首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣價格預測為 8 億美元,狗狗幣將陷入虧損 – 逢低買進?

Dogecoin Price Prediction as $800 Million Sends DOGE into the Red – Buy the Dip?

狗狗幣價格預測為 8 億美元,狗狗幣將陷入虧損 – 逢低買進?

發布: 2024/01/23 20:03 閱讀: 464



狗狗幣價格預測為 8 億美元,狗狗幣將陷入虧損 – 逢低買進?

The Dogecoin price has dropped by 6.5% in the past 24 hours, sliding to $0.07726 as the wider crypto market continues to suffer from profit-taking and loss-cutting in the wake of this month’s Bitcoin ETF approvals.

狗狗幣價格在過去 24 小時內下跌了 6.5%,跌至 0.07726 美元,因為本月比特幣 ETF 獲批後,更廣泛的加密市場繼續遭受獲利了結和止損的影響。

DOGE is now down by 18% in the past month, and with the meme token also having fallen by 13.5% in the last 12 months, today’s fall only serves to emphasize a disappointing period for the coin.

DOGE 在過去一個月內下跌了 18%,而 Meme 代幣在過去 12 個月內也下跌了 13.5%,今天的下跌只會強調該代幣令人失望的時期。

However, it’s now arguable that the market has oversold DOGE, and that the latter may therefore be due an upwards correction in due course.

然而,現在有爭議的是,市場已經超賣了 DOGE,因此後者可能會在適當的時候進行向上修正。

Dogecoin Price Prediction as $800 Million Sends DOGE into the Red – Buy the Dip?

狗狗幣價格預測為 8 億美元,狗狗幣將陷入虧損 – 逢低買進?

DOGE’s indicators suggest that, while the coin has certainly fallen significantly in recent days, it still has space for falling more before it becomes grossly oversold.

DOGE 的指標表明,儘管該代幣最近幾天肯定大幅下跌,但在嚴重超賣之前仍有進一步下跌的空間。

For instance, its 30-day average (yellow) has indeed declined steadily over the past few weeks, yet it still remains well above its 200-day (blue), suggesting that further falls are entirely plausible.

例如,過去幾週,其 30 日均線(黃色)確實穩步下降,但仍遠高於 200 日均線(藍色),表明進一步下跌是完全有可能的。

Source: TradingView


Similarly, DOGE’s relative strength index (purple) is now falling to 40, and given its current trajectory, a fall towards – and below – 30 is entirely likely.

同樣,DOGE 的相對強度指數(紫色)目前已跌至 40,鑑於其目前的軌跡,完全有可能跌至並低於 30。

DOGE has dropped below earlier supports in recent weeks, so it will be interesting to see if its current support level (green) can resist a drop below $0.0770.

DOGE 最近幾週已跌破早期支撐位,因此看看其當前支撐位(綠色)是否能抵抗跌破 0.0770 美元將會很有趣。

It probably won’t, although it does seem that at least some traders are using the current slump as an opportunity to buy the meme token at a discount.

它可能不會,儘管看起來至少有一些交易者正在利用當前的低迷作為以折扣價購買 meme 代幣的機會。

166,201,150 #DOGE (14,003,843 USD) transferred from #Robinhood to unknown wallethttps://t.co/8zNLqCTCcn

166,201,150 #DOGE(14,003,843 美元)從 #Robinhood 轉移到未知錢包https://t.co/8zNLqCTCcn

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) January 22, 2024

— 鯨魚警報 (@whale_alert) 2024 年 1 月 22 日

As such, it’s probably not worth getting too despondent about DOGE, which as a meme token, can often suffer disproportionately whenever the market faces a selloff.

因此,也許不值得對 DOGE 太沮喪,因為它作為一種迷因代幣,每當市場面臨拋售時,它往往會遭受不成比例的損失。

Conversely, a return to more bullish conditions later in the month may help the Dogecoin price recover healthily, with traders likely to begin looking forward to the next Bitcoin halving soon enough.


On top of this, there always remains a chance that DOGE will benefit whenever X introduces cryptocurrency payments on its social network, with the company recently publishing a blog post in which it declared plans to roll out peer-to-peer payments this year.

除此之外,每當 X 在其社交網路上引入加密貨幣支付時,DOGE 總是有機會受益,該公司最近發布了一篇部落格文章,宣布計劃今年推出點對點支付。

For this reason, DOGE could make a strong comeback in the next few months, potentially reaching $0.10 by spring.

因此,DOGE 可能會在未來幾個月內強勢捲土重來,到春季可能會達到 0.10 美元。

New Meme Coins with Higher Potential

具有更高潛力的新 Meme 幣

DOGE may take some time to recover significantly, so traders may prefer to investigate newer, small-cap meme coins at the moment.

DOGE 可能需要一些時間才能顯著恢復,因此交易者目前可能更願意研究更新的小盤模因幣。

Luckily, there are a variety of several promising meme tokens in the market, with some of these potentially on course to rally big once they list.


One of these is Sponge (SPONGE), an ERC-20 token that originally listed in April 2023, when it rallied by as much as 150%.

其中之一是 Sponge (SPONGE),這是一種 ERC-20 代幣,最初於 2023 年 4 月上市,當時上漲了 150%。

It’s in the process of rolling out the second version of its token, which provides a new staking model and also serves as the utility token of a new SpongeBob-themed play-to-earn game.


$SPONGE Update!


We've hit a new milestone with 5,390,882,888 tokens staked, valued at $5,233,589.24!

我們已經質押了 5,390,882,888 個代幣,價值 5,233,589.24 美元,達到了一個新的里程碑!

With a current APY of +300% and a price of $0.0009663 (+18% increase), $SPONGE is stronger than ever.

$SPONGE 目前的年化年利率為 +300%,價格為 0.0009663 美元(上漲 18%),比以往任何時候都更強勁。

Don't miss out, join the takeover! #SpongeV2 #Web3 #Alts pic.twitter.com/GMhqAnTehI

機不可失,快來加入搶購吧! #SpongeV2 #Web3 #Alts pic.twitter.com/GMhqAnTehI

— $SPONGE (@spongeoneth) January 19, 2024

- $SPONGE (@spongeoneth) 2024 年 1 月 19 日

More info on the P2E game are due to emerge in the next few weeks, although one thing that is clear is that it will reward players with Sponge V2 tokens according to where they rank in the game.

有關 P2E 遊戲的更多資訊將在未來幾週內公佈,但有一點是明確的:它將根據玩家在遊戲中的排名獎勵 Sponge V2 代幣。

Holders of the existing version of SPONGE can claim V2 by going to the official Sponge website and staking the current version.

現有版本 SPONGE 的持有者可以透過造訪 Sponge 官方網站並質押當前版本來領取 V2。

This will give them a 1:1 entitlement to Sponge V2 tokens once they’re ready, with those who continue to stake the new token set to earn a higher yield than they did before.

一旦準備好,他們將獲得 Sponge V2 代幣 1:1 的權利,而繼續質押新代幣的人將獲得比以前更高的收益。

In fact, the current APY for SPONGE V2 is now able 300%, depending on for how long holders have their tokens locked up.

事實上,目前 SPONGE V2 的 APY 可以達到 300%,具體取決於持有者鎖定代幣的時間。

Given the greater incentive to stake tokens, it’s entirely likely that a higher percentage of SPONGE V2’s supply will be taken out of circulation.

考慮到質押代幣的誘因更大,SPONGE V2 的供應量完全有可能會退出流通。

As such, this could boost relative demand and, in turn, SPONGE V2’s price.

因此,這可能會提高相對需求,進而提高 SPONGE V2 的價格。

Combined with Sponge’s playful use of SpongeBob memes, this could all help SPONGE V2 have an even better listing than its predecessor.

再加上 Sponge 對 SpongeBob meme 的俏皮運用,這一切都可以幫助 SPONGE V2 獲得比前身更好的清單。

Buy Sponge V2 Here

在這裡購買 Sponge V2


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