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The Best Meme Coins to Invest in Now: BONK, NUGX, and PEPE

現在最值得投資的 Meme 幣:BONK、NUGX 和 PEPE

發布: 2024/02/07 17:34 閱讀: 277





  • Pepe aims to reclaim its all-time high, leaving it with staggering room for growth.
  • 佩佩的目標是恢復歷史最高水平,為其留下驚人的成長空間。

  • Bonk is expected to replicate its previous bull run this year.
  • 預計邦克今年將複製先前的牛市行情。

  • NuggetRush is tipped for a 75x upside post-launch.
  • NuggetRush 預計推出後將實現 75 倍的上漲。

The explosive track record of memecoins, from Dogecoin to Shiba Inu, has made the sector the go-to for staggering gains. With the ecosystem boasting several rag-to-riches stories, the best meme coins to invest in now are Bonk (BONK), Pepe (PEPE), and NuggetRush (NUGX). This post will cover why these are the best cryptos to buy now—don’t miss out.

從狗狗幣到柴犬,模因幣的爆炸性記錄使該行業成為了驚人收益的首選。由於生態系統擁有多個白手起家的故事,現在最值得投資的迷因幣是 Bonk (BONK)、Pepe (PEPE) 和 NuggetRush (NUGX)。這篇文章將介紹為什麼這些是現在最值得購買的加密貨幣——不要錯過。

>> Buy NuggetRush Now <<

>> 立即購買 NuggetRush

NuggetRush (NUGX): The Best New Meme Coin to Buy Now

NuggetRush (NUGX):立即購買的最佳新迷因幣

NuggetRush (NUGX) is currently a star in the ICO world. Gearing up for its launch, it is set to take the crypto world by storm—the hottest P2E memecoin. In round five of the ICO, a token is priced at just $0.018, and experts are bullish.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 目前是 ICO 世界的明星。它正準備推出,將席捲加密世界——最熱門的 P2E 模因幣。在 ICO 第五輪中,代幣價格僅 0.018 美元,專家們看好。

According to forecasts, it will experience a 75x uptick after its launch, positioning it as the best new crypto to invest in. Besides its massive growth potential as one of the most promising new ICOs, it stands out from most meme coins. When is the Lambo coming? Just HODL and not FOMO (fear of missing out) later at the top.

據預測,它在推出後將經歷75 倍的上漲,將其定位為最值得投資的新加密貨幣。除了作為最有前途的新ICO 之一的巨大增長潛力之外,它還從大多數模因幣中脫穎而出。蘭博什麼時候來?只是 HODL,而不是後來到達頂峰的 FOMO(害怕錯過)。

It boasts real-world use cases as it combines memetic features with play-to-earn (P2E), GameFi, and NFTs. This makes it one of the meme coins with potential, giving it an edge over popular memecoins like Pepe and Bonk without tangible use cases.

它擁有現實世界的用例,因為它將模因功能與玩賺錢 (P2E)、GameFi 和 NFT 結合起來。這使其成為具有潛力的模因幣之一,使其比 Pepe 和 Bonk 等流行的模因幣(沒有實際用例)具有優勢。

With the presale ongoing—a window of opportunity available before launch—you can become an early holder. The smart contract has been audited by SolidProof, showing it to be safe and secured from being rugged. This is another commendable move by the team, highlighting transparency and dedication to security.

隨著預售的進行(發布前的一個機會窗口),您可以成為早期持有者。該智能合約已經過 SolidProof 的審核,表明它是安全的並且不會堅固。這是該團隊的另一項值得稱讚的舉措,凸顯了透明度和對安全的奉獻精神。

>> Buy NuggetRush Now << 

>> 立即購買 NuggetRush

Transform Hundreds Into Millions With the Magic of Memecoins – think $BONK, but bigger!

透過 Memecoins 的魔力,將數億變成數百萬 – 想想 $BONK,但規模更大!

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The key? Getting in early, especially during the IDO phase. Get in on NuggetRush now! This innovative memecoin blends play-to-earn gaming with real-world gold mining. Join soon to take advantage of the current ICO prices!

鑰匙?儘早介入,尤其是在 IDO 階段。立即加入 NuggetRush!這種創新的迷因幣將邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲與現實世界的金礦開採融為一體。盡快加入,享受當前 ICO 價格!

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Bonk (BONK): A Solana-Based Memecoin

Bonk (BONK):基於 Solana 的 Memecoin

Bonk (BONK) is among the leading Solana memecoins—the first—and most likely requires no introduction at this point. It was one of the biggest highlights of 2023, bursting into the limelight with explosive growth. With its rally not expected to slow down—foot firmly on the gas—Bonk is among the meme coins to bet on.

Bonk (BONK) 是領先的 Solana memecoin 之一(第一個),目前很可能不需要介紹。這是 2023 年最大的亮點之一,以爆炸性增長而成為眾人矚目的焦點。由於其漲勢預計不會放緩——堅定地踩油門——Bonk 是值得押注的模因幣之一。

One of its strongest appeals is its unique approach. Among the sea of ETH meme coins, Bonk stands out as a Solana-based memecoin, which gives it an edge over other dog coins. The Solana ecosystem continues to grow at a rapid pace, which further gives the meme token more exposure.

其最強大的吸引力之一是其獨特的方法。在 ETH 迷因幣的海洋中,Bonk 作為基於 Solana 的迷因幣脫穎而出,這使其比其他狗幣更具優勢。 Solana 生態系統持續快速成長,這進一步為 Meme 代幣提供了更多曝光。

According to analysts, it will likely replicate its bull run from the previous year. With several crypto millionaires made in 2023, this might be a second shot at massive gains for investors who missed out. Simply grab a bag and HODL.

分析師稱,它可能會複製去年的牛市行情。隨著 2023 年出現了幾位加密貨幣百萬富翁,對於錯過的投資者來說,這可能是獲得巨額收益的第二次機會。只需拿起一個包並持有即可。

Pepe (PEPE): A Must-Have Meme Token

Pepe (PEPE):必備的 Meme 代幣

Pepe (PEPE) is also one of the most popular meme coins. In the second and third quarters of the previous year, it was the buzz of the moment. Until Bonk happened. The Solana-based memecoin stole the spotlight, relegating Pepe and pushing it out of the top 100 cryptos.

佩佩(PEPE)也是最受歡迎的迷因幣之一。去年第二季和第三季度,這是一時的熱鬧。直到邦克發生。基於 Solana 的 memecoin 搶盡風頭,將 Pepe 降級並將其擠出前 100 名加密貨幣。

Significantly down from its all-time high, a bounceback appears to be on the cards for Pepe. Its staggering room for growth makes it one of the best cryptos to buy now. Without failing to mention, it has a very low entry point, which allows you to accumulate more tokens at a small price.


That isn’t all. As one of the handfuls of deflationary memecoins on Ethereum, it is a compelling investment option for both the long and short terms. This makes it a must-have in your crypto portfolio—a good crypto to buy.




If you are looking into the best meme coins to buy now, the most compelling options to consider are Pepe, NuggetRush, and Bonk. Their potential uptick this year is expected to be massive, making them promising plays not to miss out on. If you wish to participate in the NuggetRush presale, click the link below.

如果你現在正在尋找最好的迷因幣,那麼最值得考慮的選擇是 Pepe、NuggetRush 和 Bonk。他們今年的潛在成長預計將是巨大的,這使得他們的表現不容錯過。如果您想參與 NuggetRush 預售,請點擊下面的連結。

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

造訪 NuggetRush 預售網站

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Check NuggetRush ($NUGX)

檢查 NuggetRush ($NUGX)

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Buy NUGX Today

立即購買 NUGX

Being in its ICO stage, NuggetRush offers a prime opportunity for early investors to get in at potentially lower prices
A unique play-to-earn gaming platform in the memecoin market
The platform combines artisanal and gold mining with cryptocurrencies in an unusual gaming context, offering a distinctive and immersive experience
Fosters a strong community by encouraging physical meetups among members
NFT Integration with Prominent Characters

正處於ICO 階段,NuggetRush 為早期投資者提供了以潛在較低價格進入的絕佳機會Memecoin 市場中獨特的玩賺錢遊戲平台該平台在不尋常的遊戲環境中將手工和金礦開採與加密貨幣結合在一起,提供獨特且身臨其境的體驗 透過鼓勵成員之間的實體聚會來培育強大的社區 NFT 與知名人物的整合

The post The Best Meme Coins to Invest in Now: BONK, NUGX, and PEPE appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

貼文「現在最值得投資的 Meme 幣:BONK、NUGX 和 PEPE」首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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