首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 探索新的加密貨幣選擇:$NUGX 有希望的預售在 PEPE 和 DOGE 愛好者中升溫

Exploring Fresh Crypto Options: $NUGX’s Promising Presale Picks Up Steam Among PEPE and DOGE Enthusiasts

探索新的加密貨幣選擇:$NUGX 有希望的預售在 PEPE 和 DOGE 愛好者中升溫

發布: 2023/12/24 06:50 閱讀: 505



探索新的加密貨幣選擇:$NUGX 有希望的預售在 PEPE 和 DOGE 愛好者中升溫



  • PEPE has faced increased competition from Solana’s BONK meme coin.
  • PEPE 面臨著來自 Solana 的 BONK meme 幣的日益激烈的競爭。

  • Dogecoin’s network activity could push it above the $0.09 mark.
  • 狗狗幣的網路活動可能會將其推高至 0.09 美元大關。

  • NuggetRush (NUGX) could become an investor favorite after its sharp 30% growth.
  • NuggetRush (NUGX) 在大幅增長 30% 後可能會成為投資者的最愛。

Pepe’s rally has been challenged by the sharp growth of BONK. Dogecoin’s network activity jumped in November amid the ongoing DOGE rally.

佩佩的漲勢受到了BONK大幅成長的挑戰。在 DOGE 持續上漲的背景下,狗狗幣的網路活動在 11 月大幅成長。

NuggetRush (NUGX) is a gaming adventure that has stunned investors after raising almost $1 million in its presale. NUGX’s value has risen by 30%. However, can it outperform top altcoins like PEPE and DOGE? Let’s hear expert opinions.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 是一款冒險遊戲,在預售中籌集了近 100 萬美元後,令投資者震驚。 NUGX 的價值上漲了 30%。然而,它的表現能否超越 PEPE 和 DOGE 等頂級山寨幣?我們來聽聽專家的意見。

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NuggetRush: 30% Increase Highlights Mining Adventure’s Growth Potential

NuggetRush:30% 的成長凸顯了 Mining Adventure 的成長潛力

NuggetRush (NUGX) has unveiled its mining adventure game, packed with NFTs, exciting challenges, and opportunities to build wealth. The project aims to capitalize on the growing interest within the play-to-earn community. It features an innovative mining game that offers a super realistic mining experience. It is perfect for individuals who are curious to step into the everyday life of an artisanal miner.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 推出了其挖礦冒險遊戲,其中充滿了 NFT、令人興奮的挑戰和積累財富的機會。該計畫旨在利用「邊玩邊賺錢」社群日益增長的興趣。它具有創新的採礦遊戲,提供超現實的採礦體驗。對於有興趣了解手工採礦者日常生活的人來說,它是完美的選擇。

NuggetRush (NUGX) goes further by offering exciting adventures that include both competitions and community collaborations. It allows individuals to form groups, complete challenges, and earn higher rewards. Furthermore, players get a mining efficiency boost from completing group challenges.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 更進一步,提供令人興奮的冒險活動,包括競賽和社區合作。它允許個人組成團體、完成挑戰並獲得更高的獎勵。此外,玩家可以透過完成小組挑戰來提高採礦效率。

NuggetRush’s rewards are numerous, but the game stands out for having efficient trading of game assets. Its marketplace allows players to swap game collectibles for cash. Furthermore, NuggetRush (NUGX) offers special NFTs called RUSHGEMs. These NFTs can be swapped for gold, which the platform will deliver to chosen locations for players.

NuggetRush 的獎勵眾多,但遊戲的突出之處在於遊戲資產的高效交易。其市場允許玩家將遊戲收藏品換成現金。此外,NuggetRush (NUGX) 提供稱為 RUSHGEM 的特殊 NFT。這些 NFT 可以兌換成黃金,平台會將黃金運送到玩家選定的地點。

NuggetRush’s unique services have attracted high interest, leading to a blockchain ICO with more than $1 million as token sale revenue. Furthermore, NUGX’s value has jumped significantly, giving its first buyers a 30% profit

NuggetRush 的獨特服務引起了高度關注,導致區塊鏈 ICO 代幣銷售收入超過 100 萬美元。此外,NUGX 的價值大幅上漲,為其首批買家帶來了 30% 的利潤。

NUGX traded at $0.01 by the first round of its presale. It is now in round three, jumping by 30% to $0.013!

NUGX 第一輪預售時的交易價格為 0.01 美元。現在已經進入第三輪,上漲 30% 至 0.013 美元!

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Dogecoin Eyes $0.10 Amid Growing Network Activity

隨著網路活動的不斷增長,狗狗幣的目標是 0.10 美元

Data from Santiment has revealed a sharp growth in active addresses and transaction volume on Dogecoin (DOGE). It also revealed increased whale activity on the network. Dogecoin’s growing network activity could be central to its drive to reclaim the $0.10 mark. Since early November, Dogecoin has rallied but failed to go over $0.09.

Santiment 的數據顯示,狗狗幣(DOGE)的活躍地址和交易量急劇增長。它還顯示網路上的鯨魚活動增加。狗狗幣不斷增長的網路活動可能是其重返 0.10 美元大關的核心動力。自 11 月初以來,狗狗幣有所上漲,但未能突破 0.09 美元。

Dogecoin’s DOGE token traded at $0.06828 as of October 30. DOGE then increased by 22.8% to $0.08386 by December 1. Due to widespread bullishness, DOGE jumped by 21.3% to $0.1018 by December 8. However it fell by 9.5% to $0.09204 by December 18.

截至10 月30 日,狗狗幣的DOGE 代幣交易價格為0.06828 美元。到12 月1 日,DOGE 上漲22.8%,至0.08386 美元。由於普遍看漲,到12 月8 日,DOGE 上漲21.3%,至0.1018 美元。然而,到12 月18 日,DOGE 下跌9.5%,至0.09204 美元。

Increased calls for approvals of spot Bitcoin ETFs influenced Dogecoin’s November growth. Several investors expect DOGE’s performance to rise further after the sharp increase in its market capitalization

要求批准現貨比特幣 ETF 的呼聲越來越高,影響了狗狗幣 11 月的成長。多位投資者預計,在市值大幅上漲後,DOGE 的業績將進一步上漲。

Data from CoinMarketCap showed that Dogecoin’s market capitalization increased by $5 billion since early November as demand for cryptocurrencies skyrocketed. Analysts say if the market bullishness continues, DOGE will rise by 32.9% to $0.1224.

CoinMarketCap 的數據顯示,隨著加密貨幣需求的飆升,狗狗幣的市值自 11 月初以來增加了 50 億美元。分析師表示,如果市場看漲情緒持續下去,DOGE 將上漲 32.9% 至 0.1224 美元。

PEPE Faces Strong Competition from BONK


Pepe became one of the top crypto coins in 2023 after spectacular growth in April and May. However, recent market declines have reduced its performance. Things worsened for PEPE as BONK, a Solana-based meme project, has overtaken it in market rankings. PEPE is now the fourth largest meme cryptocurrency by market capitalization, a position it held for several months.

經過 4 月和 5 月的驚人成長,Pepe 在 2023 年成為頂級加密貨幣之一。然而,近期市場下跌導致其業績下滑。 PEPE 的情況變得更糟,因為基於 Solana 的 meme 項目 BONK 在市場排名中超過了 PEPE。 PEPE 現在是按市值計算的第四大模因加密貨幣,這一地位已經保持了幾個月。

Despite PEPE’s 2023 decline, it has been on a modest rise since early November. PEPE traded at $0.000001148 by October 31. Over a month later, PEPE jumped by 40.5% to $0.000001614 on December 5. PEPE then declined by 19.0%, reaching $0.000001307 by December 18.

儘管 PEPE 2023 年有所下降,但自 11 月初以來一直在小幅上漲。截至 10 月 31 日,PEPE 的交易價格為 0.000001148 美元。一個多月後,PEPE 在 12 月 5 日上漲 40.5%,至 0.000001614 美元。隨後,PEPE 下跌 19.0%,到 120.18 日達到 120.0001 美元。

PEPE could rise further due to the sharp growth of meme coins since November. Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have recorded significant increases in their market capitalization. Analysts say the same could happen with PEPE, especially if the market sustains its bullishness until 2024. This could push DOGE’s value up by 38.2% to $0.000001807.

由於 11 月以來 meme 幣的急劇增長,PEPE 可能會進一步上漲。狗狗幣和柴犬的市值大幅成長。分析師表示,同樣的情況也可能發生在 PEPE 身上,特別是如果市場在 2024 年之前保持看漲的話。這可能會推動 DOGE 的價值上漲 38.2% 至 0.000001807 美元。

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這篇文章《探索新鮮的加密貨幣選項:$NUGX 的有前途的預售在 PEPE 和 DOGE 愛好者中掀起熱潮》首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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