首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 對 X Payments 透露了秘密——狗狗幣是混合體嗎?

Elon Musk Spills Beans on X Payments – Is Dogecoin in Mix?

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 對 X Payments 透露了秘密——狗狗幣是混合體嗎?

發布: 2024/01/25 19:02 閱讀: 904



馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 對 X Payments 透露了秘密——狗狗幣是混合體嗎?

In a recent interview with Ben Shapiro, entrepreneur and Tesla CEO Elon Musk provided intriguing insights into the future of the all-encompassing X platform, formerly Twitter. Musk described X as the ultimate version of what PayPal should have been. The highlight of the conversation was Musk's revelation that the much-anticipated X payments feature is set to make its debut later this year.

在最近接受 Ben Shapiro 採訪時,企業家兼特斯拉執行長 Elon Musk 對包羅萬象的 X 平台(前身為 Twitter)的未來提供了有趣的見解。馬斯克將 X 描述為 PayPal 的終極版本。這場談話的亮點是馬斯克透露,備受期待的 X 支付功能將於今年稍晚首次亮相。

Elon Musk sits down with @benshapiro and discusses the future of X, the everything app, what PayPal should’ve been.@elonmusk said payments are scheduled to launch this year pic.twitter.com/Q9tYSjqkA2

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 與 @benshapiro 坐下來討論 X 的未來,即一切應用程序,PayPal 應該是什麼樣子。@elonmusk 表示支付計劃將於今年推出 pic.twitter.com/Q9tYSjqkA2

— Doge Whisperer 🐕 (@TDogewhisperer) January 25, 2024

— 總督低語者🐕 (@TDogewisperer) 2024 年 1 月 25 日

As X Payments LLC, the payment subsidiary of X, diligently secures money transmission licenses across the United States, it has so far acquired approval in 14 states, per the records on the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System website. Adding fuel to the speculation fire, X has recently established a dedicated account for its must-anticipated payments feature.

X 的支付子公司 X Payments LLC 努力獲得全美範圍內的匯款許可證,根據全國多州許可系統網站上的記錄,該公司迄今已獲得 14 個州的批准。雪上加霜的是,X 最近為其備受期待的支付功能建立了專用帳戶。

The X payments account, which has yet to make any posts, proudly exhibits a gold verification badge, indicating its status as an official organization, along with the X badge, denoting its connection with the X platform. Meanwhile, the timeline for the introduction of in-app payment services is anticipated to be around mid-2024, although uncertainties loom over whether the platform will extend its support for digital currencies.

尚未發布任何帖子的 X 支付帳戶自豪地展示了金色驗證徽章,表明其作為官方組織的地位,以及 X 徽章,表明其與 X 平台的聯繫。同時,推出應用程式內支付服務的時間表預計將在 2024 年中期左右,儘管該平台是否會擴大對數位貨幣的支援仍存在不確定性。

Dogecoin payments integration?


While details surrounding the feature remain undisclosed, this move has sparked conversations within the Dogecoin (DOGE) community about the potential inclusion of DOGE in the payments ecosystem. Notably, Elon Musk has already integrated Dogecoin as a payment method in Tesla's official merchandise store and occasionally posts about the cryptocurrency on social media.

雖然有關該功能的細節尚未披露,但此舉引發了狗狗幣 (DOGE) 社群內關於 DOGE 可能納入支付生態系統的討論。值得注意的是,馬斯克已經將狗狗幣作為支付方式整合到特斯拉的官方商品商店中,並偶爾在社群媒體上發布有關加密貨幣的貼文。

In April 2023, the Tesla CEO teased the possibility of DOGE payments on X, proposing Dogecoin as one of the payment options for the platform's subscription service featuring premium features for users. Such developments have put the community on edge as they eagerly await Dogecoin integration with X’s in-app payment services.

2023 年 4 月,特斯拉執行長戲弄了 X 上 DOGE 支付的可能性,提議狗狗幣作為該平台訂閱服務的支付選項之一,為用戶提供高級功能。這樣的發展讓社區感到緊張,因為他們熱切地等待狗狗幣與 X 的應用程式內支付服務的整合。

The community is abuzz with speculation about the possible integration of Dogecoin and its potential impact on DOGE price. Although there is no official confirmation regarding DOGE being added as a payment option, enthusiasts point to subtle hints from both Musk and X, indicating a potential interest in incorporating Dogecoin into upcoming projects.

社群對狗狗幣可能的整合及其對狗狗幣價格的潛在影響充滿了猜測。儘管沒有官方確認將狗狗幣添加為付款選項,但愛好者指出馬斯克和 X 的微妙暗示,表明他們對將狗狗幣納入即將推出的項目有潛在興趣。


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