首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣價格預測:分析師稱 DOGE 暴跌 7%,該競爭對手可能是現在最值得購買的 Meme 幣

Dogecoin Price Prediction: DOGE Plunges 7% As Analysts Say This Competitor Might Be The Best Meme Coin To Buy Now

狗狗幣價格預測:分析師稱 DOGE 暴跌 7%,該競爭對手可能是現在最值得購買的 Meme 幣

發布: 2024/01/23 22:33 閱讀: 520

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


The Dogecoin price plunged 7% in the last 24 hours to trade at $0.077 as of 04:35 a.m. EST on trading volume that surged 21% to $805 million.

截至美國東部時間凌晨 04:35,狗狗幣價格在過去 24 小時內暴跌 7%,交易價格為 0.077 美元,交易量飆升 21% 至 8.05 億美元。

The Dogecoin Price Forms A Bullish Pennant Pattern


The Dogecoin price has gradually increased from the $0.05 support level towards the $0.106 resistance. 

狗狗幣價格已從 0.05 美元的支撐位逐漸上漲至 0.106 美元的阻力位。

However, bears seem to have taken control of the price at $0.10, exerting pressure and causing the decline to $0.076, which has remained strong, preventing the bears from causing further decline in DOGE price.

然而,空頭似乎已經將價格控制在 0.10 美元,施加壓力並導致價格跌至 0.076 美元,該價格一直保持堅挺,阻止了空頭導致 DOGE 價格進一步下跌。

Despite the strong support, the price has formed a double-bottom pattern, which signifies a bullish trend reversal for traders.


While the price has dipped below the 50-day Simple Moving Average (SMA), it remains above the 200-day SMA, coinciding with the support zone at $0.076, supported by the golden cross at $0.0678.

雖然價格已跌破 50 日簡單移動平均線 (SMA),但仍高於 200 日簡單移動平均線 (SMA),與 0.076 美元的支撐區域一致,並受到 0.0678 美元黃金交叉的支撐。

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) shows a downtrend from 52 below the 50 midline level zone to 42, indicating significant selling pressure for the Dogecoin price.

相對強度指數 (RSI) 顯示從 50 中線水平區域下方的 52 下降至 42,顯示狗狗幣價格面臨巨大的拋售壓力。

The Dogecoin Price: Bulls Prepare For A Bull Rally


The double bottom signals a potential bullish trend reversal as traders look to this pattern to add more buy positions to their trades. If the bulls gather enough force, they could drive the Dogecoin price past $0.106 resistance, initiating a bull rally. Sustained bullish momentum may propel prices beyond the $0.15 threshold in 2024. 

雙底預示著潛在的看漲趨勢逆轉,因為交易者希望透過這種模式在交易中增加更多的買入部位。如果多頭聚集足夠的力量,他們可能會推動狗狗幣價格突破 0.106 美元的阻力位,從而引發牛市反彈。持續的看漲勢頭可能會推動價格在 2024 年突破 0.15 美元的門檻。

However, if the downward trend sustains, it could slip below the 200-day SMA, giving the bears the right to drive the Dogecoin price to the $0.059 support level.

然而,如果下跌趨勢持續下去,它可能會跌破 200 日移動平均線,使空頭有權將狗狗幣價格推至 0.059 美元的支撐位。

Investors in search of promising alternative cryptocurrencies with the potential for substantial returns may want to explore Sponge V2. This project has recently experienced a remarkable surge, surpassing the $5 million valuation, as it aims to challenge Pepe’s dominance and emerge as the next top meme coin contender. 

尋求具有可觀回報潛力的替代加密貨幣的投資者可能希望探索 Sponge V2。該項目最近經歷了驚人的飆升,估值超過了 500 萬美元,因為它的目標是挑戰 Pepe 的統治地位,並成為下一個頂級 Meme 幣的競爭者。

SPONGE V2 Surpasses $5.3 Million Ahead of Official Launch, Aiming for 100X ROI 

SPONGE V2 在正式發布前已突破 530 萬美元,目標是 100 倍的投資回報率

SPONGE V2 has attracted new investments, reaching a significant milestone surpassing $5.3 million in anticipation of its official launch. The project aims to replicate the successful 100X return on investment achieved by Sponge V1 last year. 

SPONGE V2 吸引了新的投資,預計其正式推出將達到超過 530 萬美元的重要里程碑。該專案旨在複製 Sponge V1 去年實現的 100 倍投資回報率。

Sponge V2 aims to take the crown of Pepe as the next best meme coin in 2024. The token enjoys a support base of 13,000 holders and secured listings on more than ten exchanges, including LBank, Toobit, CoinW, BTCEX, and BitMart.

Sponge V2 的目標是在2024 年奪得Pepe 的桂冠,成為下一個最佳模因幣。該代幣擁有13,000 名持有者的支持,並在LBank、Toobit、CoinW、BTCEX 和BitMart 等十多個交易所上市。

SPONGE V2 also provides an opportunity to receive a bonus in V2 tokens. You can get Sponge V2 tokens by buying and staking $SPONGE on the project’s website. You can also stake your Sponge V1 tokens, which will be kept in the smart contract forever. The greater the number of Sponge V1 tokens you commit to staking, the higher the quantity of Sponge V2 tokens you will receive in return.

SPONGE V2 還提供了獲得 V2 代幣獎金的機會。您可以透過在專案網站上購買並質押 $SPONGE 來獲得 Sponge V2 代幣。您還可以質押您的 Sponge V1 代幣,該代幣將永遠保留在智能合約中。您承諾質押的 Sponge V1 代幣數量越多,您將收到的回報 Sponge V2 代幣數量就越高。

The platform also allows holders of the initial $SPONGE to stake their tokens and earn $SPONGEV2, with annual percentage rates reaching as high as 284%. 

該平台還允許初始 $SPONGE 的持有者質押其代幣並賺取 $SPONGEV2,年利率高達 284%。

Justin Sun Owns More Than $90K Worth Of $SPONGE

孫宇晨擁有價值超過 9 萬美元的 $SPONGE

Tron founder Justin Sun has acquired $SPONGE worth more than $90,000 after showing his interest in trading meme coins and promising projects in May 2023.

Tron 創辦人 Justin Sun 在 2023 年 5 月表現出對交易 meme 幣和有前途的項目的興趣後,收購了價值超過 90,000 美元的 $SPONGE。

This move generated positive momentum among investors and traders, especially when he transferred $14.7 million (6166 ETH) from the Binance exchange, using a portion to purchase $SPONGE.

這一舉動在投資者和交易者中產生了積極的勢頭,特別是當他從幣安交易所轉移 1470 萬美元(6166 ETH),並用其中的一部分購買 $SPONGE 時。

The Sponge team is also planning to launch a play-to-earn (P2E) game called “Sponge Racer,” which is poised to attract new investors and players. The game will be available for all, featuring a free and paid version.

Sponge 團隊還計劃推出一款名為「Sponge Racer」的即玩即賺 (P2E) 遊戲,旨在吸引新的投資者和玩家。遊戲將向所有人開放,有免費版和付費版。

Players will use Sponge V2 tokens to play. They also have the opportunity to explore Bikini Bottom, where you can collect Sponge tokens while undertaking exciting underwater adventures, and unlock rewarding incentives.

玩家將使用 Sponge V2 代幣進行遊戲。他們還有機會探索比基尼底部,在那裡您可以收集海綿代幣,同時進行激動人心的水下冒險,並解鎖獎勵獎勵。

ClayBro, a crypto YouTuber and analyst boasting over 116K subscribers, says that $SPONGEV2 has the potential to mirror the success of the original $SPONGE, which saw a 100X surge in 2023. 

ClayBro 是一位加密貨幣 YouTuber 和分析師,擁有超過 116,000 名訂閱者,他表示 $SPONGEV2 有潛力複製最初的 $SPONGE 的成功,後者在 2023 年增長了 100 倍。

To buy Sponge V2 tokens, visit the official SpongeV2 website and connect your digital wallet to swap your ETH or USDT for V2 tokens. You can also buy directly using your bank card. 

要購買 Sponge V2 代幣,請訪問 SpongeV2 官方網站並連接您的數位錢包,將 ETH 或 USDT 兌換為 V2 代幣。您也可以直接使用銀行卡購買。


New Crypto Mining Platform - Bitcoin Minetrix

新的加密貨幣挖礦平台 - Bitcoin Minetrix



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