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DOGS Trading Goes Live on Binance, Sparking Strong Market Interest


發布: 2024/08/27 01:46 閱讀: 914

原文作者:The Crypto Times



DOGS Cryptocurrency Launches on Binance

DOGS 加密貨幣在幣安上線

On August 26, 2024, at noon (UTC), DOGS cryptocurrency, developed on The Open Network (TON) blockchain, debuted on Binance. This launch culminates a successful stint on Binance Launchpool, where the token garnered significant attention from the cryptocurrency community.

2024 年 8 月 26 日中午(UTC),基於開放網路(TON)區塊鏈開發的 DOGS 加密貨幣在幣安上線。這次發布使幣安 Launchpool 的成功達到頂峰,該代幣在該平台上獲得了加密貨幣社群的極大關注。

Inspired by Spotty, a beloved mascot created by Pavel Durov for a charitable cause, DOGS has swiftly established itself as a leading digital asset.

受到 Pavel Durov 為慈善事業創建的深受喜愛的吉祥物 Spotty 的啟發,DOGS 迅速確立了自己作為領先數位資產的地位。

Upon its Binance listing, DOGS became tradable in multiple pairs, including DOGS/TRY, DOGS/FDUSD, DOGS/BNB, and DOGS/USDT.


This expanded trading availability is expected to enhance the token's liquidity and drive broader adoption. Binance users with active accounts can now trade DOGS tokens amidst rising interest in this novel asset.

這種擴大的交易可用性預計將增強代幣的流動性並推動更廣泛的採用。隨著人們對這種新穎資產的興趣日益濃厚,擁有活躍帳戶的幣安用戶現在可以交易 DOGS 代幣。

DOGS's unique integration with Telegram enables a fun and interactive experience for its users, fostering community engagement through meme culture and social interaction.

DOGS 與 Telegram 的獨特集合成為其用戶帶來了有趣的互動體驗,透過迷因文化和社交互動促進社區參與。

Similar to popular dog-themed tokens like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, DOGS prioritizes user base growth and community-driven projects.

與狗狗幣和柴犬等流行的狗主題代幣類似,DOGS 優先考慮用戶群成長和社群驅動的項目。

DOGS's airdrop, recognized as one of the largest in cryptocurrency history, played a crucial role in its debut. While it did not offer substantial financial returns, the airdrop attracted widespread participation with over 42 million users reportedly engaging with Telegram's mini-app to complete missions and redeem points. This demonstrates the substantial engagement and interest within the DOGS community.

DOGS 的空投被認為是加密貨幣歷史上最大的空投之一,在其首次亮相中發揮了至關重要的作用。雖然空投並沒有帶來豐厚的經濟回報,但它吸引了廣泛的參與,據報道有超過 4200 萬用戶使用 Telegram 的迷你應用程式來完成任務並兌換積分。這表明了狗社區的大量參與和興趣。

The launch of DOGS on Binance aligns with the growing popularity of tap-to-earn games like Catizen and Hamster Kombat. These games, which allow users to earn rewards through gameplay, have fueled the appeal of meme coins and community-centric tokens like DOGS.

DOGS 在幣安上的推出恰逢 Catizen 和 Hamster Kombat 等點擊賺錢遊戲的日益普及。這些遊戲允許用戶透過玩遊戲來賺取獎勵,這增強了 meme 幣和 DOGS 等以社群為中心的代幣的吸引力。

TokenTable, renowned for its expertise in automated token distributions, managed the DOGS launch, having previously overseen the successful launches of ZETA and MOCA.

TokenTable 以其在自動化代幣分配方面的專業知識而聞名,它管理了 DOGS 的發布,此前曾監督 ZETA 和 MOCA 的成功發布。

By entering Binance, DOGS is poised to continue its upward trajectory. As trading activity increases and more users join the DOGS community via platforms like Telegram, the token's visibility and adoption are anticipated to rise, cementing its position in the competitive meme coin market.

透過進入幣安,DOGS 準備繼續其上升軌道。隨著交易活動的增加以及更多用戶透過 Telegram 等平台加入 DOGS 社區,預計該代幣的知名度和採用率將會上升,從而鞏固其在競爭激烈的迷因幣市場中的地位。

The launch of DOGS on Binance marks a significant milestone for the meme coin and its expanding community. With strong support from Telegram users and a unique approach to community engagement, DOGS is well-positioned to make a lasting impact on the cryptocurrency market.

DOGS 在幣安上的推出標誌著 Meme 幣及其不斷擴大的社區的一個重要里程碑。憑藉 Telegram 用戶的大力支持和獨特的社群參與方式,DOGS 完全有能力對加密貨幣市場產生持久影響。


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