フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコインの価格予測:アナリストは「ドージコインの列車は駅を出発した」と言う

Dogecoin Price Prediction: ‘DOGE Trains Has Left The Station, Analyst Says


リリース: 2023/12/06 20:31 読む: 887



Cryptocurrency analyst Captain Faibik has shed light on his predictions concerning the meme-inspired cryptocurrency Dogecoin (DOGE), suggesting that a massive price rally is imminent for the crypto asset.


The Crypto Analyst’s Projections For Dogecoin


The crypto analyst took to his official X (formerly Twitter) handle to share his predictions on Dogecoin. According to him, an epic pump is on its way as the DOGE train has already set off from the station.

暗号通貨アナリストは、公式の X (旧 Twitter) ハンドルを使用して、ドージコインに関する予測を共有しました。彼によると、DOGE列車はすでに駅を出発しており、壮大なポンプが向かっているところです。

Faibik’s X post was accompanied by a chart of the meme coin showing a potential rally for DOGE. The chart shared by the crypto expert shows a massive price surge from a price range of $0.08 to $0.70. 


If the analyst’s price prediction comes to pass, the surge would result in a rise of more than 700%. It might take a while for Dogecoin to reach the $0.7 price mark, given that it hasn’t been able to hit its all-time high of $0.74 since 2021.

アナリストの価格予測が的中した場合、その急騰は 700% 以上の値上がりとなるでしょう。ドージコインが2021年以来最高値の0.74ドルに達していないことを考えると、0.7ドルの価格マークに達するにはしばらく時間がかかるかもしれない。

Captain Faibik’s projections coincide with DOGE’s recent spike in its number of addresses. The meme coin’s total number of addresses recently crossed 5 million due to the growing adoption of the cryptocurrency in the last few weeks. The addresses have been steadily rising since the year’s beginning, and the increase is most likely buttressed by “Dogecoin Doginals.”

ファイビック船長の予測は、DOGE の最近のアドレス数の急増と一致しています。ここ数週間での暗号通貨の採用の増加により、ミームコインのアドレス総数は最近 500 万を超えました。アドレスは年初から着実に増加しており、この増加は「Dogecoin Doginals」によって支えられている可能性が最も高いです。

The token has also witnessed a massive amount of older DOGE beginning to leave the dormant wallets, indicating a potential increase in value for the meme coin. 


Last week, the crypto asset saw about 300 million DOGE tokens transferred to the cryptocurrency exchange, Robinhood, which caught the attention of traders and investors, as expectations of a price crash rose.


Several Pumps On Its Way For The Meme Coin


Faibik is not the only analyst who has predicted a pump for the crypto asset. Another prominent crypto analyst known as Crypto Tony has also shared his optimism about Dogecoin.


According to the analyst, DOGE is currently seeing lovely pumps and this is just the beginning. He further went on to congratulate those who invested in the token during its lows.


Dogecoin price seems to be gaining momentum due to the ongoing rally in the cryptocurrency market lately. The price of DOGE has increased by over 22% in the past 30 days and is currently trading at $0.10 as of the time of writing.

最近の暗号通貨市場の継続的な上昇により、ドージコインの価格は勢いを増しているようです。 DOGEの価格は過去30日間で22%以上上昇し、執筆時点では0.10ドルで取引されています。

According to CoinMarketCap, the price of the asset has increased by over 16% in the past 24 hours. Meanwhile, its trading volume has also increased significantly in the past 24 hours, with an over 61% increase.

CoinMarketCap によると、この資産の価格は過去 24 時間で 16% 以上上昇しました。一方、取引量も過去24時間で大幅に増加し、61%以上増加しました。

Over the past several years, DOGE has evolved from its initial status as a meme token to a notable anomaly among cryptocurrencies. The digital asset recently reached its highest level since April 2023, and it has since maintained that momentum.  

過去数年にわたって、DOGE はミーム トークンとしての初期の状態から、暗号通貨の中でも注目に値する異常事態へと進化しました。デジタル資産は最近、2023年4月以来の最高水準に達し、その後もその勢いを維持している。


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