首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 機器學習演算法設定 2024 年 2 月 29 日狗狗幣價格

Machine learning algorithm sets Dogecoin price for February 29, 2024

機器學習演算法設定 2024 年 2 月 29 日狗狗幣價格

發布: 2024/02/07 18:01 閱讀: 421



With the prices of many assets in the cryptocurrency sector still moving a bit sluggishly, Dogecoin (DOGE) is no exception, and machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms do not see much improvement for the famous dog-themed crypto asset by the end of this month.


As it happens, the advanced analytics algorithms used by the crypto and stock monitoring platform CoinCodex to project future trends predict a slight decline for Dogecoin, setting its price at $0.0687 on February 29, 2024, according to the most recent information on February 7.

碰巧的是,根據2 月7 日的最新消息,加密貨幣和股票監控平台CoinCodex 用於預測未來趨勢的高級分析演算法預測狗狗幣將小幅下跌,並於2024 年2 月29 日將其價格定為0.0687 美元。

More specifically, the above forecast – which CoinCodex’s machine algorithm based on the crypto asset’s historical price dataset and other related factors – sees the price of Dogecoin as 12.37% lower from where it stood at press time, provided this prediction materializes.

更具體地說,上述預測(CoinCodex 的機器演算法基於加密資產的歷史價格資料集和其他相關因素)認為,如果這項預測成為現實,狗狗幣的價格將比發稿時的價格低 12.37%。

Bullish hints


On the other hand, despite the bearish prognosis and static price action, Dogecoin is witnessing parabolic activity on its network, recording a growth in the number of crypto wallets holding DOGE at the fastest rate in its decade-long history, suggesting a possible bullish momentum in the making.




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Moreover, the network has also observed a substantial increase in DOGE transactions in recent weeks, with the average weekly transaction amounting to around $593, indicating an intense and surging interest in Dogecoin despite the current obstacles in its price action.

此外,該網絡還觀察到最近幾週 DOGE 交易大幅增加,平均每週交易額約為 593 美元,這表明儘管當前價格走勢存在障礙,但人們對狗狗幣的興趣濃厚且高漲。

Dogecoin price analysis


Meanwhile, Dogecoin was at press time trading at $0.0784, down 0.21% on the day, as well as losing 1.64% to its value across the previous week but nonetheless holding onto the 1.07% gain on its monthly chart, as per the latest data retrieved by Finbold.

同時,根據檢索到的最新數據,截至發稿時,狗狗幣交易價格為 0.0784 美元,當日下跌 0.21%,較前一周下跌 1.64%,但在月度圖表上仍保持 1.07% 的漲幅由芬博爾德.

All things considered, DOGE could, indeed, continue its decline toward the price range predicted by the machine and AI algorithms, especially when taking into account the recent statement by the ecosystem’s developer Timothy Stebbing, who said that it has run into technical difficulties.

綜合考慮,DOGE 確實可能會繼續向機器和人工智慧演算法預測的價格範圍下降,特別是考慮到生態系統開發人員 Timothy Stebbing 最近的聲明,他表示 DOGE 遇到了技術困難。

However, things in this sector can often change on a whim, and the popular digital asset favored by Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) CEO Elon Musk could end the month by turning the tables on its price, which is why it is important to keep up with the industry news and carry out one’s own research before investing.

然而,這個行業的情況往往會隨心所欲地發生變化,而特斯拉(納斯達克股票代碼:TSLA)執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)青睞的流行數位資產可能會在月底扭轉其價格,這就是為什麼跟上步伐很重要在投資前了解行業新聞並進行自己的研究。

Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.


Source: https://thebittimes.com/machine-learning-algorithm-sets-dogecoin-price-for-february-29-2024-tbt79128.html



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