首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣價格在本週一開始就突破了 0.08 美元——隨著這款新 Meme 幣獲得看漲支持,狗狗幣價格將上漲 0.1 美元

Dogecoin Price Starts Week by Breaching $0.08 – Is $0.1 Incoming as This New Meme Coin Receives Bullish Backing

狗狗幣價格在本週一開始就突破了 0.08 美元——隨著這款新 Meme 幣獲得看漲支持,狗狗幣價格將上漲 0.1 美元

發布: 2023/11/27 21:32 閱讀: 740

原文作者:Coinpedia Fintech News


The post Dogecoin Price Starts Week by Breaching $0.08 – Is $0.1 Incoming as This New Meme Coin Receives Bullish Backing appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

狗狗幣價格本週開始突破 0.08 美元——隨著新 Meme 代幣獲得看漲支持,即將迎來 0.1 美元的消息首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

Dogecoin has surged today, while many other cryptocurrencies have slumped. Currently, the leading meme coin is trading at $0.08094, up 3.41% in the last 24 hours. This puts DOGE as the best-performing top-50 crypto by market cap – will this momentum finally push it past $0.1?

狗狗幣今天飆升,而許多其他加密貨幣則暴跌。目前,領先的 meme 代幣交易價格為 0.08094 美元,在過去 24 小時內上漲了 3.41%。這使得 DOGE 成為按市值計算表現最好的前 50 名加密貨幣——這種勢頭最終會推動其突破 0.1 美元嗎?

Meanwhile, presale crypto Meme Kombat has also boomed, recently surpassing $2.1 million. Its explosive presale has compelled top industry analysts to provide some exciting predictions.

同時,加密貨幣 Meme Kombat 的預售也蓬勃發展,最近突破了 210 萬美元。其爆炸性的預售迫使頂級產業分析師提供了一些令人興奮的預測。

Trader Predicts Dogecoin Will Hit $0.1 After Spotting “Three Drives Pattern”

交易員預測狗狗幣在發現「三駕駛模式」後將觸及 0.1 美元

TradingView analyst Yaroslav_Krasko recently provided a Dogecoin daily time frame chart analysis, predicting that the price will soon hit $0.1 and climb to $0.16.

TradingView 分析師 Yaroslav_Krasko 最近提供了狗狗幣每日時間框架圖表分析,預測價格很快就會觸及 0.1 美元並攀升至 0.16 美元。

The trader noticed a “three drives” chart pattern. This is where the price creates three symmetrical drives or moves up or down. In Dogecoin’s case, the drives are down, making this a bullish three-drive pattern, likely to be followed by a break out to the upside.


Given the macro scale of the chart pattern formation, Yaraslav_Krasko forecasts significant gains after the breakout.

考慮到圖表模式形成的宏觀規模,Yaraslav_Krasko 預測突破後將出現顯著上漲。

The analysis refers to Dogecoin’s current trajectory as setting the stage “for a unique interplay of liquidity dynamics, often observed in breakout scenarios.”


Other analysts are also significantly bullish on Dogecoin, with prominent X influencer KALEO offering commentary since it touched a trend line support at $0.7 last week.

其他分析師也非常看好狗狗幣,自從上週狗狗幣觸及 0.7 美元的趨勢線支撐以來,知名 X 影響者 KALEO 發表了評論。

KALEO noted a “Clean bottom wick into support” and said, “Send it higher,” referring to Dogecoin creating new local highs.

KALEO 指出“乾淨的底部燈芯進入支撐位”,並表示“將其推高”,指的是狗狗幣創造了新的局部高點。

In a more recent tweet, KALEO referred to Dogecoin’s subsequent price action as a “solid recovery.”

在最近的一條推文中,KALEO 將狗狗幣隨後的價格走勢稱為「穩健復甦」。

Dogecoin suffered a particularly bad bear market and made little progress as other cryptos like Dogecoin and Ethereum pumped over the last year. As such, it makes sense that it has begun outperforming the market.


However, its recent pump may be attributed to a resurfacing video on X of Elon Musk commenting on Dogecoin.

然而,其最近的上漲可能歸因於馬斯克在 X 上評論狗狗幣的影片的重新出現。

Musk alluded that Dogecoin could be used for everyday purchases thanks to its low fees and superior scalability to Bitcoin. He described the meme coin as “better suited for transactions.”


The interview occurred in 2021, but prominent influencer AltcoinDaily reposted it earlier today, and the video has amassed over 290K views so far.

該採訪發生在 2021 年,但著名影響者 AltcoinDaily 今天早些時候轉發了該採訪,迄今為止該視頻已獲得超過 29 萬次觀看。

Ultimately, this shows that the Dogecoin and meme coin narrative may be heating up again. With crypto prices slated to boom in the coming months thanks to the Bitcoin halving and Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETFs, this could push Dogecoin and other meme coins to explode again.

最終,這表明狗狗幣和迷因幣的故事可能會再次升溫。由於比特幣減半以及比特幣和以太坊現貨 ETF,加密貨幣價格預計將在未來幾個月上漲,這可能會推動狗狗幣和其他迷因幣再次爆炸。

With this in mind, analysts are backing Meme Kombat for parabolic gains. The project is currently undergoing a presale, which is gathering massive momentum thanks to its unique GambleFi utility.

考慮到這一點,分析師支持 Meme Kombat 獲得拋物線收益。該項目目前正在進行預售,由於其獨特的 GambleFi 實用程序,預售勢頭強勁。

Multi-Purpose Staking Coin Meme Kombat Backed to 10X and Offers 419% APY

多用途質押 Coin Meme Kombat 支持 10 倍並提供 419% 年化收益

Meme Kombat is a multi-purpose meme coin that offers staking and lets users gamble on AI-generated battles between infamous meme coin characters.

Meme Kombat 是一種多用途模因幣,它提供質押功能,讓用戶可以在臭名昭著的模因幣角色之間的人工智慧生成的戰鬥中進行賭博。

As well as providing a more immersive and exciting experience for users, this also offers multiple utilities to Meme Kombat, a significant advantage over Dogecoin and most other meme coins.

除了為用戶提供更身臨其境和令人興奮的體驗之外,這還為 Meme Kombat 提供了多種實用程序,這比狗狗幣和大多數其他 Meme 幣具有顯著優勢。

The project’s presale has raised over $2.1 million in eight weeks. Its early success has captured the attention of numerous top analysts, with Jacob Bury predicting it could 10x. Bury references advantages like a KYC’d team and its high staking APY.

該項目的預售在八週內籌集了超過 210 萬美元。它的早期成功引起了許多頂級分析師的關注,雅各布·伯里 (Jacob Bury) 預測它可能會增長 10 倍。 Bury 提到了 KYC 團隊及其高質押 APY 等優勢。

Meanwhile, analyst Crypto Zeus dubbed Meme Kombat “high reward,” highlighting its compelling use case as a reason it could explode.

同時,分析師 Crypto Zeus 將 Meme Kombat 稱為“高回報”,強調其引人注目的用例是它可能爆炸的原因。

As mentioned, Jacob Bury pointed out Meme Kombat’s lucrative staking APY. Presale buyers can begin staking their tokens immediately for a 419% APY. However, they must be quick because this incrementally decreases as the staking pool grows.

如前所述,Jacob Bury 指出了 Meme Kombat 的 APY 質押利潤豐厚。預售買家可以立即開始抵押他們的代幣,年利率為 419%。然而,它們必須很快,因為隨著質押池的增長,速度會逐漸減少。

Another advantage that Bury highlighted was Meme Kombat’s KYCd team. This presents a considerable advantage over other meme coins since it adds transparency and accountability to the project, hinting at long-term potential. Additionally, the project features a smart contract audit, further attesting to its security.

Bury 強調的另一個優勢是 Meme Kombat 的 KYCd 團隊。與其他模因幣相比,這具有相當大的優勢,因為它增加了項目的透明度和問責制,暗示了長期潛力。此外,該專案還具有智慧合約審計功能,進一步證明了其安全性。

Investors can buy Meme Kombat for $0.214, but this is set to rise to $0.225 in just three days.

投資者可以以 0.214 美元的價格購買 Meme Kombat,但三天內價格將升至 0.225 美元。


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