首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣價格預測:DOGE 維持在 0.06 美元——新的牛市即將開始嗎?

Dogecoin Price Prediction: DOGE Holds at $0.06 – Is a New Bull Run Starting?

狗狗幣價格預測:DOGE 維持在 0.06 美元——新的牛市即將開始嗎?

發布: 2023/09/27 22:07 閱讀: 811



The Dogecoin price has jumped by 0.5% in the past hour, with the meme token rising to $0.060839, where it marks a 0% gain in the past 24 hours.

Despite its gain, DOGE remains down by 2.5% in a week and by the same percentage in the last 30 days, with the coin also having declined by 13.5% since the beginning of the year.

Given that many major tokens (e.g. BTC, ETH, XRP, SOL) have actually risen since January, this counts as an underperformance for the famous meme token, which has suffered from a lack of positive news and developments.

Yet with the Dogecoin community holding out for some kind of integration with X (formerly Twitter), it may not be long before a new bull run begins.

Dogecoin Price Prediction: DOGE Holds at $0.06 – Is a New Bull Run Starting?

Dogecoin has been oversold for a long time now, with its indicators all remaining in very weakened positions.

Yet such positions suggest that the coin continues to be sold at a steep discount, and that a recovery has been long overdue.

For example, DOGE's relative strength index (purple) remains at the 40 level, and it's actually been lower than 40 and close to 30 since the middle of August.

For a normal asset, this is a long time to be oversold, with DOGE's 30-day moving average (yellow) also signalling that the market has undervalued the meme token for several months.

However, it's medium-term support level (green) is worrying, insofar as it hasn't really risen in the past few weeks, suggesting that further losses could be incoming before DOGE can mount a serious recovery.

Yet the past hour's gain hints at a possible changing of fortunes, even if there's nothing fundamental about Dogecoin and its recent happenings which would call for a buying frenzy.

Indeed, the coin has witnessed no significant news in the past few weeks, save for Elon Musk responding to a tweet from DogeDesigner, who called on X/Twitter to retire the birdhouse icon that's used to represent the social network's homepage.

Admittedly, this hardly counts as 'significant' news, unless you want to take Elon Musk's willingness to interact with members of the Dogecoin community as an indication that he still very much supports DOGE and wants to integrate it with X.

However, such an interpretation would probably be premature, even if X clearly has plans to introduce payments of some form in the not-too distant future, having received money transmitter licences in the past few weeks and months.

Assuming that X does introduce DOGE payments, there's little doubt that the token would rocket.

Yet there has been no real indication that X will introduce crypto (rather than fiat) payments just yet, as well as no real indication that DOGE will be prioritized over other cryptocurrencies.

New Altcoins With Strong Fundamentals

As an alternative to DOGE (which may take a long time to move significantly), many traders may prefer to diversify into newer altcoins, which can have a higher probability of posting strong, market-beating gains.

This is particularly the case with presale tokens, which can often surge when listing on exchanges.

And one of the most appealing presale coins right now is TG.Casino (TGC), a new Ethereum-based casino that uses Telegram and cryptocurrency to offer an innovative approach to online gambling.

Having begun its presale at the end of last week, TG.Casino has already raised over $220,000, with the speed of this raise offering some indication of the interest in the new project from investors.

What's unique and interesting about TG.Casino is that it will have a significant presence on Telegram, where it will tap into pre-existing communities of cryptocurrency investors and online gamers, who will form the platform's userbase.

Yet as a blockchain-based gaming ecosystem, its platform will also use smart contracts to provide fairness and transparency in its bets and games, so that users will receive instant payouts whenever they win.

Its platform will feature a wide variety of games, from traditional casino-style propositions to video games, meaning that it should provide something for almost everyone.

Its native token, TGC, will be used to pay platform fees and for staking, thereby earning its holders a passive income.

TGC will have a total maximum supply of 100 million tokens, with 40% of this supply going to the presale, 20% going to staking rewards, 20% going to DEX liquidity, and 10% to gaming rewards (another 10% will go to marketing and affiliates).

Set to run for the next few weeks, anyone can participate in TGC's sale, simply by going to the official TG.Casino website and connecting their wallets.

1 TGC will sell for $0.125 for the entire sale, with the coin's fundamental likely to help it rally big once the sale ends and it lists on exchanges.

Visit TG.Casino Now

Disclaimer: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. You could lose all of your capital.

資料來源:TradingView 狗狗幣價格在過去一小時內上漲了0.5%,meme 代幣上漲至0.060839 美元,在過去24 小時內漲幅為0%。儘管有所上漲,但DOGE 在一周內仍下跌了2.5% ,在過去30 天內,該幣種也以同樣的百分比下跌,自年初以來也下跌了13.5%。鑑於許多主要代幣(例如BTC、ETH、XRP、SOL)自1 月以來實際上已經上漲,這算作著名的 Meme 代幣表現不佳,缺乏積極的消息和發展。然而,隨著狗狗幣社區堅持與 X(以前的 Twitter)進行某種整合,新的牛市可能很快就會開始.Dogecoin價格預測:DOGE維持在0.06美元——新一輪牛市即將開始嗎?Dogecoin已經超賣很長時間了,其指標均處於非常疲弱的位置。來源:TradingView然而,這樣的位置表明該代幣仍在繼續被拋售例如,DOGE的相對強弱指數(紫色)保持在40的水平,實際上自8月中旬以來一直低於40並接近30。資產,這是一個很長一段時間的超賣,DOGE 的30 天移動平均線(黃色)也表明市場已經低估了meme 代幣幾個月了。然而,它的中期支撐位(綠色)令人擔憂,到目前為止因為它在過去幾週並沒有真正上漲,這表明在狗狗幣能夠嚴重復甦之前,可能會出現進一步的損失。然而,過去一個小時的上漲暗示著命運可能會發生變化,即使狗狗幣及其它的基本面沒有什麼事實上,在過去的幾周里,除了 Elon Musk)回應DogeDesigner 的一條推文外,該幣並沒有出現任何重大新聞,DogeDesigner 呼籲X/Twitter 取消過去使用的鳥舍圖標。不可否認,這很難算是「重大」新聞,除非你想把Elon Musk 願意與Dogecoin 社群成員互動的跡象視為他仍然非常支持DOGE 並希望將其與X 整合然而,這樣的解釋可能還為時過早,即使X 明確計劃在不久的將來引入某種形式的支付,並在過去幾週和幾個月內獲得了貨幣轉移許可證。假設X 確實引入了DOGE毫無疑問,該代幣將會飆升。然而,目前還沒有真正的跡象表明X 將引入加密貨幣(而不是法定貨幣)支付,也沒有真正的跡象表明DOGE 將優先於其他加密貨幣。新的山寨幣強大的基本面作為DOGE 的替代品(可能需要很長時間才能大幅波動),許多交易者可能更願意投資於更新的山寨幣,這些山寨幣更有可能獲得強勁、跑贏市場的收益。預售尤其如此代幣在交易所上市時往往會飆升。目前最有吸引力的預售代幣之一是TG.Casino (TGC),這是一家基於以太坊的新賭場,使用Telegram 和加密貨幣提供在線賭博的創新方法。TG.Casino 於上週末開始預售,已籌集超過220,000 美元,此次融資的速度在一定程度上表明了投資者對新項目的興奮。TG.Casino 的獨特之處和有趣之處在於,它將在Telegram 上佔有重要地位,它將利用現有的加密貨幣投資者和線上遊戲玩家社區,他們將構成該平台的用戶群。然而,作為一個基於區塊鏈的遊戲生態系統,其平台還將使用智能合約來提供公平性和安全性。其投注和遊戲的透明度,以便用戶在獲勝時立即獲得支付。其平台將提供各種各樣的遊戲,從傳統賭場式的命題到視頻遊戲,這意味著它應該為幾乎每個人提供一些東西。代幣TGC將用於支付平台費用和質押,從而為其持有者賺取被動收入。TGC的總最大供應量為1億個代幣,其中40%用於預售,20%用於預售質押獎勵,20% 用於DEX 流動性,10% 用於遊戲獎勵(另外10% 將用於行銷和附屬機構)。將在接下來的幾週內運行,任何人都可以參與TGC的銷售,只需前往官方TG.Casino 網站並連接他們的錢包。1 TGC 整個銷售將以0.125 美元的價格出售,一旦銷售結束並在交易所上市,該代幣的基本面可能會幫助其大幅反彈.立即存取TG.Casino 免責聲明:加密貨幣是一種高價值的貨幣-風險資產類別。本文僅供參考,不構成投資建議。您可能會損失所有資本。




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