首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 前狗狗幣百萬富翁為即將到來的投資企業著眼於新的加密貨幣

Former Dogecoin Millionaire Eyes New Cryptocurrency for Upcoming Investment Venture


發布: 2023/11/27 21:38 閱讀: 603

原文作者:Coinpedia Fintech News


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前狗狗幣百萬富翁為即將到來的投資企業著眼於新的加密貨幣的帖子首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上



  • Glauber Contessoto became a Dogecoin millionaire by investing early in the coin.
  • 康特索托(Glauber Contessoto)透過早期投資狗狗幣成為百萬富翁。

  • A new meme coin now offers the latest opportunity to level up your crypto game.
  • 一種新的迷因硬幣現在提供了升級您的加密遊戲的最新機會。

  • Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ) has emerged as the best ICO with prospects of a stunning 150% ROI.
  • Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ) 已成為最佳 ICO,預計將實現令人驚嘆的 150% 投資回報率。

The crypto landscape has seen the rise of numerous millionaires over the last decade. Investing in Dogecoin (DOGE) early proved to be a life-changing decision for Glauber Contessoto, who eventually became a millionaire. Interestingly, Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ), a new meme coin, now offers the same best crypto investment opportunity for aspiring crypto investors.

在過去的十年裡,加密貨幣領域見證了無數百萬富翁的崛起。事實證明,早期投資狗狗幣(DOGE)對 Glauber Contessoto 來說是一個改變人生的決定,他最終成為了百萬富翁。有趣的是,Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ),一種新的迷因幣,現在為有抱負的加密貨幣投資者提供了同樣最好的加密貨幣投資機會。

Let’s relive the remarkable tale of Glauber Contessoto’s rise to crypto glory and find out why Rebel Satoshi is the best crypto to invest in now!

讓我們重溫 Glauber Contessoto 崛起為加密貨幣輝煌的非凡故事,並找出為什麼 Rebel Satoshi 是現在最值得投資的加密貨幣!

Glauber Contessoto Invested in Dogecoin Early, Reaching Millions

Glauber Contessoto 早期投資狗狗幣,投資額達數百萬美元

In the world of cryptocurrency, the tale of ‘SlumDOGE Millionaire,’ Glauber Contessoto, unfolded with a daring move into the Dogecoin craze. The crypto market was booming, and new ICOs were flooding into the market. Amid the crypto craze, Dogecoin emerged on the crypto landscape, backed by some prominent figures like Elon Musk.

在加密貨幣世界中,「貧民窟百萬富翁」格勞伯·康特索托 (Glauber Contessoto) 的故事以大膽進軍狗狗幣熱潮的方式展開。加密貨幣市場蓬勃發展,新的 ICO 大量湧入市場。在加密貨幣熱潮中,狗狗幣在加密貨幣領域嶄露頭角,並得到了伊隆馬斯克等一些知名人物的支持。

Enticed by Elon Musk’s Twitter (now X) endorsements in 2020, Glauber Contessoto made a bold decision, pooling all his savings and leveraging his credit card to pour $250,000 into the meme-inspired coin.

2020 年,受到埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk) Twitter(現為X)支持的誘惑,格勞伯·康特索托(Glauber Contessoto) 做出了一個大膽的決定,他拿出所有積蓄,並利用信用卡為這款受迷因啟發的代幣投入了25 萬美元。

As the crypto market danced to Dogecoin’s rhythm, Contessoto’s investment soared, reaching a remarkable $3 million at its peak. This was a life-changing moment for Glauber as he never imagined he could earn millions of dollars by investing in a meme coin early. However, his investment has shrunk since then.

隨著加密貨幣市場隨著狗狗幣的節奏起舞,Contessoto 的投資飆升,在巔峰時期達到了驚人的 300 萬美元。對格勞伯來說,這是一個改變生活的時刻,因為他從未想過自己可以透過早期投資迷因幣來賺取數百萬美元。然而,此後他的投資金額不斷縮水。

Glauber Contessoto’s Consistency Amid The Fall of Dogecoin

格勞伯·康特索托 (Glauber Contessoto) 在狗狗幣衰落期間的一致性

This audacious move by Glauber Contessoto, however, wasn’t without its risks. After hitting a peak value of $0.73 in May 2021, Dogecoin experienced a tumultuous descent, plunging over 90%. This plunge was not limited to Dogecoin, but all top crypto coins saw a price decline.

然而,格勞伯·孔特索託的這一大膽舉動並非沒有風險。在 2021 年 5 月觸及 0.73 美元的峰值後,狗狗幣經歷了劇烈的下跌,暴跌超過 90%。這次暴跌不僅限於狗狗幣,所有頂級加密貨幣的價格都出現下跌。

Glauber Contessoto, undeterred by the bearish market, opted to weather the storm, holding onto his Dogecoin fortunes. The once sky-high value of his holdings dwindled to a mere $50,000 in the face of the crypto market’s unpredictable nature.

格勞伯·孔特索托(Glauber Contessoto)並沒有被看跌的市場嚇倒,他選擇堅守自己的狗狗幣財富,渡過難關。面對加密貨幣市場的不可預測性,他所持有的曾經天價的資產價值降至僅 5 萬美元。

In August, Glauber Contessoto shared his shrunken portfolio on Twitter (now X), sparking a wave of responses from the crypto community. Suggestions to liquidate echoed through the comments, but Glauber Contessoto, resilient in his approach, responded with a touch of humour, stating, “If that was the case, I would’ve sold long before I hit the first $1 Million lol.”

8 月,Glauber Contessoto 在 Twitter(現為 X)上分享了他縮減的投資組合,引發了加密社群的一波回應。評論中也出現了清算的建議,但格勞伯·康特索托(Glauber Contessoto) 的態度堅韌,他以一種幽默的方式回應,他說:「如果是這樣的話,我早就在達到第一個100 萬美元之前就賣掉了,哈哈。”

While Glauber Contessoto is aware of the loss he suffered with the crypto market’s plunge, he knows that the future is crypto. Therefore, the SlumDOGE Millionaire is holding onto his digital assets and is also considering adding another meme coin to the portfolio, which is expected to bring a stunning 150% ROI for investors.

儘管 Glauber Contessoto 意識到自己因加密貨幣市場暴跌而遭受的損失,但他知道未來是加密貨幣。因此,SlumDOGE Millionaire 一邊持有自己的數位資產,一邊考慮在投資組合中添加另一種 meme 幣,預計將為投資者帶來驚人的 150% 投資回報率。

Glauber Contessoto Eyes Rebel Satoshi as His Next Big Investment

Glauber Contessoto 將反叛中本聰視為他的下一個重大投資

Glauber Contessoto, the former Dogecoin millionaire, is setting his sights on a new horizon—Rebel Satoshi’s $RBLZ token. This Ethereum-based (ERC20) token is not just another digital currency; $RBLZ represents a movement, a rebellion against established norms, and a commitment to reshaping the crypto landscape.

前狗狗幣百萬富翁 Glauber Contessoto 將目光投向了新的視野——Rebel Satoshi 的 $RBLZ 代幣。這種基於以太坊(ERC20)的代幣不僅僅是另一種數位貨幣;它也是一種數位貨幣。 $RBLZ 代表了一場運動、對既定規範的反抗以及重塑加密貨幣格局的承諾。

The Rebel Satoshi project embodies the spirit of rebellion, drawing inspiration from Satoshi Nakamoto and Guy Fawkes, disruptors who questioned authority. Moreover, Glauber Contessoto, known for his bold moves in the crypto space, is drawn to Rebel Satoshi’s audacious goal—a market capitalization of 100 million.

反叛中本聰計畫體現了反叛精神,從質疑權威的顛覆者中本聰和蓋伊福克斯那裡汲取靈感。此外,以在加密貨幣領域的大膽舉措而聞名的 Glauber Contessoto 也被 Rebel Satoshi 的大膽目標(市值達到 1 億)所吸引。

What sets Rebel Satoshi apart is its fusion of playfulness and purpose. It’s not a solemn revolution but a joyous uprising where laughter and unity are the chosen weapons. Through interactive quests, meme culture, and playful engagement, Rebel Satoshi invites participants to challenge norms while having fun along the way.

Rebel Satoshi 的與眾不同之處在於它融合了趣味性和目的性。這不是一場莊嚴的革命,而是一場歡樂的起義,歡笑和團結是選擇的武器。透過互動任務、迷因文化和有趣的參與,叛逆中本聰邀請參與者挑戰規範,同時享受樂趣。

Rebel Satoshi is in the Early Bid Round of its public presale, offering $RBLZ at $0.010. That’s why $RBLZ has recently witnessed a staggering 10 million tokens sold in just 48 hours. Moreover, experts anticipate $RBLZ reaching $0.025, bringing 150% gains for early investors.

Rebel Satoshi 正處於公開預售的早期投標階段,報價為 $RBLZ,價格為 0.010 美元。這就是為什麼 $RBLZ 最近在短短 48 小時內售出了驚人的 1000 萬枚代幣。此外,專家預計$RBLZ將達到0.025美元,為早期投資者帶來150%的收益。

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,請務必訪問 Rebel Satoshi 官方預售網站或透過 Telegram 聯繫 Rebel Red


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