首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 伊隆馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 分享了有關 Ripple 擊敗 SEC 的推文,以下是他的說法

Elon Musk Shares This Tweet About Ripple Beating SEC, Here’s What He Says

伊隆馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 分享了有關 Ripple 擊敗 SEC 的推文,以下是他的說法

發布: 2023/07/20 23:00 閱讀: 708



Tech billionaire, Twitter and Tesla boss Elon Musk has commented on the recent episode of The All-In Podcast, where the hosts, aside from various other topics, also discussed the recent win of Ripple over the securities regulator SEC.

科技億萬富翁、Twitter 和特斯拉老闆 Elon Musk 對最近一期的The All-In Podcast 發表了評論,其中主持人除了各種其他話題外,還討論了Ripple 最近戰勝證券監理機構SEC 的情況。

Musk and the Ripple-focused podcast

馬斯克和以 Ripple 為中心的播客

Musk complimented it, sharing the tweet on his personal page and writing “Good podcast”. Obviously, the recent partial victory of Ripple in court has been hot news that was not only important for Ripple and pushed the XRP price by more than 80%. It also brought hope to the crypto space that the SEC will not have total power to pressurize US crypto companies and crypto tokens they work with at any time they see fit.

馬斯克對此表示讚賞,在他的個人頁面上分享了這條推文,並寫道「好播客」。顯然,Ripple 最近在法庭上取得的部分勝利已經成為熱門新聞,這不僅對 Ripple 很重要,而且將 XRP 價格推高了 80% 以上。這也為加密貨幣領域帶來了希望,即美國證券交易委員會不會擁有在任何他們認為合適的時候對美國加密貨幣公司及其合作的加密貨幣施壓的全部權力。

The episode came out on Twitter on July 17 and on the 30-minute-31-second time mark the description includes “BREAKING: Ripple gets big win in SEC case, token rips”.

這一集於 7 月 17 日在 Twitter 上發布,在 30 分 31 秒的時間標記上,描述包括「突發事件:Ripple 在 SEC 案件中取得重大勝利,代幣撕裂」。



Is Musk a fan of XPR? The answer is “no”

馬斯克是 XPR 的粉絲嗎?答案是否”

Most likely, the Ripple case was not the main point of interest for Musk on this podcast. Despite his strong interest in crypto – Dogecoin and Bitcoin in particular – the Twitter boss has never mentioned XRP or the Ripple-SEC case in his frequent tweets. Still, some major XRP fans keep trying to attract Elon Musk’s attention whenever he posts something that can be related to crypto in any way.

最有可能的是,瑞波幣案並不是馬斯克在這個播客中的主要興趣點。儘管 Twitter 老闆對加密貨幣(尤其是狗狗幣和比特幣)有著濃厚的興趣,但他在頻繁的推文中從未提及 XRP 或 Ripple-SEC 案件。儘管如此,每當伊隆馬斯克發布任何與加密貨幣相關的內容時,一些主要的 XRP 粉絲都會試圖吸引他的注意。

Musk’s main point of interest in crypto is the original meme coin DOGE. He mentions it in his tweets most often, even when he mentions “dogs”, the DOGE community still goes wild, taking it as a Dogecoin mention.

馬斯克對加密貨幣的主要興趣點是原始模因幣 DOGE。他在推文中最常提到這一點,即使當他提到「狗」時,DOGE 社群仍然很瘋狂,並將其視為提及狗狗幣。

Also, Tesla still owns some of the Bitcoin it bought in February 2021 – back then they put $1.5 billion worth of BTC on their balance sheet. After around two months of accepting BTC for Tesla e-cars, Musk reversed this payment method over contradictory environmental concerns.

此外,特斯拉仍然擁有 2021 年 2 月購買的部分比特幣——當時他們在資產負債表上投入了價值 15 億美元的比特幣。特斯拉電動車接受比特幣支付大約兩個月後,馬斯克因為矛盾的環境問題取消了這種支付方式。

Around a year ago, Tesla sold approximately 75% of the Bitcoin it held after having lost around $440 million on its BTC holdings at the end of 2021. Since the sale, the company has not sold any more of that BTC and it continues to hold $184 million worth of this crypto on its balance sheet as of Q2 2023.

大約一年前,特斯拉在2021 年底損失了約4.4 億美元的比特幣後,出售了其持有的約75% 的比特幣。自出售以來,該公司沒有再出售任何比特幣,並繼續持有截至 2023 年第二季度,其資產負債表上該加密貨幣的價值為 1.84 億美元。


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