首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著狗狗幣努力重新獲得動力,反叛的中本聰成為加密貨幣愛好者的新寵

As Dogecoin Struggles to Regain Momentum, Rebel Satoshi Emerges as a New Favorite Among Crypto Enthusiasts


發布: 2024/01/30 18:35 閱讀: 863



  • Dogecoin (DOGE) sees a huge potential in its ecosystem and is gearing towards a bullish 2024.
  • 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 看到了其生態系統的巨大潛力,並準備迎接 2024 年的牛市。

  • Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) remains the top altcoin to invest in per top ICO experts.
  • 根據頂級 ICO 專家的說法,Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) 仍然是最值得投資的山寨幣。

Dogecoin has been listed on an Indian cryptocurrency exchange. On the other hand, the investor emphasis has shifted to $RBLZ, which experienced a phenomenal 120% price increase during its presale. Let’s look at the latest on DOGE and $RBLZ as we compare some of the best cryptos to buy. 

狗狗幣已在印度加密貨幣交易所上市。另一方面,投資者的重點已轉向 $RBLZ,該產品在預售期間價格上漲了 120%。讓我們來看看 DOGE 和 $RBLZ 的最新動態,比較一些最值得購買的加密貨幣。

DOGE Struggles to Stay Bullish as Fitpay Announces Support for Dogecoin.

Fitpay 宣布支持狗狗幣,DOGE 努力保持看漲。

On January 18, Flitpay, an Indian cryptocurrency exchange, made a big revelation about Dogecoin. The exchange announced that DOGE deposits and withdrawals are now available on its platform, demonstrating that Dogecoin’s utility in the Indian crypto market has grown. This Dogecoin news comes in addition to the latest reports that X (formerly Twitter) is looking to implement peer-to-peer payments anchored on Dogecoin. 

1月18日,印度加密貨幣交易所Flitpay對狗狗幣進行了重大爆料。該交易所宣布,DOGE 存款和提款現已在其平台上提供,這表明狗狗幣在印度加密貨幣市場的效用已經成長。這隻狗幣新聞是在 X(以前的 Twitter)正在尋求實施基於狗狗幣的點對點支付的最新報道的基礎上發布的。

Dogecoin traded at $0.0779 on January 18 but jumped to $.0.0785 on January 24, representing a 0.783% rise. Meanwhile, market analysts predict an upswing for DOGE as a result of the improved access. They estimate that DOGE will reach $0.156 by the end of February.

狗狗幣 1 月 18 日交易價格為 0.0779 美元,但在 1 月 24 日躍升至 0.0.0785 美元,漲幅為 0.783%。同時,市場分析師預測,由於准入條件的改善,DOGE 將會上漲。他們預計 DOGE 到 2 月底將達到 0.156 美元。

In contrast, some analysts are hesitant to invest in DOGE due to technical indicator signals. The DOGE price is still in overbought territory according to the Relative Strength Index, while MACD histograms indicate a forthcoming downtrend in the interim. Thus, they estimate that DOGE will fall to $0.0565 by the end of February.

相比之下,一些分析師由於技術指標訊號而對投資 DOGE 猶豫不決。根據相對強度指數,DOGE 價格仍處於超買區域,而 MACD 長條圖則顯示在此期間即將出現下降趨勢。因此,他們估計 DOGE 將在 2 月底跌至 0.0565 美元。



Examining Rebel Satoshi’s Mission Seeks to Rebel Against the Financial Status Quo


Rebel Satoshi is a one-of-a-kind meme coin dedicated to revolting against the oppressive financial status quo through meme culture and community building. It’s a defiant movement that promotes decentralized finance and social fairness.

Rebel Satoshi 是一種獨特的迷因幣,致力於透過迷因文化和社區建設來反抗壓迫性的金融現狀。這是一場促進去中心化金融和社會公平的挑釁運動。

Rebel Satoshi also offers users the opportunity to decompress through daily interactive activities and virtual meetups. Another amusing outlet is the Rebel Meme Hall of Fame, where users’ best memes relating to Rebel Satoshi will be admired in a community gallery.

Rebel Satoshi 也為使用者提供了透過日常互動活動和虛擬聚會來減壓的機會。另一個有趣的管道是 Rebel Meme 名人堂,用戶與 Rebel Satoshi 相關的最佳 meme 將在社區畫廊中受到欣賞。

So, what makes Rebel Satoshi a promising cryptocurrency to invest in? The project aims to raise $100 million in market capitalization. As a result, there is a lot of untapped potential because the industry is still in its early phases. The utility token $RBLZ serves as the driving force behind Rebel Satoshi’s ecosystem.

那麼,是什麼讓 Rebel Satoshi 成為有前景的加密貨幣投資呢?該項目旨在籌集 1 億美元的市值。因此,由於該行業仍處於早期階段,因此還有很多尚未開發的潛力。實用代幣 $RBLZ 是 Rebel Satoshi 生態系統背後的驅動力。

$RBLZ promotes high liquidity and long-term holding by staking and trading two NFT collections featuring 9,999 unique items and digital art characters. The first of these collections is expected following the much-anticipated presale for Rebel Satoshi, which will end next month.

$RBLZ 透過質押和交易兩個包含 9,999 個獨特物品和數位藝術角色的 NFT 系列來促進高流動性和長期持有。第一個系列預計將在備受期待的 Rebel Satoshi 預售之後推出,預售將於下個月結束。

This is where $RBLZ becomes available to the public. $RBLZ has increased 120% since the first round, from $0.010 to $0.022 in the most recent round. $RBLZ will grow to $0.025 following the presale, indicating Rebel Satoshi’s official launch and placement on numerous exchanges.

這是 $RBLZ 向公眾開放的地方。自第一輪以來,$RBLZ 已上漲 120%,從最近一輪的 0.010 美元增加到 0.022 美元。預售後,$RBLZ 將成長至 0.025 美元,這表明 Rebel Satoshi 正式上線並在眾多交易所上市。

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram 

如需最新更新和更多信息,請務必訪問 Rebel Satoshi 官方預售網站或透過 Telegram 聯繫 Rebel Red

The post As Dogecoin Struggles to Regain Momentum, Rebel Satoshi Emerges as a New Favorite Among Crypto Enthusiasts appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

這篇文章《隨著狗狗幣努力重新獲得動力,反叛的中本聰成為加密貨幣愛好者的新寵》首先出現在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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