フロントページ > 情報ニュース > DOGE が世界トップのミームコインになる中、Dogecoin 価格予測 - DOGE は 2024 年に 10 ドルに到達できるか?

Dogecoin Price Prediction as DOGE Becomes Top Meme Coin in the World – Can DOGE Reach $10 in 2024?

DOGE が世界トップのミームコインになる中、Dogecoin 価格予測 - DOGE は 2024 年に 10 ドルに到達できるか?

リリース: 2023/10/17 20:16 読む: 665



The Dogecoin price has held to $0.060052 today, marking a 0% move in 24 hours and 1.5% gain in the past week.


DOGE remains down by 3.5% in a month, however, with the meme token also having declined by 13.5% since the beginning of January.


Yet DOGE's positivity over the past week has reinforced its position as the market's biggest meme token, with the altcoin also remaining in the top 10 of cryptocurrencies by market cap.


And with the market primed to rally big if and when a Bitcoin ETF is approved, DOGE may be in line for some big gains soon, particularly if there's any more news on Twitter's ongoing attempts to introduce digital payments.


Dogecoin Price Prediction as DOGE Becomes Top Meme Coin in the World – Can DOGE Reach $10 in 2024?

Despite DOGE's rises of the past week, its indicators continue to look fairly subdued, with there currently being no technical suggestion that a rally may be imminent.

DOGE が世界トップのミームコインになるにつれ、ドージコインの価格予測 – 2024 年に DOGE は 10 ドルに到達できるでしょうか? DOGE の先週の上昇にもかかわらず、その指標は引き続きかなり抑制されており、現時点で上昇が差し迫っている可能性を示す技術的な示唆はありません。

For one, DOGE's relative strength index (purple) has stalled after attempting to rise to 50 earlier last week, with the indicator currently stuck at around 45, which is suggestive of neither overselling nor any real buying momentum.

出典:TradingView まず、DOGEの相対力指数(紫)は、先週初めに50まで上昇しようとした後に失速しており、現在この指数は約45で止まっており、これは売り過ぎも実際の買いの勢いもないことを示唆しています。

It's a similar story with the meme token's 30-day exponential moving average (yellow), which continues to slide further below its 200-day average (blue), despite already being some distance underneath it.

これは、ミーム トークンの 30 日指数移動平均 (黄色) についても同様の話で、すでに 200 日平均 (青色) を下回っているにもかかわらず、その下にさらに滑り続けています。

Just as disconcerting is DOGE's support level (green), which has slid downwards consistently since the middle of August, and while Dogecoin has seen an increase in the past week, previous experience would show that momentary rises can take place in the context of an overall decline.


These concerns aside, yesterday's market-wide rally shows how the approval of a Bitcoin ETF would benefit most cryptocurrencies, including Dogecoin.


Such an approval would serve to legitimize the entire crypto sector, thereby increasing demand for DOGE itself (among many other tokens), something which will only boost its price over time.


Of course, this wouldn't help DOGE any more than it would help other cryptocurrencies, with the meme token having little else in terms of fundamentals to support its price in the longer term.


Its only real hope is the long-running saga related to cryptocurrency payments on X (formerly Twitter), which has undoubtedly been working towards introducing digital payments of some kind on its platform.


There's currently no firm indication that DOGE would be selected ahead of other cryptocurrencies if X does bring in payments, even if Elon Musk is a long-term supporter of the meme token.


Still, if this ever does happen, DOGE would rocket overnight, potentially hitting whole figures.


But if it doesn't, expect Dogecoin to fall further behind other major cryptocurrencies, with a continued bear market likely to push it further down until sentiment significantly improves.


Stronger Meme Tokens

Because DOGE isn't likely to enjoy a big rally for a while, many traders may prefer to look into newer meme tokens, particularly those that are still awaiting their first initial growth spurts (which are usually bigger than later rallies).


One way of finding such tokens is by looking at the latest presales, with some presale coins boasting encouragingly strong fundamentals.

このようなトークンを見つける方法の 1 つは、最新のプレセールを調べることです。プレセール コインの中には、心強いファンダメンタルズを誇るものもあります。

This includes Meme Kombat (MK), an Ethereum-based betting platform that has raised more than $500,000 since launching its sale several weeks ago.

これには、数週間前に販売を開始して以来、50万ドル以上を調達したイーサリアムベースの賭博プラットフォームであるMeme Kombat(MK)が含まれます。

What has helped Meme Kombat attract such funding is its interestingly unique platform, which will enable to users to bet on the outcomes of AI-generated battles between meme characters.

Meme Kombat がそのような資金を集めるのに役立ったのは、その興味深いユニークなプラットフォームであり、ユーザーは AI によって生成されたミーム キャラクター間の戦闘の結果に賭けることができます。

Put differently, Meme Kombat's platform will regularly stage randomized battles between memes (as well as hosting other games), with players invited to bet against each other or against the platform itself in predicting the winners of such battles.

言い換えれば、Meme Kombat のプラットフォームは定期的にミーム間のランダム化された戦いを開催し (他のゲームもホストするだけでなく)、プレイヤーはそのような戦いの勝者を予測するためにお互いに賭けたり、プラットフォーム自体に賭けたりするよう招待されます。

Bets will be waged and reward in native token MK, which will have a hard cap of 120 million tokens, with 50% of this being allocated to the presale.

ベットはネイティブ トークン MK で行われ、報酬は 1 億 2,000 万トークンというハードキャップがあり、このうち 50% がプレセールに割り当てられます。

Another 30% will go to battle and staking rewards, with the ability to stake MK making it doubly profitable for holders.

さらに 30% はバトルとステーキング報酬に使用され、MK をステーキングできるため、保有者にとっては二重の利益になります。

Such tokenomics have clearly helped Meme Kombat attract investors to its presale, with the platform also being helped by its entertaining and playful use of popular memes, which in the crypto space should help draw a big community.

このようなトークンノミクスは、Meme Kombat がプレセールに投資家を惹きつけるのに明らかに役立っており、このプラットフォームは人気のミームを面白くて遊び心たっぷりに使用していることにも助けられており、暗号通貨分野では大きなコミュニティを呼び込むのに役立つはずです。

New investors can participate in the presale simply by going to Meme Kombat's official website, with 1 MK priced at $0.1667 for the entire presale.

新規投資家は Meme Kombat の公式 Web サイトにアクセスするだけでプレセールに参加でき、プレセール全体で 1 MK の価格は 0.1667 ドルです。

Once the sale ends MK will list on exchanges, where it could very easily rally big, making it one of the fastest-growing meme tokens in the market.


Visit Meme Kombat Now

今すぐMeme Kombatにアクセスしてください

Disclaimer: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. You could lose all of your capital.

免責事項: 暗号通貨は高リスクの資産クラスです。この記事は情報提供を目的としており、投資アドバイスを構成するものではありません。資本をすべて失う可能性があります。






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