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Dogecoin Spotlighted by Enormous Whale Transfer


發布: 2024/02/07 18:01 閱讀: 865

原文作者:BH NEWS



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您也可以在 BH NEWS 上閱讀此新聞:巨鯨轉移聚焦狗狗幣

Dogecoin, a leading meme cryptocurrency, has recently grabbed headlines in the crypto community due to a substantial transaction by a “whale,” a term for large-scale holders. This event, which was spotted by Whale Alert, a blockchain monitoring service, involved the shifting of 100 million Dogecoins to various exchanges. The transaction has stirred up concerns amongst investors, considering the potential sell-off that could adversely affect the coin’s value.

狗狗幣是一種領先的迷因加密貨幣,最近由於「鯨魚」(大規模持有者的術語)的大量交易而成為加密社區的頭條新聞。區塊鏈監控服務 Whale Alert 發現了這起事件,涉及 1 億狗狗幣轉移到各個交易所。考慮到潛在的拋售可能會對代幣的價值產生不利影響,該交易引起了投資者的擔憂。

Investor Sentiments and Token Adoption


Currently, Dogecoin is grappling with a bearish sentiment, with fears escalating over a possible large-scale sell by the whale. Besides the market trepidation, the token has seen a noticeable uptick in wallet adoption recently, which has historically been beneficial for its price trajectory.


In a detailed report by Whale Alert, the 100 million Dogecoins, worth approximately 7.83 million dollars, were moved from an anonymous wallet to Robinhood, a prominent financial service provider in the United States. This substantial transaction has not only garnered interest but also paralleled a slight decline in the coin’s value with an influx in supply.

在 Whale Alert 的一份詳細報告中,這 1 億枚狗狗幣,價值約 783 萬美元,從一個匿名錢包轉移到了美國著名金融服務提供商 Robinhood。這筆巨額交易不僅引起了人們的興趣,而且隨著供應量的湧入,代幣的價值也略有下降。

Concurrently, as the market scrutinizes this event, there has been a 2.25% dip in open interest for Dogecoin, indicating a market exit by some investors that aligns with the whale’s transaction-driven liquidation.

同時,隨著市場對此事件的審視,狗狗幣的未平倉合約下降了 2.25%,這表明一些投資者退出市場,這與鯨魚交易驅動的清算一致。

Price Trends Post-Transaction


At the moment, Dogecoin’s price has seen a minor slump of 0.40% over the past day, currently trading at 0.07832 dollars. Weekly and monthly analyses also display decreases of 1.53% and 3.10%, respectively. Although the market has absorbed the additional 100 million Dogecoins, the price has managed to maintain a degree of resilience due to the rise in wallet adoption.

目前,狗狗幣的價格在過去一天小幅下跌了 0.40%,目前交易價格為 0.07832 美元。週線和月線分析也分別顯示下降 1.53% 和 3.10%。儘管市場已經吸收了額外的 1 億枚狗狗幣,但由於錢包採用率的上升,價格仍保持了一定程度的彈性。

However, the whale’s massive exchange transfer poses a threat to Dogecoin’s price, potentially leading to a downward trend. Market participants remain vigilant as they continue to monitor these developments.


The post first appeared on BH NEWS: Dogecoin Spotlighted by Enormous Whale Transfer

該帖子首次出現在 BH 新聞:巨鯨轉移聚焦狗狗幣


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