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Dogecoin Price Spikes Amid Astrobotic’s Launch While HBAR Follows

Astrobotic 推出後狗狗幣價格飆升,HBAR 緊隨其後

發布: 2023/11/17 18:26 閱讀: 700



Dogecoin price has spiked over 10% recently as the network activity increased due to several reasons. Majorly, the rise could be attributed to the speculation that the Astrobotic lunar mission will include “Physical Dogecoins” to the moon. As the Space Tech firm was previously funded by the Doge community, DOGE supporters speculate that the ongoing Peregrine Mission One (PM1) will carry the meme coins.

由於多種原因導致網路活動增加,狗狗幣價格最近飆升了 10% 以上。主要是,這一增長可能歸因於天體機器人登月任務將包括「物理狗狗幣」到月球的猜測。由於這家太空科技公司之前是由 Doge 社群資助的,DOGE 支持者推測正在進行的 Peregrine 任務一號 (PM1) 將攜帶迷因幣。

Surfing on the same wave but in a different sea, Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) has also shown tremendous price movement. Although October has historical significance in the crypto market for bull runs, HBAR is still on that stance.

異海同舟,Hedera Hashgraph(HBAR)也呈現巨大的價格波動。儘管 10 月對於加密貨幣市場的牛市具有歷史意義,但 HBAR 仍然堅持這一立場。

HBAR has recorded an astounding rise of over 23% in a month, leaving most of the top altcoins behind.

HBAR 在一個月內上漲了 23% 以上,令人震驚,將大多數頂級山寨幣拋在了後面。

Dogecoin (DOGE) To The Moon


On Thursday, Nov 16, Dogecoin’s official X account posted a Tweet that Astrobotics will take Physical Dogecoins to space. However, the American Space Technology Center still has to make the confirmation on the same.

11 月 16 日星期四,狗狗幣的官方 X 帳戶發布了一條推文,稱 Astrobotics 將把實體狗狗幣帶入太空。不過,這項消息仍有待美國太空技術中心確認。

Riding on the FUD, investors exploded the trades by recording high transaction volumes within the day. The meme coin increased over 5% on the daily timeframe triggering other meme coins to gain in value too. This standout performance of Dogecoin is further underscored by an impressive on-chain transaction volume, which has reached $665 million.

受 FUD 影響,投資者當天交易量大幅增加,交易量激增。 Meme 幣在每日時間範圍內上漲超過 5%,也觸發其他 Meme 幣升值。令人印象深刻的鏈上交易量進一步凸顯了狗狗幣的出色表現,該交易量已達到 6.65 億美元。

Onchain data from Intotheblock also shows that DOGE has recorded over 2.25 Billion transactions equal to or more than $100k in the past 7 days. In a nutshell, the Astrobotic’s Lunar Mission to sail Dogecoin to the moon has garnered investors’ eye driving in the current price hype.

Intotheblock 的鏈上數據還顯示,DOGE 在過去 7 天內記錄了超過 22.5 億筆等於或超過 10 萬美元的交易。簡而言之,Astrobotic 將狗狗幣送上月球的月球任務在當前的價格炒作中吸引了投資者的注意。

Source: Intotheblock




At the press time, Dogecoin is trading at $0.08 with an overwhelming rise of about 8% in the past 24 hours. The transaction volume has shot up to $2.47 Bn.

截至發稿時,狗狗幣的交易價格為 0.08 美元,在過去 24 小時內大幅上漲約 8%。交易金額已飆升至 24.7 億美元。

Also Read: SHIB Burn Rate Rockets 1300% As Shiba Inu Price Plunges

另請閱讀:隨著柴犬價格暴跌,SHIB 燃燒率飆升 1300%

HBAR Continues To Rise Above Resistance

HBAR 繼續升至阻力位以上

HBAR the native token of Hedera Hashgraph has also shown impressive growth over time. As the platform maintains its development activity above par, HBAR’s price has seen the effect of it directly.

Hedera Hashgraph 的原生代幣 HBAR 隨著時間的推移也顯示出令人印象深刻的成長。由於該平台的開發活動保持在正常水平之上,HBAR 的價格已經直接看到了其效果。

The recent surge could be associated with the latest Hashgraph innovation program and the platforms participating in it. Recently, Digipharm, a leading value-based healthcare ecosystem has announced its participation in The Hashgraph Association’s “Hashgraph Innovation Programme”.

最近的激增可能與最新的哈希圖創新計劃和參與該計劃的平台有關。最近,領先的基於價值的醫療保健生態系統 Digipharm 宣布參與哈希圖協會的「哈希圖創新計劃」。

The Hashgraph Innovation Program was launched by the Association in April 2022. It is a professional training and innovation program conducted in close collaboration with the Swiss Digital Assets Institute (SDAI). The program was launched to seed fund startups and to develop their cores.


As per the daily chart, HBAR is trading at $0.06 showing almost a 3% gain in the last 24 Hours. On the daily timeframe, HBAR is making an ascending channel pattern which generally indicates a bearish outlook. The current support level is at $0.05 and the resistance is at $0.069.

根據日線圖,HBAR 的交易價格為 0.06 美元,在過去 24 小時內上漲了近 3%。從日線圖來看,HBAR 正在形成上升通道模式,這通常表示前景看跌。目前支撐位為 0.05 美元,阻力位為 0.069 美元。

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is moving around 67 which is considered as an approach to break the oversold region. If HBAR breaks the $0.069 resistance, it may go above $0.75. A fall below $0.060 support may trigger a bearish movement.

相對強弱指數 (RSI) 正在 67 附近移動,這被認為是突破超賣區域的方法。如果 HBAR 突破 0.069 美元阻力位,則可能會突破 0.75 美元。跌破 0.060 美元支撐位可能會引發看跌走勢。

Source: TradingView


Also Read: XRP Whale Dumps Over 51 Mln XRP, Another Freefall Below $0.60?

另請閱讀:XRP 鯨魚拋售超過 5,100 萬 XRP,再次跌破 0.60 美元?

The post Dogecoin Price Spikes Amid Astrobotic’s Launch While HBAR Follows appeared first on CoinGape.

狗狗幣價格在 Astrobotic 推出期間飆升,而 HBAR 緊隨其後的消息首先出現在 CoinGape 上。


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