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Elon Musk Announces Major SpaceX Plans and DOGE Space Mission Progress

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 宣布 SpaceX 重大計劃和 DOGE 太空任務進展

發布: 2024/02/11 06:00 閱讀: 653



You can also read this news on COINTURK NEWS: Elon Musk Announces Major SpaceX Plans and DOGE Space Mission Progress

您也可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上閱讀此新聞:馬斯克宣布 SpaceX 重大計劃和 DOGE 太空任務進展

Alongside his role as the head of various companies including X and Tesla, the famous billionaire Elon Musk shared a post on the X application to make an important announcement about SpaceX. His post attracted the attention of the community, and some started asking Musk for details. In addition, crypto enthusiasts also posed questions to Musk about when Dogecoin would go to space.

除了擔任 X 和特斯拉等多家公司的負責人之外,著名億萬富翁埃隆馬斯克還在 X 應用程式上分享了一條帖子,宣布了有關 SpaceX 的重要消息。他的貼文引起了社區的關注,有些人開始向馬斯克詢問細節。此外,加密貨幣愛好者也向馬斯克提出了狗狗幣何時上太空的問題。

Musk’s Remarkable SpaceX Statement

馬斯克關於 SpaceX 的精彩聲明

In his statement, Musk mentioned that in 2024, astronauts will travel further from Earth than in the last 50 years aboard SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft. He also emphasized that Starship could reach the Moon in less than five years.

馬斯克在聲明中提到,到 2024 年,太空人將乘坐 SpaceX 的龍飛船前往距離地球比過去 50 年更遠的地方。他也強調,星艦可以在不到五年的時間內到達月球。

Crypto Rand, a keen observer of cryptocurrencies, asked Musk when he would take Dogecoin to space, reminding him of his previous statements that he would do so.

Crypto Rand 是加密貨幣的敏銳觀察者,他詢問馬斯克何時會將狗狗幣帶入太空,並提醒他之前說過他會這樣做。

SpaceX Accepts DOGE Payment

SpaceX 接受 DOGE 付款

According to past information, Elon Musk’s SpaceX accepted a payment in DOGE from Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC).

根據過去的信息, Elon Musk 的 SpaceX 接受了幾何能源公司 (GEC) 的 DOGE 付款。

The company’s CEO, Samuel Reid, stated that this transaction was initially carried out three years ago in 2021 to revise the mentioned DOGE-1 Mission. It was announced at that time that the project was postponed.

該公司執行長塞繆爾·里德表示,這筆交易最初是在三年前的 2021 年進行的,目的是修改上述 DOGE-1 任務。當時宣布該項目被推遲。

Initially, the plan was for the mission to take place in 2022 and to be launched as a payload on SpaceX Falcon 9, but the satellite was not ready for launch at that time. Now, it seems that the GEC head is hopeful about going to space as part of the DOGE-1 Mission.

最初的計劃是在 2022 年執行該任務,並作為 SpaceX Falcon 9 號的有效載荷進行發射,但當時該衛星尚未準備好發射。現在,GEC 負責人似乎對作為 DOGE-1 任務的一部分前往太空充滿希望。

DOGE Transferred to Exchanges


On the other hand, according to data provided by Whale Alert, two large DOGE transactions were made by anonymous crypto whales in the last 24 hours. Surprisingly, 150,000,000 DOGE were sent to the Robinhood exchange during this period, with an approximate value of $12.2 million at the time of writing.

另一方面,根據 Whale Alert 提供的數據,在過去 24 小時內,匿名加密鯨魚進行了兩筆大筆 DOGE 交易。令人驚訝的是,在此期間有 150,000,000 DOGE 被發送到 Robinhood 交易所,在撰寫本文時價值約為 1220 萬美元。

This situation also brought about a potential sale fear among investors, which increased the circulating supply following the transaction.


Additionally, a withdrawal of 63,736,363 DOGE was made from Bittrex and transferred to an unknown crypto wallet. The value of this amount corresponded to $5,205,119.

此外,還從 Bittrex 提取了 63,736,363 DOGE 並轉移到未知的加密錢包。該金額的價值相當於 5,205,119 美元。

Following the price movements in the last 24 hours, DOGE reached $0.08092, indicating a 0.2% decrease. The 24-hour trading volume also saw a decline, dropping by 4% to $285 million.

隨著過去 24 小時的價格變動,DOGE 達到 0.08092 美元,下跌 0.2%。 24小時交易量也出現下降,下降4%至2.85億美元。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Elon Musk Announces Major SpaceX Plans and DOGE Space Mission Progress

該帖子首次出現在 COINTURK 新聞上:埃隆馬斯克宣布 SpaceX 的主要計劃和 DOGE 太空任務進展


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