation is based in Geneva, Switzerland. The project performed impressively in the recent bull market but later suffered the crypto bloodbath at the onset of the 2022 bear market. Its involvement in the FTX debacle caused investors to flee to more promising projects. Currently, Solana whales are investing in Bitcoin Spark.
Solana 是一個去中心化帳本,由 Solana Labs 於 2017 年作為開源網路創建。該平台擁有快速的交易速度和支援智能合約的可靠網路。 Solana 的活動由名為 Solana 基金會的非營利組織主導。 Solana 基金會的總部位於瑞士日內瓦。該計畫在最近的多頭市場中表現出色,但後來在 2022 年熊市開始時遭遇了加密貨幣大屠殺。它捲入了 FTX 的崩潰,導致投資者紛紛轉向更有前景的項目。目前,Solana 鯨魚正在投資 Bitcoin Spark。
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了解有關比特幣 Spark 的更多資訊:
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