首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著 DOGE 成為世界頂級迷因幣,狗狗幣價格預測 – DOGE 能在 2024 年達到 10 美元嗎?

Dogecoin Price Prediction as DOGE Becomes Top Meme Coin in the World – Can DOGE Reach $10 in 2024?

隨著 DOGE 成為世界頂級迷因幣,狗狗幣價格預測 – DOGE 能在 2024 年達到 10 美元嗎?

發布: 2023/10/17 20:16 閱讀: 665



The Dogecoin price has held to $0.060052 today, marking a 0% move in 24 hours and 1.5% gain in the past week.

資料來源:TradingView 狗狗幣價格今天維持在 0.060052 美元,24 小時內上漲 0%,過去一週上漲 1.5%。

DOGE remains down by 3.5% in a month, however, with the meme token also having declined by 13.5% since the beginning of January.

然而,DOGE 在一個月內仍下跌了 3.5%,而 Meme 代幣自 1 月初以來也下跌了 13.5%。

Yet DOGE's positivity over the past week has reinforced its position as the market's biggest meme token, with the altcoin also remaining in the top 10 of cryptocurrencies by market cap.

然而,DOGE 過去一周的積極態度鞏固了其作為市場最大模因代幣的地位,按市值計算,該山寨幣也保持在加密貨幣前 10 名之列。

And with the market primed to rally big if and when a Bitcoin ETF is approved, DOGE may be in line for some big gains soon, particularly if there's any more news on Twitter's ongoing attempts to introduce digital payments.

如果比特幣 ETF 獲得批准,市場將大幅上漲,DOGE 可能很快就會大幅上漲,特別是如果有更多關於 Twitter 持續嘗試引入數位支付的消息的話。

Dogecoin Price Prediction as DOGE Becomes Top Meme Coin in the World – Can DOGE Reach $10 in 2024?

Despite DOGE's rises of the past week, its indicators continue to look fairly subdued, with there currently being no technical suggestion that a rally may be imminent.

DOGE 成為世界頂級Meme 代幣時的狗狗幣價格預測– DOGE 在2024 年能否達到10 美元?儘管DOGE 在過去一周有所上漲,但其指標仍然看起來相當低迷,目前沒有技術表明反彈可能即將到來。

For one, DOGE's relative strength index (purple) has stalled after attempting to rise to 50 earlier last week, with the indicator currently stuck at around 45, which is suggestive of neither overselling nor any real buying momentum.

資料來源:TradingView 首先,DOGE 的相對強弱指數(紫色)在上週早些時候試圖升至50 後已陷入停滯,該指標目前停留在45 左右,這既表明既沒有超賣,也沒有任何真正的購買動力。

It's a similar story with the meme token's 30-day exponential moving average (yellow), which continues to slide further below its 200-day average (blue), despite already being some distance underneath it.

Meme 代幣的 30 天指數移動平均線(黃色)也是如此,儘管已經低於 200 天平均線(藍色),但該平均線仍繼續進一步下滑。

Just as disconcerting is DOGE's support level (green), which has slid downwards consistently since the middle of August, and while Dogecoin has seen an increase in the past week, previous experience would show that momentary rises can take place in the context of an overall decline.

同樣令人不安的是DOGE 的支撐位(綠色),自8 月中旬以來一直在下滑,而狗狗幣在過去一周有所增加,但先前的經驗表明,在整體上漲的背景下,可能會出現短暫的上漲。衰退。

These concerns aside, yesterday's market-wide rally shows how the approval of a Bitcoin ETF would benefit most cryptocurrencies, including Dogecoin.

拋開這些擔憂不談,昨天的全市場反彈表明,比特幣 ETF 的批准將如何有利於大多數加密貨幣,包括狗狗幣。

Such an approval would serve to legitimize the entire crypto sector, thereby increasing demand for DOGE itself (among many other tokens), something which will only boost its price over time.

這樣的批准將有助於使整個加密貨幣行業合法化,從而增加對 DOGE 本身(以及許多其他代幣)的需求,這只會隨著時間的推移而推高其價格。

Of course, this wouldn't help DOGE any more than it would help other cryptocurrencies, with the meme token having little else in terms of fundamentals to support its price in the longer term.

當然,這對 DOGE 的幫助並不比對其他加密貨幣的幫助大,因為從長遠來看,meme 代幣在基本面方面幾乎沒有其他支撐其價格的因素。

Its only real hope is the long-running saga related to cryptocurrency payments on X (formerly Twitter), which has undoubtedly been working towards introducing digital payments of some kind on its platform.

它唯一真正的希望是與 X(以前稱為 Twitter)上的加密貨幣支付相關的長期傳奇,毫無疑問,X 一直致力於在其平台上引入某種數位支付。

There's currently no firm indication that DOGE would be selected ahead of other cryptocurrencies if X does bring in payments, even if Elon Musk is a long-term supporter of the meme token.

目前沒有明確的跡象表明,如果 X 確實帶來了支付,DOGE 將優先於其他加密貨幣被選中,即使馬斯克是 meme 代幣的長期支持者。

Still, if this ever does happen, DOGE would rocket overnight, potentially hitting whole figures.

不過,如果這種情況真的發生,DOGE 將會一夜之間飆升,有可能達到整數。

But if it doesn't, expect Dogecoin to fall further behind other major cryptocurrencies, with a continued bear market likely to push it further down until sentiment significantly improves.


Stronger Meme Tokens

Because DOGE isn't likely to enjoy a big rally for a while, many traders may prefer to look into newer meme tokens, particularly those that are still awaiting their first initial growth spurts (which are usually bigger than later rallies).

更強的Meme 代幣由於DOGE 在一段時間內不太可能出現大幅上漲,因此許多交易者可能更願意研究較新的Meme 代幣,特別是那些仍在等待首次初始增長突增的代幣(通常比後來的反彈更大)。

One way of finding such tokens is by looking at the latest presales, with some presale coins boasting encouragingly strong fundamentals.


This includes Meme Kombat (MK), an Ethereum-based betting platform that has raised more than $500,000 since launching its sale several weeks ago.

其中包括 Meme Kombat (MK),這是一個基於以太坊的投注平台,自幾週前推出以來已籌集了超過 50 萬美元。

What has helped Meme Kombat attract such funding is its interestingly unique platform, which will enable to users to bet on the outcomes of AI-generated battles between meme characters.

Meme Kombat 吸引此類資金的原因是其有趣的獨特平台,該平台將使用戶能夠對 AI 生成的 Meme 角色之間的戰鬥結果進行押注。

Put differently, Meme Kombat's platform will regularly stage randomized battles between memes (as well as hosting other games), with players invited to bet against each other or against the platform itself in predicting the winners of such battles.

換句話說,Meme Kombat 的平台將定期在 meme 之間進行隨機戰鬥(以及舉辦其他遊戲),並邀請玩家相互打賭或與平臺本身對賭,以預測此類戰鬥的獲勝者。

Bets will be waged and reward in native token MK, which will have a hard cap of 120 million tokens, with 50% of this being allocated to the presale.

投注和獎勵將以原生代幣 MK 進行,該代幣的硬上限為 1.2 億枚代幣,其中 50% 用於預售。

Another 30% will go to battle and staking rewards, with the ability to stake MK making it doubly profitable for holders.

另外 30% 將投入戰鬥並質押獎勵,質押 MK 的能力使其為持有者帶來雙倍的利潤。

Such tokenomics have clearly helped Meme Kombat attract investors to its presale, with the platform also being helped by its entertaining and playful use of popular memes, which in the crypto space should help draw a big community.

這種代幣經濟學顯然幫助 Meme Kombat 吸引了投資者進行預售,該平台還得益於對流行模因的娛樂性和有趣的使用,這在加密貨幣領域應該有助於吸引一個大社區。

New investors can participate in the presale simply by going to Meme Kombat's official website, with 1 MK priced at $0.1667 for the entire presale.

新投資者只需前往 Meme Kombat 官方網站即可參加預售,整個預售 1 MK 售價為 0.1667 美元。

Once the sale ends MK will list on exchanges, where it could very easily rally big, making it one of the fastest-growing meme tokens in the market.

一旦銷售結束,MK 將在交易所上市,在那裡它可以輕鬆地大幅上漲,使其成為市場上成長最快的迷因代幣之一。

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Disclaimer: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. You could lose all of your capital.





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