首页 > 资讯新闻 > 自2023年1月以来,比特币和狗狗币已被整合到特斯拉的付款页面中。 Translation: Bitcoin and Dogecoin have been integrated into Tesla's payment page since January 2023.

Bitcoin And Dogecoin Already Integrated Into Tesla’s Payment Page Since January 2023

自2023年1月以来,比特币和狗狗币已被整合到特斯拉的付款页面中。 Translation: Bitcoin and Dogecoin have been integrated into Tesla's payment page since January 2023.

发布: 2023/07/20 21:30 阅读: 400



Key Points:


  • Bitcoin and Dogecoin were already present in the source code as early as January 2023.
  • 比特币和狗狗币早在 2023 年 1 月就已经出现在源代码中。

  • Tesla did not remove this code when they previously discontinued the option to pay with Bitcoin.
  • 当特斯拉之前停止使用比特币支付的选项时,他们并没有删除这个代码。

Rumors that Tesla added Bitcoin and Dogecoin to the payment page are false. Verification found they were already present since January 2023 and not removed when Bitcoin was discontinued.

关于特斯拉在支付页面添加比特币和狗狗币的传言是错误的。验证发现它们自 2023 年 1 月以来就已经存在,并且在比特币停止使用时并未被删除。

Tesla has been in the news lately due to rumors that it added Bitcoin and Dogecoin to its payment page source code. However, upon verification, it was found that Bitcoin and Dogecoin were already present in the source code as early as January 2023. It appears that Tesla did not remove this code when they previously discontinued the option to pay with Bitcoin.


This discovery has caused some confusion and speculation among the cryptocurrency community. Some have questioned Tesla’s motives and whether they are truly committed to crypto. Others have speculated that Tesla may have plans to reintroduce Bitcoin as a payment option in the future. Regardless of the reasons behind this discovery, it serves as a reminder to always verify information before jumping to conclusions.


Dogecoin has been making waves, especially after Elon Musk tweeted about it being the “future of currency” during a Saturday Night Live show. The famous blue bird logo of Twitter was replaced by the Doge logo for some days. This prompted a 30% increase in Dogecoin’s value within minutes, making it the top-performing cryptocurrency of the day.

狗狗币一直在掀起波澜,尤其是在埃隆·马斯克在周六夜现场节目中发推文称狗狗币是“货币的未来”之后。 Twitter 著名的蓝鸟标志被 Doge 标志取代了几天。这促使狗狗币的价值在几分钟内上涨了 30%,成为当时表现最好的加密货币。

In April, Twitter changed its logo to display the image of Dogecoin, a popular cryptocurrency that originated as a meme. Notably, the change was not just on the app icon but also on the home page, causing a 30% surge in DOGE’s price, reaching $0.09.

四月份,Twitter 更改了徽标,以显示狗狗币的图像,这是一种起源于模因的流行加密货币。值得注意的是,这一变化不仅出现在应用程序图标上,还出现在主页上,导致 DOGE 的价格飙升 30%,达到 0.09 美元。

Dogecoin’s price surged by more than 30% following the move. The trading price was at $0.9469 when the bluebird was changed by Dogecoin. According to CoinMarketCap data, the market cap of DOGE also increased by 20.5%.

此举之后,狗狗币的价格飙升了 30% 以上。当蓝鸟被狗狗币改变时,交易价格为0.9469美元。根据 CoinMarketCap 数据,DOGE 的市值也增长了 20.5%。

Previously, Coincu reported the controversial question of whether Dogecoin would become the currency of Twitter and the fact that Musk is a known follower of Dogecoin and has been promoting it on his social media channels.

此前,Coincu 报道了狗狗币是否会成为 Twitter 货币这一颇具争议的问题,以及马斯克是众所周知的狗狗币追随者并一直在其社交媒体渠道上宣传狗狗币的事实。

DISCLAIMER: The Information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.




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