首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 乘著 BONK 浪潮:Solana Saga 手機在 eBay 上飆升至 3,000 美元,引發價格上漲 5 倍!

Riding the BONK Wave: Solana Saga Phones Surge to $3K on eBay, Igniting 5X Price Hikes!

乘著 BONK 浪潮:Solana Saga 手機在 eBay 上飆升至 3,000 美元,引發價格上漲 5 倍!

發布: 2023/12/18 15:09 閱讀: 560

原文作者:CoinPedia News


乘著 BONK 浪潮:Solana Saga 手機在 eBay 上飆升至 3,000 美元,引發價格上漲 5 倍!

The post Riding the BONK Wave: Solana Saga Phones Surge to $3K on eBay, Igniting 5X Price Hikes! appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

乘著 BONK 浪潮的貼文:Solana Saga 手機在 eBay 上飆升至 3,000 美元,引發價格上漲 5 倍!首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

The recent rally in BONK’s price can be largely attributed to the success of Solana, with which it shares a symbiotic relationship. Recently, the Solana Saga phone has become a hot commodity, fetching staggering prices in online markets like eBay, with one sale today hitting $5,000. Initial sales of these phones were underwhelming, but their resale value has skyrocketed, with the “floor” price now hovering around $2,000.

BONK 價格最近的上漲很大程度上歸功於 Solana 的成功,它與 Solana 有著共生關係。最近,Solana Saga 手機已成為熱門商品,在 eBay 等線上市場上售價驚人,今天的售價達到 5,000 美元。這些手機最初的銷量並不理想,但其轉售價值卻一路飆升,目前「底價」徘徊在 2,000 美元左右。

Solana Saga’s BONKers Price Tag

Solana Saga 的 BONKers 價格標籤

Owners of the Solana Saga phone are eligible for airdrops, notably the BONK meme coin, which has fueled a wave of excitement. These phones were grabbed up quickly, particularly after traders realized the lucrative potential: each phone included 30 million BONK tokens, significantly boosting demand as BONK’s value surged. As per the latest update, two phones sold for $5,000 each yesterday and another sold today for $3,361. These sellers already had the phones physically, while several other sellers seem to be waiting to ship the devices.

Solana Saga 手機的擁有者有資格獲得空投,特別是 BONK meme 硬幣,這引發了一陣興奮。這些手機很快就被搶購一空,尤其是在交易員意識到其利潤豐厚的潛力之後:每部手機都包含 3000 萬個 BONK 代幣,隨著 BONK 價值的飆升,需求大幅增加。根據最新更新,昨天兩款手機的售價分別為 5,000 美元,今天另一款手機的售價為 3,361 美元。這些賣家已經收到了這些手機,而其他幾家賣家似乎正在等待發貨。

On the Flip Side!


Notably, the Saga phone offers more than just airdrop tokens. It includes perks like a free month of access to Helium Mobile and a complimentary toy. Additionally, the dApp Store on the Saga phone promises special rewards for holders. 

值得注意的是,Saga 手機提供的不僅僅是空投代幣。它包括免費使用 Helium Mobile 一個月和免費玩具等福利。此外,Saga 手機上的 dApp Store 承諾為持有者提供特別獎勵。

Recent reports indicate a surge in Saga phone resales, with some devices selling for over $5,000. The high resale prices, driven by the allure of BONK tokens and additional perks, reflect the fervor surrounding these sought-after devices. 

最近的報告顯示,Saga 手機的轉售量激增,一些設備的售價超過 5,000 美元。 BONK 代幣的吸引力和額外福利推動了高轉售價格,反映出人們對這些搶手設備的熱情。

Bonk’s Trading Prowess and Market Impact

Bonk 的交易能力和市場影響

Recently, Coinbase’s announcement of BONK trading set off a surge in the token’s price, gaining traction in the crypto market on December 14. The momentum continued as Binance offered zero-fee trading for BONK, propelling the token’s position among top meme coins. Additionally, Solana, the token’s parent currency, gained attention by surpassing Ethereum in 24-hour DEX volume.

最近,Coinbase 宣布推出BONK 交易,引發了該代幣價格的飆升,並於12 月14 日在加密貨幣市場上獲得了關注。隨著幣安為BONK 提供零費用交易,這一勢頭仍在繼續,推動了該代幣在頂級meme 代幣中的地位。此外,該代幣的母幣 Solana 因 24 小時 DEX 交易量超過以太坊而受到關注。

As of writing, Bonk, despite a recent 16.76% drop to $0.00002473, has charted a remarkable weekly surge of 73% and a staggering 750% rise over the month. Meanwhile, its trading volume dipped by 27.78% to $1.2 billion, but it managed to beat Dogecoin and Shiba Inu in trading volume over the last 24 hours. In comparison, Dogecoin gained 17% in the last 30 days, and Shiba Inu saw a 12% increase. In the midst of this, Solana faced a 5.38% dip to $74.59, showing a contrasting market performance to Bonk’s recent price movements. 

截至本文撰寫時,Bonk 儘管最近下跌 16.76% 至 0.00002473 美元,但每週漲幅驚人,達到 73%,本月漲幅驚人,達到 750%。與此同時,其交易量下降了 27.78% 至 12 億美元,但在過去 24 小時內的交易量擊敗了狗狗幣和柴犬。相比之下,狗狗幣在過去 30 天內上漲了 17%,柴犬則上漲了 12%。在此期間,Solana 下跌 5.38% 至 74.59 美元,與 Bonk 最近的價格走勢形成鮮明對比。

What next? 


Last year’s record-setting success made BONK a huge hit this year, driving up demand among market participants. People who trade in assets are working hard to get their hands on memecoin because they think it will make their money in the long run. For example, the phone is being sold out all over the world.



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