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Dogecoin Surpasses 5 Million Addresses Amid Profitable Streak

狗狗幣連續獲利,地址突破 500 萬個

發布: 2023/11/29 06:50 閱讀: 269



The surge in adoption of Dogecoin (DOGE), the well-known humorous cryptocurrency, persists, marked by the number of crypto addresses holding DOGE exceeding 5 million for the first time. This growth, witnessed two years post the initiation of the COVID-19 pandemic, suggests an enduring interest in less serious digital assets. Nevertheless, despite a substantial increase in active addresses and confirmed transactions within the DOGE network, concerns linger regarding the concentration of ownership within the DOGE ecosystem.

眾所周知的幽默加密貨幣狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的採用率持續激增,持有 DOGE 的加密地址數量首次超過 500 萬個。這種增長是在 COVID-19 大流行開始兩年後出現的,表明人們對不太重要的數位資產有著持久的興趣。然而,儘管 DOGE 網路內的活躍地址和已確認交易大幅增加,但對 DOGE 生態系統內所有權集中的擔憂仍然存在。

Elevated Metrics and Ongoing Concerns


Data provided by on-chain analytics firm IntoTheBlock indicates a significant rise in DOGE adoption, with the number of addresses holding the cryptocurrency surpassing 5 million. The count of active addresses has more than doubled, reaching 168,000, the highest since March 2022. Additionally, confirmed transactions on the Dogecoin blockchain have surged, registering a remarkable 1,000% increase in the past 10 days, reaching levels not observed since June.

鏈上分析公司 IntoTheBlock 提供的數據顯示 DOGE 的採用率顯著上升,持有該加密貨幣的位址數量超過 500 萬個。活躍地址數量增加了一倍多,達到168,000 個,這是自2022 年3 月以來的最高水平。此外,狗狗幣區塊鏈上已確認的交易量激增,在過去10 天內顯著增加了1,000 %,達到6 月以來未觀察到的水準。

Despite the positive indicators for DOGE’s recovery, the issue of ownership concentration remains a prominent concern. BitInfoCharts underscores that fewer than 5,000 addresses control over 80% of DOGE’s supply, highlighting the risk associated with a relatively small group wielding substantial influence over the cryptocurrency’s price.

儘管DOGE出現了復甦的積極跡象,但所有權集中度問題仍然是一個突出問題。 BitInfoCharts 強調,不到 5,000 個位址控制著 DOGE 80% 的供應量,這突顯了相對較小的群體對加密貨幣價格產生重大影響的風險。

Despite concerns over concentration, DOGE’s market capitalization has surged by 14%, reaching nearly $11 billion this month. This positive trend in market value is frequently linked to heightened adoption and usage of a cryptocurrency. Notably, Dogecoin’s resilience is evident, with more than half of all DOGE investors currently holding profitable positions, as per IntoTheBlock.

儘管存在集中度擔憂,DOGE 的市值還是飆升了 14%,本月達到近 110 億美元。市場價值的這種積極趨勢通常與加密貨幣的採用和使用的增加有關。值得注意的是,狗狗幣的彈性是顯而易見的,根據 IntoTheBlock 的數據,超過一半的狗狗幣投資者目前持有有利可圖的部位。

Also Read: Old Dogecoin, New Tricks: Surge in Movement and Whale Activity


Profitable Dogecoin Investors


The data indicates that 57% of every DOGE wallet address is presently “In The Money,” signifying that these investors purchased DOGE at a price lower than the current $0.078342 per coin. Noteworthy is the fact that 73% of all Dogecoin investors have maintained their positions for over a year, showcasing a significant presence of long-term holders. In contrast, 27% of investors have held for less than a year, with 4% having positions for less than one month.

數據表明,目前每個 DOGE 錢包地址中有 57% 是“In The Money”,這意味著這些投資者以低於當前每枚代幣 0.078342 美元的價格購買了 DOGE。值得注意的是,73% 的狗狗幣投資者已持有其頭寸一年多,這表明長期持有者數量眾多。相比之下,27% 的投資者持股時間不到一年,4% 的投資者持股時間不到一個月。

The recent milestones in Dogecoin’s adoption, evidenced by the increase in addresses and transactions, imply sustained interest in the cryptocurrency. However, the challenge of ownership concentration and the necessity for a corresponding surge in trading volume underscore potential obstacles to the continued growth of DOGE.

狗狗幣最近的採用里程碑(地址和交易量的增加證明了這一點)意味著人們對這種加密貨幣的持續興趣。然而,所有權集中度的挑戰以及交易量相應激增的必要性凸顯了 DOGE 持續成長的潛在障礙。

Also Read: Dogecoin: December 2023 Price Prediction for DOGE

另請閱讀:狗狗幣:DOGE 2023 年 12 月價格預測

As market observers closely monitor these dynamics, Dogecoin’s role as a store of value for a substantial portion of its investor base becomes apparent, emphasizing the intricate interplay between market metrics and investor behavior in the realm of cryptocurrency.


Source: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-surpasses-5-million-addresses-amid-profitable-streak-tbt71971.html



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