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None of My Companies Will Ever Create a Crypto Token: Musk


發布: 2023/11/05 00:16 閱讀: 801



On November 03, 2023, Elon Musk announced that his new venture xAI will debut artificial intelligence (AI). The ‘X’ (formerly Twitter) post of Musk dated November 3, states that his company will release its first AI to a select group. ‘In some important respects, it is the best that currently exists,’ he added, refering to the launch.

2023 年 11 月 3 日,馬斯克宣布他的新公司 xAI 將首次推出人工智慧 (AI)。馬斯克於 11 月 3 日發布的「X」(以前的 Twitter)貼文表示,他的公司將向特定群體發布其第一個人工智慧。 「在某些重要方面,它是目前最好的,」他在談到此次發佈時補充道。

When writing, xAI token was trading at $0.000000001582 with an intraday surge of 30.79%. However, in the past 24 hours, its trading volume soared over 230.08%. The market capitalization of xAI token is $79,118. 

在撰寫本文時,xAI 代幣的交易價格為 0.000000001582 美元,盤中飆升 30.79%。然而,在過去24小時內,其交易量激增超過230.08%。 xAI 代幣的市值為 79,118 美元。

This is not the first time when a surge in xAI token price has been observed. Almost every time Musk makes a statement, a significant surge in the trading price can be seen. In a statement, he said that “to be super clear, none of my company will ever create a crypto token.”

這並不是第一次觀察到 xAI 代幣價格飆升。幾乎每次馬斯克發表聲明,都能看到交易價格大幅飆升。他在一份聲明中表示,“非常明確的是,我的公司不會創建加密代幣。”

Notably, Elon Musk may be planning to launch a cryptocurrency wallet for X users. Musk’s announcement over the xAI will create competition in the AI industry.

值得注意的是,馬斯克可能計劃為 X 用戶推出加密貨幣錢包。馬斯克關於 xAI 的宣布將引發人工智慧產業的競爭。

Will Dogecoin be Affected by xAI’s Launch?


Doge is one of the top meme coins. At the time of writing this article, it was trading at $0.06887 with an intraday surge of 2.70%, while its trading volume declined 39.05% in the past 24 hours. 

Doge 是頂級模因幣之一。截至撰寫本文時,其交易價格為 0.06887 美元,盤中飆升 2.70%,而過去 24 小時內交易量下降了 39.05%。

As per market analysts, Doge price might get affected from the operation and contribution of xAI, as the company belongs to Elon Musk. One of the leading electric car manufacturers Tesla accept cryptocurrency payments via Dogecoins. 

市場分析師認為,Doge 的價格可能會受到 xAI 的營運和貢獻的影響,因為該公司屬於 Elon Musk。領先的電動車製造商之一特斯拉接受透過狗狗幣進行加密貨幣支付。



The views and opinions stated by the author or any people named in this article are for informational ideas only and do not establish financial, investment, or other advice. Investing in or trading crypto or stock comes with a risk of financial loss. 



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