首页 > 资讯新闻 > 埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 分享了关于 Ripple 击败 SEC 的推文 – 这是他所说的

Elon Musk Shares This Tweet About Ripple Beating SEC, Here’s What He Says

埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 分享了关于 Ripple 击败 SEC 的推文 – 这是他所说的

发布: 2023/07/20 23:00 阅读: 708



Tech billionaire, Twitter and Tesla boss Elon Musk has commented on the recent episode of The All-In Podcast, where the hosts, aside from various other topics, also discussed the recent win of Ripple over the securities regulator SEC.

科技亿万富翁、Twitter 和特斯拉老板埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 对最近一期的 The All-In Podcast 发表了评论,其中主持人除了各种其他话题外,还讨论了 Ripple 最近战胜证券监管机构 SEC 的情况。

Musk and the Ripple-focused podcast

马斯克和以 Ripple 为中心的播客

Musk complimented it, sharing the tweet on his personal page and writing “Good podcast”. Obviously, the recent partial victory of Ripple in court has been hot news that was not only important for Ripple and pushed the XRP price by more than 80%. It also brought hope to the crypto space that the SEC will not have total power to pressurize US crypto companies and crypto tokens they work with at any time they see fit.

马斯克对此表示赞赏,在他的个人页面上分享了这条推文,并写道“好播客”。显然,Ripple 最近在法庭上取得的部分胜利已经成为热门新闻,这不仅对 Ripple 很重要,而且将 XRP 价格推高了 80% 以上。这也给加密货币领域带来了希望,即美国证券交易委员会不会拥有在任何他们认为合适的时候对美国加密货币公司及其合作的加密货币施压的全部权力。

The episode came out on Twitter on July 17 and on the 30-minute-31-second time mark the description includes “BREAKING: Ripple gets big win in SEC case, token rips”.

这一集于 7 月 17 日在 Twitter 上发布,在 30 分 31 秒的时间标记上,描述包括“突发事件:Ripple 在 SEC 案件中取得重大胜利,代币撕裂”。



Is Musk a fan of XPR? The answer is “no”

马斯克是 XPR 的粉丝吗?答案是不”

Most likely, the Ripple case was not the main point of interest for Musk on this podcast. Despite his strong interest in crypto – Dogecoin and Bitcoin in particular – the Twitter boss has never mentioned XRP or the Ripple-SEC case in his frequent tweets. Still, some major XRP fans keep trying to attract Elon Musk’s attention whenever he posts something that can be related to crypto in any way.

最有可能的是,瑞波币案并不是马斯克在这个播客中的主要兴趣点。尽管 Twitter 老板对加密货币(尤其是狗狗币和比特币)有着浓厚的兴趣,但他在频繁的推文中从未提及 XRP 或 Ripple-SEC 案件。尽管如此,每当埃隆·马斯克发布任何与加密货币相关的内容时,一些主要的 XRP 粉丝都会试图吸引他的注意。

Musk’s main point of interest in crypto is the original meme coin DOGE. He mentions it in his tweets most often, even when he mentions “dogs”, the DOGE community still goes wild, taking it as a Dogecoin mention.

马斯克对加密货币的主要兴趣点是原始模因币 DOGE。他在推文中最常提到这一点,即使当他提到“狗”时,DOGE 社区仍然很疯狂,将其视为提及狗狗币。

Also, Tesla still owns some of the Bitcoin it bought in February 2021 – back then they put $1.5 billion worth of BTC on their balance sheet. After around two months of accepting BTC for Tesla e-cars, Musk reversed this payment method over contradictory environmental concerns.

此外,特斯拉仍然拥有其在 2021 年 2 月购买的部分比特币——当时他们在资产负债表上投入了价值 15 亿美元的比特币。特斯拉电动汽车接受比特币支付大约两个月后,马斯克出于矛盾的环境问题取消了这种支付方式。

Around a year ago, Tesla sold approximately 75% of the Bitcoin it held after having lost around $440 million on its BTC holdings at the end of 2021. Since the sale, the company has not sold any more of that BTC and it continues to hold $184 million worth of this crypto on its balance sheet as of Q2 2023.

大约一年前,特斯拉在 2021 年底损失了约 4.4 亿美元的比特币后,出售了其持有的约 75% 的比特币。自出售以来,该公司没有再出售任何比特币,并继续持有截至 2023 年第二季度,其资产负债表上该加密货币的价值为 1.84 亿美元。


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