首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 伯明翰大學的研究表明,在許多情況下不需要區塊鏈

Blockchain in many cases is not needed, Birmingham University’s research reveals


發布: 2024/01/25 19:30 閱讀: 345




New research from the University of Birmingham has found that, in most cases, the use of blockchain may not be needed.


Blockchain technology may not be needed in many cases, according to new research from the University of Birmingham. The study, led by Dr. Joseph Preece, a computer scientist at the University of Birmingham, highlights potential drawbacks in the decision-making process regarding blockchain usage.

根據伯明翰大學的最新研究,在許多情況下可能不需要區塊鏈技術。這項研究由伯明翰大學電腦科學家 Joseph Preece 博士領導,強調了區塊鏈使用決策過程中的潛在缺陷。

In an interview with Tech Xplore, Preece explained that when businesses consider whether to implement blockchain, they often turn to Blockchain Decision Schemes (BDSs) for guidance. Preece particularly expressed concerns about the overwhelming number of Flow Chart BDSs (FC-BDSs) available to assist in determining the appropriateness of blockchain for their needs.

Preece 在接受 Tech Xplore 採訪時解釋說,當企業考慮是否實施區塊鏈時,他們通常會向區塊鏈決策方案(BDS)尋求指導。 Preece 特別對大量可用於協助確定區塊鏈是否適合其需求的流程圖 BDS (FC-BDS) 表示擔憂。

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The study identified an “imbalance in recommendations towards avoiding blockchain usage versus employing it,” emphasizing the need for future FC-BDS developments to address this imbalance and provide a more equitable representation of scenarios where blockchain is needed.

該研究發現“避免使用區塊鏈與使用區塊鏈的建議之間存在不平衡”,強調未來FC-BDS 開發需要解決這種不平衡問題,並為需要區塊鏈的場景提供更公平的表示。

“[…] our research has found that there are an overwhelming number of FC-BDSs to choose from, of which many suffer from inherent biases one way or the other. Overall, these schemes tend to suggest avoiding blockchain, meaning that people are deciding to use blockchain when a different solution could be just as good, or even better.”

「[……]我們的研究發現,有大量的 FC-BDS 可供選擇,其中許多都存在這樣或那樣的固有偏差。總的來說,這些方案傾向於建議避免區塊鏈,這意味著當不同的解決方案可能同樣好甚至更好時,人們決定使用區塊鏈。”

Dr. Joseph Preece


While Preece admitted that blockchain is a “very powerful piece of technology and can be incredibly useful,” the computer scientist noted that currently, the tools used to help make decisions about its use “cannot be trusted to be as accurate as the advice of a domain expert.”

雖然 Preece 承認區塊鏈是一項“非常強大的技術,並且非常有用”,但這位計算機科學家指出,目前,用於幫助做出有關其使用決策的工具“不能像專家的建議一樣準確”。領域專家。”

Earlier, crypto.news reported that Australian blockchain startup Lygon — once hailed as the future of banking and backed by prominent supporters from major financial institutions — has gone bankrupt with debts hovering at around $14.3 million.

早些時候,crypto.news 報導稱,澳洲區塊鏈新創公司 Lygon 曾被譽為銀行業的未來,並得到主要金融機構知名支持者的支持,現已破產,債務徘徊在 1,430 萬美元左右。

Read more: Venture capitalist: blockchain is not ready for mainstream gaming



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