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Dogecoin and Pepe: The Rise of Memecoins


發布: 2023/11/05 00:15 閱讀: 629



Crypto analyst The Flow Horse, closely monitoring the realization of his predictions, made a remarkable forecast that the biggest memecoin, Dogecoin (DOGE), is preparing for a bullish rally. The analyst, expecting a price increase of over 2x in DOGE, also stated that another popular memecoin, Pepe (PEPE), will rise in the short term.

加密貨幣分析師 The Flow Horse 密切關注其預測的實現,並做出了一個引人注目的預測:最大的迷因幣狗狗幣 (DOGE) 正在為看漲反彈做準備。該分析師預計 DOGE 的價格將上漲 2 倍以上,並表示另一種流行的 memecoin Pepe (PEPE) 將在短期內上漲。

“Dogecoin Will Bark Again Soon”


Anonymous crypto analyst The Flow Horse stated on his personal X account (formerly known as Twitter) that DOGE has a lot of upward potential after surpassing the descending resistance trend line on the weekly chart. The analyst used the following statements to explain his expectations for the memecoin:

匿名加密貨幣分析師 The Flow Horse 在其個人 X 帳戶(前身為 Twitter)上表示,DOGE 在突破週線圖上的下降阻力趨勢線後,有很大的上漲潛力。該分析師使用以下陳述來解釋他對 memecoin 的期望:

All risky assets are rising in price. I always remind myself that Elon Musk owns X and that the movements of the world’s beloved memecoin are extremely limited. I think DOGE will bark again soon.

所有風險資產的價格都在上漲。我總是提醒自己,馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 擁有 X,而世界上深受喜愛的迷因幣的流動性極其有限。我想狗狗很快就會再吠叫。

At the time of writing this article, DOGE is trading at $0.06884, with a 2.57% increase in the past 24 hours. Looking at the Dogecoin chart shared by the analyst, it is clearly visible that the target level he expects to reach is $0.1515.

在撰寫本文時,DOGE 的交易價格為 0.06884 美元,過去 24 小時內上漲了 2.57%。查看分析師分享的狗狗幣圖表,可以清楚地看到他預計達到的目標水準是 0.1515 美元。

According to the Analyst, PEPE’s Rise Can Continue Under FOMO

分析師表示,在 FOMO 的影響下,PEPE 的上漲可能會持續

The Flow Horse continued the topic through memecoins and mentioned Pepe, stating that the beloved memecoin is gathering strength to move upward. While the analyst warns that there could be a further drop during this consolidation phase, he added that the likelihood of PEPE losing most of its gains soon is low:

流馬透過memecoin繼續話題,並提到了Pepe,表示深受喜愛的memecoin正在積蓄向上的力量。儘管分析師警告稱,在此盤整階段可能會進一步下跌,但他補充說,PEPE 很快就失去大部分漲幅的可能性很低:

I added to my long position in PEPE futures. I believe we can drop a bit more, but I don’t think there will be a Burj Khalifa formation decline in the short term. As major altcoins rise further, I expect a bit more FOMO in PEPE.

我增加了 PEPE 期貨的多頭部位。我相信我們可以再下降一點,但我認為短期內不會出現哈利法塔形態下降的情況。隨著主要山寨幣的進一步上漲,我預計 PEPE 會出現更多的 FOMO 現象。

Burj Khalifa is a bearish formation that resembles the structure of the world’s tallest building, where a cryptocurrency loses most of its gains after a steep rise.


Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/dogecoin-and-pepe-the-rise-of-memecoins/



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