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Shiba Inu’s Future: Speculations and Milestones


發布: 2023/12/28 06:00 閱讀: 326



You can also read this news on COINTURK NEWS: Shiba Inu’s Future: Speculations and Milestones

您也可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上閱讀此新聞:Shiba Inu 的未來:推測和里程碑

Memecoins have made many people rich in the past. Dogecoin’s closest competitor, Shiba Inu, was no different. As 2024 is almost upon us, a very important question remains for Shiba Inu (SHIB) investors. The question is whether it is possible for the memecoin to repeat its past successes or even surpass them?

Memecoin 過去曾讓許多人致富。狗狗幣最接近的競爭對手柴犬也不例外。 2024 年即將到來,對於柴犬 (SHIB) 投資者來說,仍然存在一個非常重要的問題。問題是,模因幣是否有可能重複過去的成功,甚至超越它們?

What Do Shiba Comments Say?


One of the key factors behind the sustainability of a particular cryptocurrency’s success may be its versatility. When it comes to Shiba Inu, the confidence investors have in Shibarium significantly supports this view.

特定加密貨幣成功的可持續性背後的關鍵因素之一可能是其多功能性。說到柴犬,投資者對 Shibarium 的信心大大支持了這一觀點。

This confidence can be measured by the number of transactions that take place. Recently, Shibarium surpassed a significant level of 200 million transactions, as highlighted by crypto analyst and SHIB supporter Lucie in a post on December 27th.

這種信心可以透過發生的交易數量來衡量。最近,Shibarium 的交易量突破了 2 億筆,加密貨幣分析師和 SHIB 支持者 Lucie 在 12 月 27 日的貼文中強調了這一點。

Surpassing this important milestone highlights the activities of traders who are working hard to drive the price back up to its all-time highs and the resulting confidence.


What Will Shiba Coin’s Price Be?

Shiba Coin 的價格是多少?

As another indicator of support and confidence, the movement of cryptocurrencies from exchanges to wallets can be cited. This suggests that investors are not planning to sell their cryptocurrencies for short-term profits or until a visible profit is achieved.


Some transactions since November have caught the attention of famous crypto analyst Ali Martinez. In a post shared on December 24th, Martinez pointed out that a significant withdrawal transaction of over 8 trillion SHIB, equivalent to about 88 million dollars, was made from crypto exchange wallets.

11 月以來的一些交易引起了著名加密貨幣分析師 Ali Martinez 的注意。馬丁內斯在 12 月 24 日分享的貼文中指出,超過 8 兆 SHIB(相當於約 8,800 萬美元)的重大提款交易是透過加密貨幣交易所錢包進行的。

The founder of TheFinanceHaberleriletter.com, Andrew Lokenauth, shared his comments on SHIB’s fundamentals and future, as well as his prediction for the beginning of 2024.

TheFinanceHaberleriletter.com 創辦人 Andrew Lokenauth 分享了他對 SHIB 基本面和未來的評論,以及對 2024 年初的預測。

According to Lokenauth, Shiba Inu is nothing more than a purely speculative asset that lacks concrete real-world applications, is limited by rumors, and lacks intrinsic value or utility.

Lokenauth 認為,柴犬隻不過是一種純粹的投機資產,缺乏具體的現實應用,受到謠言的限制,缺乏內在價值或效用。

Criticizing the developers for poor transparency and communication, he emphasizes the cryptocurrency’s limited ecosystem compared to other major counterparts, making it susceptible to volatility.


Additionally, Lokenauth draws attention to the competition between SHIB and other dog-themed memecoins, including Dogecoin (DOGE).

此外,Lokenauth 也提請人們注意 SHIB 與其他以狗為主題的迷因幣(包括狗狗幣(DOGE))之間的競爭。

Considering the absence of significant catalysts and the bear market affecting speculative assets, Lokenauth indicates that SHIB will experience a continuous decline, predicting its price will be $0.000005 at the beginning of 2024.

考慮到缺乏重大催化劑以及熊市影響投機資產,Lokenauth 表示 SHIB 將經歷持續下跌,預計 2024 年初其價格將為 0.000005 美元。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Shiba Inu’s Future: Speculations and Milestones

該帖子首次出現在 COINTURK 新聞:柴犬的未來:推測和里程碑


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