首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 宣布 SpaceX 雄心勃勃的太空人任務和狗狗幣太空創業進展

Elon Musk Proclaims SpaceX’s Ambitious Astronaut Missions and Dogecoin Space Venture Advance

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 宣布 SpaceX 雄心勃勃的太空人任務和狗狗幣太空創業進展

發布: 2024/02/11 06:00 閱讀: 588

原文作者:BH NEWS


馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 宣布 SpaceX 雄心勃勃的太空人任務和狗狗幣太空創業進展

You can also read this news on BH NEWS: Elon Musk Proclaims SpaceX’s Ambitious Astronaut Missions and Dogecoin Space Venture Advance

您也可以在 BH NEWS 上閱讀此新聞: Elon Musk 宣布 SpaceX 雄心勃勃的太空人任務和狗狗幣太空創業進展

Elon Musk, the renowned CEO of multiple tech giants, recently took to social media to announce SpaceX’s upcoming endeavors. This announcement piqued the interest of the space and cryptocurrency communities alike. As Musk’s companies often intersect with cutting-edge technologies, speculation about space exploration and digital currency integration followed suit, with special focus on the anticipated Dogecoin-funded space mission.

多家科技巨頭的知名執行長 Elon Musk 最近在社群媒體上宣布了 SpaceX 即將推出的計畫。這項公告激起了該領域和加密貨幣社群的興趣。由於馬斯克的公司經常與尖端技術交叉,有關太空探索和數位貨幣整合的猜測也隨之而來,特別關注預期的狗狗幣資助的太空任務。

SpaceX Aims for New Astronautic Heights

SpaceX 瞄準新的航太高度

Musk unveiled plans for SpaceX to send astronauts on voyages surpassing any in the past fifty years by 2024 using the Dragon spacecraft. He also projected that the Starship vehicle has the potential to touch down on the lunar surface within half a decade.

馬斯克公佈了 SpaceX 計劃到 2024 年使用龍飛船將太空人送上超過過去 50 年歷史的任何一次航行。他還預計星艦飛行器有可能在五年內降落在月球表面。

Dogecoin’s Stellar Aspirations via SpaceX

SpaceX 的狗狗幣夢想

Reflecting on previous engagements, Musk confirmed that his space exploration company accepted Dogecoin as payment from the Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC) for a space mission. GEC’s CEO, Samuel Reid, noted that the agreement took place three years prior, in 2021, revealing that the DOGE-1 Mission, initially intended for a 2022 launch, was postponed due to an unready satellite. However, recent developments hint at renewed optimism for the mission.

回顧先前的合作,馬斯克確認他的太空探索公司接受了狗狗幣作為幾何能源公司 (GEC) 太空任務的付款。 GEC 執行長 Samuel Reid 指出,該協議是在三年前的2021 年達成的,並透露最初計劃於2022 年發射的DOGE-1 任務因衛星尚未準備就緒而被推遲。然而,最近的事態發展暗示人們對這項任務重新感到樂觀。

Market Movements Amidst Space and Crypto Intersection


In a related financial context, two substantial Dogecoin transfers were detected, including a massive deposit to the Robinhood platform, stirring fears of a potential sell-off among investors. Another hefty withdrawal from Bittrex raised eyebrows as the recipient wallet remains cloaked in anonymity. These transactions coincided with a slight depreciation in Dogecoin’s value and a dip in its 24-hour trading volume.

在相關的金融背景下,檢測到兩筆大量的狗狗幣轉賬,其中包括向 Robinhood 平台存入大量資金,引發了投資者對潛在拋售的擔憂。 Bittrex 的另一筆巨額提款引起了人們的關注,因為收款人的錢包仍然處於匿名狀態。這些交易恰逢狗狗幣價值小幅貶值以及 24 小時交易量下降。

Musk’s updates concerning SpaceX and its interplay with cryptocurrencies, particularly Dogecoin, illustrate the evolving synergy between space exploration and digital currency economies. As these sectors continue to converge, stakeholders from both communities eagerly await the materialization of Musk’s ambitious projections.

馬斯克關於 SpaceX 及其與加密貨幣(尤其是狗狗幣)相互作用的最新消息,說明了太空探索和數位貨幣經濟之間不斷發展的協同作用。隨著這些領域的不斷融合,兩個社區的利益相關者都熱切地等待馬斯克雄心勃勃的計劃的實現。

The post first appeared on BH NEWS: Elon Musk Proclaims SpaceX’s Ambitious Astronaut Missions and Dogecoin Space Venture Advance

這篇文章首先出現在 BH 新聞上:馬斯克宣布 SpaceX 雄心勃勃的太空人任務和狗狗幣太空創業進展


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