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Elon Musk Excites Crypto Army With Starlink’s New Product

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 以 Starlink 的新產品讓加密軍團興奮不​​已

發布: 2024/01/03 21:05 閱讀: 575



馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 以 Starlink 的新產品讓加密軍團興奮不​​已

Tech tycoon Elon Musk, who owns SpaceX, X/Twitter and a few other innovative companies, has set the crypto community and regular Twitter community abuzz by publishing a tweet about the new product of Starlink.

擁有 SpaceX、X/Twitter 和其他幾家創新公司的科技大亨 Elon Musk 發布了一條有關 Starlink 新產品的推文,引起了加密貨幣社群和普通 Twitter 社群的熱烈討論。

加密社群對新的 Starlink 專案做出反應

Musk posted a video about the first launch of new Starlink-to-Phone satellites. These satellites will be able to connect directly to users’ smartphones, the video reveals.


Just three years ago, Starlink launched the first service for its paying customers in the U.S. with SpaceX. Today, the company provides 2.3 million households and organizations based in over 70 countries around the world with high-speed internet. Currently, Starlink is the biggest satellite internet connection provider in the world by overall number of users.

就在三年前,Starlink 與 SpaceX 合作為其在美國的付費客戶推出了第一項服務。如今,該公司為全球 70 多個國家的 230 萬個家庭和組織提供高速網路。目前,以用戶總數計算,星鍊是全球最大的衛星網路連線供應商。

The company’s new satellites that are capable of connecting the internet directly to users’ phones are called “Direct-to-Cell.” This service will be operating thanks to recent partnerships with local U.S. wireless internet providers, such as T-Mobil, the video mentions. Smartphones can be connected to these new Starlink satellites even in locations with no regular internet connection available.

該公司的新衛星能夠將網路直接連接到用戶的手機,稱為「Direct-to-Cell」。影片中提到,這項服務的運作得益於最近與 T-Mobil 等美國當地無線網路供應商的合作。即使在沒有常規網路連線的地方,智慧型手機也可以連接到這些新的星鏈衛星。

In response, Musk received numerous comments showing the excitement of users over the new product. Among them were many tweets posted by crypto-themed accounts, some reminding Musk that he intended to send Dogecoin to the moon with SpaceX.

作為回應,馬斯克收到了大量評論,顯示出用戶對新產品的興奮感。其中有許多加密主題帳號發布的推文,其中一些提醒馬斯克,他打算與 SpaceX 一起將狗狗幣送上月球。

Send $DOGE to the space next

發送 $DOGE 到下一個空間

— Crypto Rand (@crypto_rand) January 3, 2024

— 加密蘭德 (@crypto_rand) 2024 年 1 月 3 日

X platform’s speed temporarily falling


Also today, Musk published a tweet addressing his apologies to the X platform community. He stated that the X social media network may have had some issues and low working speed. But now, according to Musk, the team has linked additional resources to support it, and X should resume working at a normal speed. Many crypto-related accounts also responded enthusiastically, including Dogecoin cofounder Billy Markus.

同樣在今天,馬斯克發布了一則推文,向 X 平台社群表達歉意。他表示X社群媒體網路可能存在一些問題且工作速度較低。但現在,根據馬斯克的說法,該團隊已經連結了額外的資源來支持它,X 應該會以正常速度恢復工作。許多與加密貨幣相關的帳戶也做出了熱情的回應,其中包括狗狗幣聯合創始人比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus)。

It should be noted that Elon Musk is favored by the community on Twitter as many expect Musk to introduce cryptocurrency payments on this platform at some point in the future — at least to integrate Dogecoin for that purpose. As for Musk, several times he stated that the X/Twitter platform will not be launching its native digital currency.

值得注意的是,馬斯克在 Twitter 上受到社群的青睞,因為許多人預計馬斯克將在未來某個時候在該平台上引入加密貨幣支付——至少為此目的整合狗狗幣。至於馬斯克,他多次表示X/Twitter平台不會推出原生數位貨幣。

Still, over the past several months, Twitter has been securing licenses for payments processing in various U.S. states, which has been heating up the excitement of the cryptocurrency community.

儘管如此,在過去的幾個月裡,Twitter 一直在美國各州獲得支付處理許可證,這讓加密貨幣社群變得更加興奮。



— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) January 2, 2024

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2024 年 1 月 2 日


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