首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣價格預測:分析師稱“狗狗幣列車已離站”

Dogecoin Price Prediction: ‘DOGE Trains Has Left The Station, Analyst Says


發布: 2023/12/06 20:31 閱讀: 887



Cryptocurrency analyst Captain Faibik has shed light on his predictions concerning the meme-inspired cryptocurrency Dogecoin (DOGE), suggesting that a massive price rally is imminent for the crypto asset.

加密貨幣分析師 Captain Faibik 闡述了他對受迷因啟發的加密貨幣狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的預測,顯示加密資產的價格即將大幅上漲。

The Crypto Analyst’s Projections For Dogecoin


The crypto analyst took to his official X (formerly Twitter) handle to share his predictions on Dogecoin. According to him, an epic pump is on its way as the DOGE train has already set off from the station.

這位加密貨幣分析師透過他的官方 X(以前的 Twitter)帳號分享了他對狗狗幣的預測。據他介紹,隨著 DOGE 列車已經從車站出發,一台史詩般的泵正在路上。

Faibik’s X post was accompanied by a chart of the meme coin showing a potential rally for DOGE. The chart shared by the crypto expert shows a massive price surge from a price range of $0.08 to $0.70. 

Faibik 的 X 貼文附有一張 Meme 幣圖表,顯示 DOGE 的潛在反彈。這位加密貨幣專家分享的圖表顯示,價格從 0.08 美元到 0.70 美元的價格範圍大幅飆升。

If the analyst’s price prediction comes to pass, the surge would result in a rise of more than 700%. It might take a while for Dogecoin to reach the $0.7 price mark, given that it hasn’t been able to hit its all-time high of $0.74 since 2021.

如果分析師的價格預測成為現實,那麼漲幅將超過 700%。鑑於狗狗幣自 2021 年以來一直未能觸及 0.74 美元的歷史新高,因此它可能需要一段時間才能達到 0.7 美元的價格大關。

Captain Faibik’s projections coincide with DOGE’s recent spike in its number of addresses. The meme coin’s total number of addresses recently crossed 5 million due to the growing adoption of the cryptocurrency in the last few weeks. The addresses have been steadily rising since the year’s beginning, and the increase is most likely buttressed by “Dogecoin Doginals.”

Captain Faibik 的預測與 DOGE 最近地址數量的激增相吻合。由於過去幾週加密貨幣的採用不斷增加,meme 幣的地址總數最近突破了 500 萬個。自今年年初以來,這些地址一直在穩步增長,而這種增長很可能是受到「狗狗幣 Doginals」的支撐。

The token has also witnessed a massive amount of older DOGE beginning to leave the dormant wallets, indicating a potential increase in value for the meme coin. 

該代幣還見證了大量舊版 DOGE 開始離開休眠錢包,這表明 meme 代幣的價值可能會增加。

Last week, the crypto asset saw about 300 million DOGE tokens transferred to the cryptocurrency exchange, Robinhood, which caught the attention of traders and investors, as expectations of a price crash rose.

上週,隨著價格崩盤的預期上升,大約 3 億個 DOGE 代幣被轉移到加密貨幣交易所 Robinhood,這引起了交易員和投資者的關注。

Several Pumps On Its Way For The Meme Coin

數個泵浦正在為 Meme 幣加油

Faibik is not the only analyst who has predicted a pump for the crypto asset. Another prominent crypto analyst known as Crypto Tony has also shared his optimism about Dogecoin.

Faibik 並不是唯一一位預測加密資產將會上漲的分析師。另一位著名的加密貨幣分析師 Crypto Tony 也分享了他對狗狗幣的樂觀態度。

According to the analyst, DOGE is currently seeing lovely pumps and this is just the beginning. He further went on to congratulate those who invested in the token during its lows.

據分析師稱,DOGE 目前看到了可愛的高跟鞋,而這只是一個開始。他進一步祝賀那些在代幣低點期間投資的人。

Dogecoin price seems to be gaining momentum due to the ongoing rally in the cryptocurrency market lately. The price of DOGE has increased by over 22% in the past 30 days and is currently trading at $0.10 as of the time of writing.

由於最近加密貨幣市場的持續上漲,狗狗幣的價格似乎正在上漲。 DOGE 的價格在過去 30 天內上漲了 22% 以上,截至撰寫本文時目前交易價格為 0.10 美元。

According to CoinMarketCap, the price of the asset has increased by over 16% in the past 24 hours. Meanwhile, its trading volume has also increased significantly in the past 24 hours, with an over 61% increase.

根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,該資產的價格在過去 24 小時內上漲了 16% 以上。同時,其交易量在過去24小時也大幅成長,增幅超過61%。

Over the past several years, DOGE has evolved from its initial status as a meme token to a notable anomaly among cryptocurrencies. The digital asset recently reached its highest level since April 2023, and it has since maintained that momentum.  

在過去的幾年裡,DOGE 已經從最初的迷因代幣發展成為加密貨幣中的一個值得注意的異常現象。該數位資產最近達到了 2023 年 4 月以來的最高水平,此後一直保持著這一勢頭。


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