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Ethereum Rich List 2023: Who Are The Top 10 Largest ETH Holders?

2023 年以太坊富豪榜:誰是前 10 名最大的 ETH 持有者?

發布: 2023/12/31 19:08 閱讀: 931



The last twelve months have been nothing short of a wild ride for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other altcoins, from BTC price revival — the cryptocurrency jumped by more than 160% in 2023 — to innovations in the Web3 industry and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), to the government crackdowns on the industry. 

過去12 個月,比特幣、以太幣和其他山寨幣經歷了一場瘋狂的旅程,從BTC 價格復甦(這種加密貨幣在2023 年上漲了160% 以上)到Web3 行業和不可替代代幣(NFT )的創新),以因應政府對該行業的打擊。

Even amid all this hullabaloo, crypto continues to be an enticing money-making gig. Take the record 19 billionaires — 7 more than last year — who made a fortune after investing in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

即使在所有這些喧囂中,加密貨幣仍然是一項誘人的賺錢工作。以創紀錄的 19 名億萬富翁為例,他們比去年多了 7 名,他們在投資加密貨幣和區塊鏈技術後就發了財。

What links Elon Musk, the Winklevoss Twins — owner of crypto exchange Gemini — and Michael Saylor? They’re all connected to some cryptocurrency. While Musk and Tesla are, more often than not, tied to Dogecoin and Bitcoin, respectively, the other two names have significant Bitcoin holdings.

伊隆馬斯克、文克萊沃斯雙胞胎(加密貨幣交易所 Gemini 的所有者)和邁克爾塞勒之間有何關聯?它們都與某種加密貨幣有關。雖然馬斯克和特斯拉通常分別與狗狗幣和比特幣掛鉤,但另外兩個名字則持有大量比特幣。

Largest ETH Holder Owns 29% of All Ethereum Tokens In Circulation

最大的 ETH 持有者擁有流通中所有以太坊代幣的 29%

When it comes to Ethereum, it’s a different story altogether. Even the largest holders of ETH are often out of the limelight. However, data from Etherscan revealed that crypto exchanges were the largest holders of ETH in 2023, which shouldn’t come as a surprise, given ETH’s availability on every exchange.

當談到以太坊時,情況就完全不同了。即使是 ETH 的最大持有者也常常淡出人們的視線。然而,來自 Etherscan 的數據顯示,加密貨幣交易所是 2023 年 ETH 的最大持有者,考慮到 ETH 在每個交易所都可用,這不足為奇。

Let’s look at the numbers. Remember, these are only ballpark estimates.


The Beacon Chain Contract holds more than 35 million ETH, controlling over 29% of all ETH tokens in circulation, making it the largest ETH holder as of Dec 28, 2023. Coming in second place is Wrapped ETH (WETH) with more than 3.2 million ETH, worth around $7.7 billion.

信標鏈合約持有超過3,500 萬枚ETH,控制流通中所有ETH 代幣的29% 以上,使其成為截至2023 年12 月28 日最大的ETH 持有者。位居第二的是Wrapped ETH (WETH),擁有超過320 萬枚ETH,價值約 77 億美元。

Binance has significant ETH Holdings

幣安持有大量 ETH

It’s only fitting that the world’s largest crypto exchange, Binance, is the third-largest single address for ETH, holding more than nearly 2 million ETH. Kraken, which was sued by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) last month for deceptive practices, grabbed the fourth spot, with ETH holdings of roughly 1.6 million.

全球最大的加密貨幣交易所幣安 (Binance) 是 ETH 的第三大單一地址,持有超過近 200 萬個 ETH,這是再合適不過的了。上個月因詐欺行為被美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 起訴的 Kraken 排名第四,持有 ETH 約 160 萬枚。

Popular trading platform, Robinhood is fifth on the list. At the time of writing, it had more than 1.4 million ETH under its belly, which loosely translates to about 1.24% of all ETH tokens in circulation. 

受歡迎的交易平台 Robinhood 名列第五。截至撰寫本文時,它擁有超過 140 萬枚 ETH,約佔流通中所有 ETH 代幣的 1.24%。

Notably, two other wallet addresses in the top 10 — each holding more than 550,000 ETH — are linked to crypto exchange giant Binance. Rounding off the top 10 are Arbitrum: Bridge, with holdings of over 1.3 million, and Bitfinex, with more than 450,000 ETH.

值得注意的是,前 10 名中的另外兩個錢包地址(每個地址都持有超過 550,000 個 ETH)與加密貨幣交易巨頭幣安 (Binance) 有關。前 10 名的還有 Arbitrum: Bridge(擁有超過 130 萬枚 ETH)和 Bitfinex(持有超過 45 萬枚 ETH)。

It’s also worth mentioning that an ETH address linked to Vitalik Buterin, one of the founders of Ethereum, named VB 3, holds more than 240,000 ETH.

另外值得一提的是,與以太坊創始人之一Vitalik Buterin相關的一個名為VB 3的ETH地址持有超過24萬個ETH。

The post Ethereum Rich List 2023: Who Are The Top 10 Largest ETH Holders? appeared first on CoinGape.

2023 年以太坊富豪榜:誰是前 10 名最大的 ETH 持有者?首先出現在 CoinGape 上。


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