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Dogecoin News: DOGE Price Eyeing $1 Before Bitcoin Halving?

狗狗幣新聞:狗狗幣價格在比特幣減半前瞄準 1 美元?

發布: 2023/12/18 15:04 閱讀: 732



New types of digital money in the crypto world keep popping up and going away. But there’s one called Dogecoin (DOGE) that people really like. It started as a joke about the growing cryptocurrency market but has become important in the crypto world. Yet, the coin is not doing well at the moment. In the last seven days, the DOGE price has decreased by almost 8%. Now, the question is will the DOGE price reach $1 before Bitcoin halving? Let’s take a look at this Dogecoin news article in more detail.

加密世界中的新型數位貨幣不斷出現和消失。但人們真正喜歡的是一種叫做狗狗幣(DOGE)的貨幣。它最初是關於不斷增長的加密貨幣市場的一個笑話,但在加密世界中已經變得非常重要。然而,該代幣目前表現不佳。在過去 7 天裡,DOGE 價格下跌了近 8%。現在的問題是,在比特幣減半之前,DOGE的價格會達到1美元嗎?讓我們更詳細地看一下這篇狗狗幣新聞。

Dogecoin news: How has the DOGE price moved in recent days?


As of today, Dogecoin is priced at $0.091700, and there’s been a total trading activity of $1.05 billion in the last 24 hours. The market value of Dogecoin is $13.05 billion, and it holds 0.83% of the total cryptocurrency market.

截至今天,狗狗幣的價格為 0.091700 美元,過去 24 小時內的總交易活動為 10.5 億美元。狗狗幣的市值為130.5億美元,佔加密貨幣市場總量的0.83%。

Over the past day, the price of Dogecoin has decreased by -3.65%. The highest price Dogecoin has ever reached was on May 8, 2021, at $0.738595, while its lowest recorded price was on May 7, 2015, at $0.00008547. Since reaching its highest, the lowest price Dogecoin has seen is $0.049701, and the highest price since that lowest point is $0.156883.

在過去的一天裡,狗狗幣的價格下跌了-3.65%。狗狗幣的最高價格是在 2021 年 5 月 8 日達到的,為 0.738595 美元,而其最低記錄價格是在 2015 年 5 月 7 日,為 0.00008547 美元。自達到最高點以來,狗狗幣的最低價格為 0.049701 美元,自最低點以來的最高價格為 0.156883 美元。

Currently, the prediction for Dogecoin’s future price is not very optimistic, and the Fear & Greed Index, which measures market sentiment, is at 65, indicating a level of greed.


In terms of supply, there are currently 142.28 billion Dogecoins in circulation. The yearly supply inflation rate is 7.24%, resulting in the creation of 9.61 billion Dogecoins in the past year. Dogecoin is ranked second in the Proof-of-Work Coins sector, first in the Meme Coins sector, and eighth in the Layer 1 sector based on market cap.

就供應量而言,目前流通中的狗狗幣數量為 1,422.8 億枚。年供應通膨率為 7.24%,去年創造了 96.1 億枚狗狗幣。根據市值,狗狗幣在工作量證明幣領域排名第二,在 Meme 幣領域排名第一,在 Layer 1 領域排名第八。


—> 點此購買狗狗

Why is the DOGE price down?


In the year 2023, there has been a notable decline in the number of people who became millionaires through Dogecoin. The count of addresses holding more than $1 million in DOGE has gone down from 1,046 in November 2022 to 623 as of December 18. The decrease is more significant among those with larger holdings, as the number of addresses with over $10 million in DOGE has dropped from 160 to 107.

2023年,透過狗狗幣成為百萬富翁的人數顯著下降。持有DOGE 超過100 萬美元的地址數量已從2022 年11 月的1,046 個減少到截至12 月18 日的623 個。隨著持有DOGE 超過1000 萬美元的地址數量下降,持有量較大的地址數量下降更為顯著。從 160 到 107。

The decrease in the number of wealthy Dogecoin holders seems to be connected to a significant drop in the value of the cryptocurrency. Dogecoin’s price has decreased by nearly 50%, falling from $0.15 in November 2022 to the current price of approximately $0.0917. This bearish trend is in line with a broader decline in interest in meme coins, including others such as Pepe (PEPE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), and Floki (FLOKI).

富有的狗狗幣持有者數量的減少似乎與加密貨幣價值的大幅下跌有關。狗狗幣的價格下跌了近 50%,從 2022 年 11 月的 0.15 美元跌至目前的約 0.0917 美元。這種看跌趨勢與人們對 Meme 代幣的興趣普遍下降一致,包括 Pepe (PEPE)、Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Floki (FLOKI) 等其他代幣。


—> 點此購買狗狗

How high will the DOGE price go before Bitcoin halving 2024?

2024 年比特幣減半前 DOGE 價格會漲到多高?

Over the last year, DOGE has shown a positive performance, with a 15% increase in its price. This suggests a favorable market sentiment and growing interest in the cryptocurrency.

去年,DOGE 表現出色,價格上漲了 15%。這顯示市場情緒良好,人們對加密貨幣的興趣日益濃厚。

Another positive indicator is that DOGE is currently trading above its 200-day simple moving average, signaling a potential uptrend. Additionally, with 19 out of the last 30 days being green (a 63% positive trend), there’s consistent positive momentum in the short term.

另一個積極指標是 DOGE 目前交易於 200 日簡單移動平均線上方,顯示潛在的上升趨勢。此外,過去 30 天中有 19 天呈現綠色(63% 的正面趨勢),短期內存在持續的正面動力。

High liquidity, as indicated by its market cap, is a strength for DOGE. This means there’s a good amount of trading activity and interest, providing a stable environment for potential price growth.

正如其市值所示,高流動性是 DOGE 的優勢。這意味著有大量的交易活動和興趣,為潛在的價格增長提供了穩定的環境。

However, it’s essential to consider the risk factors. The fact that Dogecoin (DOGE) was outperformed by 67% of other assets in the past year is a notable consideration. This suggests that a significant portion of other cryptocurrencies or financial instruments had a better performance than Dogecoin during that specific period. It has been outperformed by Bitcoin and Ethereum. Being down -88% from its all-time high suggests that DOGE has experienced significant volatility in the past.

然而,必須考慮風險因素。去年,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的表現優於 67% 的其他資產,這是一個值得注意的因素。這表明,在該特定時期內,其他有很大一部分加密貨幣或金融工具的表現優於狗狗幣。它的表現被比特幣和以太坊超越。較歷史高點下跌 -88% 表示 DOGE 過去經歷過大幅波動。

Additionally, the yearly inflation rate of 7.24% could impact the long-term value of DOGE. This means that new DOGE coins are being created, potentially affecting their scarcity and overall value.

此外,7.24%的年通膨率可能會影響DOGE的長期價值。這意味著新的 DOGE 幣正在被創建,可能會影響其稀缺性和整體價值。

While positive indicators like the recent price increase, trading above the moving average, and high liquidity suggest the potential for DOGE growth, it’s crucial to consider the risks, including its historical volatility, performance compared to other top assets, and the impact of inflation. 

雖然近期價格上漲、交易高於移動平均線和高流動性等積極指標表明 DOGE 具有成長潛力,但考慮風險至關重要,包括其歷史波動性、與其他頂級資產相比的表現以及通膨的影響。


—> 點此購買狗狗

Will Dogecoin ever surpass $1?

狗狗幣會突破 1 美元嗎?

Elon Musk had once envisioned Dogecoin as the global currency, even for Mars. However, present market conditions are prompting a reevaluation of such optimistic views. While many current Dogecoin predictions lean towards a more cautious outlook, some still hold onto the belief that Dogecoin could reach the $1 mark.

伊隆馬斯克曾經將狗狗幣設想為全球貨幣,甚至是火星的貨幣。然而,目前的市場狀況正在促使人們重新評估這種樂觀的觀點。儘管目前許多狗狗幣預測傾向於更加謹慎的前景,但有些人仍然堅信狗狗幣可能會達到 1 美元大關。

The rationale behind this optimism stems from Dogecoin’s impressive growth history. Starting at just $0.005 on January 1, 2021, the coin surged to $0.1715 by December 31 of the same year. This rapid growth suggests that, given the right conditions, Dogecoin has the potential to reach $1. However, this might not materialize in the near future, especially if the crypto market experiences a prolonged period of decline, often referred to as a “crypto winter.”

這種樂觀情緒背後的理由源自於狗狗幣令人印象深刻的成長歷史。 2021 年 1 月 1 日,該代幣的價格僅為 0.005 美元,到同年 12 月 31 日飆升至 0.1715 美元。這種快速增長表明,如果條件合適,狗狗幣有潛力達到 1 美元。然而,這可能不會在不久的將來實現,特別是如果加密貨幣市場經歷長期下滑(通常被稱為「加密貨幣冬天」)。

Buy DOGE with Bitget with the CHEAPEST Fees

透過 Bitget 以最便宜的費用購買 DOGE

Bitget stands out as a reliable crypto exchange. It provides a user-friendly interface, making it easy for both beginners and experienced traders to navigate and make transactions at the lowest fees on the market. To get started with Bitget, you need to create an account, complete the necessary KYC procedures, and then you can begin trading a variety of altcoins available on the platform.

Bitget 作為可靠的加密貨幣交易所脫穎而出。它提供了一個用戶友好的介面,使初學者和經驗豐富的交易者都可以輕鬆導航並以市場上最低的費用進行交易。要開始使用 Bitget,您需要建立一個帳戶,完成必要的 KYC 程序,然後您就可以開始交易平台上提供的各種山寨幣。


—> 點此購買狗狗


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