首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣價格預測:狗狗幣鯨魚移動 4.38 億 DOGE:2024 年 DOGE 價格會升至 1 美元嗎?

Dogecoin Price Prediction: Dogecoin Whales Move 438 Million DOGE: Will the DOGE Price Rise to $1 in 2024?

狗狗幣價格預測:狗狗幣鯨魚移動 4.38 億 DOGE:2024 年 DOGE 價格會升至 1 美元嗎?

發布: 2023/12/27 22:39 閱讀: 471



Dogecoin, a popular meme cryptocurrency, made a comeback in the digital assets world today. It gained a lot of attention in the broader cryptocurrency market because there were significant transfers of a large amount of Dogecoin by big investors, known as whales. At the same time, the price of Dogecoin dropped a bit. This article is all about the Dogecoin price prediction and will the DOGE price rise to $1 in 2024. Let’s take a look at this in more detail.

狗狗幣是一種流行的迷因加密貨幣,如今在數位資產世界中捲土重來。它在更廣泛的加密貨幣市場中引起了廣泛關注,因為被稱為「鯨魚」的大投資者大量轉移了狗狗幣。同時,狗狗幣的價格略有下跌。本文主要介紹狗狗幣價格預測以及狗狗幣價格是否會在 2024 年上漲至 1 美元。讓我們更詳細地了解一下。

Dogecoin Whales Move 438 Million DOGE

狗狗幣鯨魚轉移了 4.38 億 DOGE

People who are interested in the cryptocurrency market pay close attention to these big transactions. According to the data about these transactions, over 438 million Dogecoin were moved around in the past day. Despite the price dip, it looks like more people are becoming positive about Dogecoin’s future, and there might be a price increase soon.

對加密貨幣市場感興趣的人們密切關注這些大額交易。根據這些交易的數據,過去一天超過 4.38 億個狗狗幣被轉移。儘管價格下跌,但似乎越來越多的人對狗狗幣的未來持樂觀態度,價格可能很快就會上漲。

According to Whale Alert, a platform that tracks cryptocurrency movements, there were two big transfers of DOGE (Dogecoin) in the last 24 hours, moving a total of 438.28 million coins.

根據追蹤加密貨幣動向的平台 Whale Alert 的數據,過去 24 小時內發生了兩起 DOGE(狗狗幣)大額轉賬,總計轉移了 4.3828 億枚代幣。

One transfer involved an unknown wallet sending 71 million DOGE to Robinhood, a California-based exchange. The value of the coins sent to Robinhood was $6.39 million.

其中一筆轉帳涉及一個未知錢包,將 7,100 萬個 DOGE 發送到位於加州的 Robinhood 交易所。發送給 Robinhood 的代幣價值為 639 萬美元。

The second transfer involved the movement of 367.06 million DOGE, worth $33.62 million, between two unknown wallets. The first wallet sent the coins to another wallet address.

第二次轉帳涉及在兩個未知錢包之間轉移 3.6706 億個 DOGE,價值 3362 萬美元。第一個錢包將硬幣發送到另一個錢包位址。

Dogecoin Price Prediction: How has the DOGE price moved in recent days?


As of now, the price of Dogecoin is $0.092544, and it has had a trading volume of $1.22 billion in the last 24 hours. The market cap of Dogecoin is $13.18 billion, and its market dominance is 0.78%. Over the past day, the price of DOGE has decreased by -0.64%.


Dogecoin’s highest price ever was on May 8, 2021, reaching $0.738595. Its lowest recorded price was on May 7, 2015, at $0.00008547. After reaching its all-time high, the lowest price since then was $0.049701 (cycle low), and the highest was $0.156883 (cycle high). Currently, the sentiment for Dogecoin’s price prediction is neutral, and the Fear & Greed Index is indicating a level of 73, which represents greed.

狗狗幣的歷史最高價格於 2021 年 5 月 8 日達到 0.738595 美元。其最低記錄價格是 2015 年 5 月 7 日,為 0.00008547 美元。在達到歷史高點後,此後的最低價格為 0.049701 美元(週期低點),最高價格為 0.156883 美元(週期高點)。目前,狗狗幣的價格預測情緒為中性,恐懼與貪婪指數為 73,代表貪婪。

The circulating supply of Dogecoin is currently 142.40 billion DOGE. The yearly supply inflation rate is 7.34%, resulting in the creation of 9.73 billion DOGE in the last year. In terms of market cap, Dogecoin is ranked #2 in the Proof-of-Work Coins sector, #1 in the Meme Coins sector, and #8 in the Layer 1 sector.

目前狗狗幣的流通量為1424億DOGE。年供應通膨率為 7.34%,去年創造了 97.3 億個 DOGE。就市值而言,狗狗幣在工作量證明幣領域排名第二,在 Meme 幣領域排名第一,在 Layer 1 領域排名第八。


—> 點此購買狗狗

Dogecoin Price Prediction: Will the DOGE Price Rise to $1 in 2024?

狗狗幣價格預測:2024 年 DOGE 價格會升至 1 美元嗎?

When we say “Dogecoin Whales Move 438 Million DOGE,” it means that large holders of Dogecoin, often referred to as “whales” due to the significant amount of coins they own, have transferred a total of 438 million Dogecoins.

當我們說「狗狗幣鯨魚轉移了4.38 億狗狗幣」時,這意味著狗狗幣的大戶(由於擁有大量狗狗幣而通常被稱為「鯨魚」)總共轉移了4.38 億狗狗幣。

As for the impact on the Dogecoin price, it’s not always easy to predict because people move coins for various reasons. However, large transactions like these can sometimes influence the market. If these whales are selling their Dogecoins, it might lead to a decrease in the overall demand, potentially causing the price to go down. On the other hand, if they are moving coins to a different wallet for holding or other purposes, it might not have an immediate impact on the price.


The meaning behind these transfers can vary. Whales might be reshuffling their portfolios, taking profits, or making strategic moves based on their assessment of the market. It’s essential to note that cryptocurrency markets can be influenced by a variety of factors, including investor sentiment, market trends, and broader economic conditions.


In terms of what can happen, the Dogecoin price could experience short-term fluctuations. Traders and investors might react to the news of such significant transactions, leading to buying or selling activity. However, the long-term impact depends on the broader market dynamics and the motivations behind the whale transactions.


It’s always a good idea to keep an eye on market trends, news, and overall sentiment to better understand the potential implications of large transactions like these in the world of cryptocurrencies.


Over the past year, Dogecoin has exhibited a noteworthy performance, witnessing a substantial 24% increase in its price. This positive trend is further emphasized by the fact that it is currently trading above its 200-day simple moving average, a key technical indicator signaling a potential bullish momentum. 

過去一年,狗狗幣表現出色,價格大幅上漲 24%。目前交易價格高於 200 日簡單移動均線,這項關鍵技術指標預示著潛在的看漲勢頭,這一事實進一步強調了這一積極趨勢。

In the last 30 days, Dogecoin has experienced 18 green days, accounting for 60% of the observed period, indicating a prevailing positive sentiment among investors. Its high liquidity, evident from its significant market capitalization, underscores its appeal as a widely traded cryptocurrency. 

在過去 30 天裡,狗狗幣經歷了 18 個綠日,佔觀察期的 60%,顯示投資者普遍存在正面情緒。從其龐大的市值就可以看出其高流動性,凸顯了其作為廣泛交易的加密貨幣的吸引力。

However, it’s important to note that despite its overall success, Dogecoin remains down by 87% from its all-time high, suggesting potential room for recovery. Additionally, Dogecoin has been outperformed by 75% of the top 100 crypto assets over the past year. 

然而,值得注意的是,儘管狗狗幣總體上取得了成功,但仍較歷史高點下跌了 87%,這表明潛在的復甦空間。此外,過去一年,狗狗幣的表現優於前 100 名加密資產中的 75%。

On the downside, it has been outperformed by the more prominent cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum. The yearly inflation rate of Dogecoin at 7.34% is a crucial metric to monitor, as it reflects the rate at which new coins are introduced into circulation, potentially impacting its long-term value. 

不利的一面是,它的表現被更著名的加密貨幣比特幣和以太坊所超越。狗狗幣 7.34% 的年通膨率是一個需要監控的重要指標,因為它反映了新幣進入流通的速度,可能會影響其長期價值。

Considering these factors, in 2024, Dogecoin is predicted to have a price range between $0.077441 as the yearly high and $0.399832 as the yearly low. This forecast suggests potential volatility in the Dogecoin market throughout the year, with the lower end representing a possible support level and the higher end indicating a potential peak.

考慮到這些因素,預計狗狗幣 2024 年的價格範圍將在 0.077441 美元(年度高點)和 0.399832 美元(年度低點)之間。該預測顯示狗狗幣市場全年存在潛在波動,下限代表可能的支撐位,上限代表潛在的高峰。

Starting at just $0.005 on January 1, 2021, the coin surged to $0.1715 by December 31 of the same year. This rapid growth suggests that, given the right conditions, Dogecoin has the potential to reach $1. However, this might not materialize in the near future, especially if the crypto market experiences a prolonged period of decline, often referred to as a “crypto winter.”

2021 年 1 月 1 日,該代幣的價格僅為 0.005 美元,到同年 12 月 31 日飆升至 0.1715 美元。這種快速增長表明,如果條件合適,狗狗幣有潛力達到 1 美元。然而,這可能不會在不久的將來實現,特別是如果加密貨幣市場經歷長期下滑(通常被稱為「加密貨幣冬天」)。


—> 點此購買狗狗

Buy DOGE with Bitget with the CHEAPEST Fees

透過 Bitget 以最便宜的費用購買 DOGE

Bitget stands out as a reliable crypto exchange. It provides a user-friendly interface, making it easy for both beginners and experienced traders to navigate and make transactions at the lowest fees on the market. To get started with Bitget, you need to create an account, complete the necessary KYC procedures, and then you can begin trading a variety of altcoins available on the platform.

Bitget 作為可靠的加密貨幣交易所脫穎而出。它提供了一個用戶友好的介面,使初學者和經驗豐富的交易者都可以輕鬆導航並以市場上最低的費用進行交易。要開始使用 Bitget,您需要建立一個帳戶,完成必要的 KYC 程序,然後您就可以開始交易平台上提供的各種山寨幣。


—> 點此購買狗狗


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