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Dogecoin To The Moon Mission Is Officially Confirmed


發布: 2023/11/23 22:33 閱讀: 479



In a historic moment for the crypto community, the official X account of Dogecoin has confirmed that a physical DOGE token will be sent to the moon. On October 24, Astrobotic communicated through their X account, “We have a launch date! Peregrine is set to journey into space aboard ULA launch’s Vulcan Rocket on Dec. 24, 2023. Stay tuned for more information on how to tune in and watch liftoff!”

對於加密社群來說,這是一個歷史性的時刻,狗狗幣官方 X 帳戶已確認將向月球發送實體 DOGE 代幣。 10 月 24 日,Astrobotic 透過他們的 X 帳戶進行交流,「我們已經確定了發布日期! Peregrine 將於 2023 年 12 月 24 日搭乘 ULA 發射的火神火箭進入太空。請繼續關注有關如何收聽和觀看升空的更多信息!”

Aligning with this, ULA tweeted about the Vulcan Rocket’s first certification mission (#Cert1), scheduled to launch on Sunday, Dec. 24, from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida. Liftoff from Cape Canaveral’s SLC-41 is scheduled for no earlier than (NET) December 24 at 1:49 AM ET.

與此一致的是,ULA 在推特上發布了有關火神火箭首次認證任務 (#Cert1) 的信息,該任務計劃於 12 月 24 日星期日從佛羅裡達州卡納維拉爾角太空部隊站發射。 SLC-41 定於不早於美國東部時間 12 月 24 日凌晨 1:49 從卡納維爾角升空。

The Dogecoin community, initially uncertain if the physical DOGE would be onboard, received confirmation today via the cryptocurrencies’ official X account:

狗狗幣社群最初不確定實體 DOGE 是否會加入,今天透過加密貨幣的官方 X 帳戶收到確認:

Dogecoin On The Moon Update: Exciting news for the Dogecoin community! Astrobotic plans to send a physical Dogecoin to the moon in the DHL Moonbox via ULA’s Vulcan Centaur Rocket on 12/23/2023. Funded by our community in 2015, this mission embodies collective effort!

狗狗幣月球更新:狗狗幣社群的令人興奮的消息! Astrobotic 計劃於 2023 年 12 月 23 日透過 ULA 的 Vulcan Centaur 火箭將實體狗狗幣透過 DHL Moonbox 發送到月球。 2015 年,我們的社區資助了這項使命,體現了集體努力!

Physical Dogecoin Goes To The Moon


Astrobotic has faced multiple launch delays over the years, but the confirmation of DOGE’s inclusion in the mission marks a significant milestone. The company discovered Dogecoins sent by the community back in 2015 during the integration of MoonBoxes with the Peregrine lunar lander. This discovery prompted a public acknowledgment by Astrobotic in 2021, tagging SpaceX founder Elon Musk and noting, “Dogecoin [is] actually going to the moon.”

多年來,Astrobotic 多次面臨發射延遲,但 DOGE 參與該任務的確認標誌著一個重要的里程碑。該公司早在 2015 年將 MoonBoxes 與 Peregrine 月球著陸器整合時就發現了社區發送的狗狗幣。這項發現促使 Astrobotic 在 2021 年公開承認,給 SpaceX 創始人埃隆馬斯克貼上標籤,並指出,“狗狗幣實際上正在登上月球。”

The vision to send a physical token to space, originally inspired by Elon Musk’s enthusiasm for DOGE meme coins, is thus becoming a reality. While SpaceX’s DOGE-1 mission has no clear schedule, Astrobotic will be the first to send DOGE to the moon.

最初受到 Elon Musk 對 DOGE meme 硬幣的熱情啟發,向太空發送物理代幣的願景正在成為現實。雖然 SpaceX 的 DOGE-1 任務沒有明確的時間表,但 Astrobotic 將是第一個將 DOGE 送上月球的任務。

Astrobotic, known for its advanced navigation and spacecraft systems, has emerged as a significant player in space exploration. The company’s fleet of lunar landers and rovers aims to deliver payloads to the Moon for a wide array of clients, advancing global access to space.

Astrobotic 以其先進的導航和太空船系統而聞名,已成為太空探索領域的重要參與者。該公司的月球著陸器和月球車車隊旨在為廣大客戶向月球運送有效載荷,推動全球進入太空。

The physical DOGE token will be carried to the moon aboard a DHL Moonbox, launched with ULA’s Vulcan Centaur Rocket, marking a symbolic victory for the community. This collective effort underlines the potential of crowdfunding and community engagement in achieving extraordinary goals.

實體 DOGE 代幣將透過 ULA 的 Vulcan Centaur 火箭發射的 DHL Moonbox 運送到月球,這標誌著社區的象徵性勝利。這種集體努力凸顯了群眾募資和社區參與在實現非凡目標的潛力。

The news of the launch has sparked excitement and speculation within the DOGE community. The announcement has had a noticeable impact on the price which spiked more than 8% within 2.5 hours to $0.0835. However, at press time, the DOGE price already retraced parts of its gains, trading at $0.0805.

這次發布的消息在 DOGE 社群內引發了興奮和猜測。該公告對價格產生了顯著影響,價格在 2.5 小時內飆升超過 8%,至 0.0835 美元。然而,截至發稿時,DOGE 價格已回吐部分漲幅,交易價格為 0.0805 美元。


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