首页 > 资讯新闻 > 探索新的加密货币选择:$NUGX 有希望的预售在 PEPE 和 DOGE 爱好者中升温

Exploring Fresh Crypto Options: $NUGX’s Promising Presale Picks Up Steam Among PEPE and DOGE Enthusiasts

探索新的加密货币选择:$NUGX 有希望的预售在 PEPE 和 DOGE 爱好者中升温

发布: 2023/12/24 06:50 阅读: 505



探索新的加密货币选择:$NUGX 有希望的预售在 PEPE 和 DOGE 爱好者中升温



  • PEPE has faced increased competition from Solana’s BONK meme coin.
  • PEPE 面临着来自 Solana 的 BONK meme 币的日益激烈的竞争。

  • Dogecoin’s network activity could push it above the $0.09 mark.
  • 狗狗币的网络活动可能会将其推高至 0.09 美元大关。

  • NuggetRush (NUGX) could become an investor favorite after its sharp 30% growth.
  • NuggetRush (NUGX) 在大幅增长 30% 后可能会成为投资者的最爱。

Pepe’s rally has been challenged by the sharp growth of BONK. Dogecoin’s network activity jumped in November amid the ongoing DOGE rally.

佩佩的涨势受到了BONK大幅增长的挑战。在 DOGE 持续上涨的背景下,狗狗币的网络活动在 11 月份大幅增长。

NuggetRush (NUGX) is a gaming adventure that has stunned investors after raising almost $1 million in its presale. NUGX’s value has risen by 30%. However, can it outperform top altcoins like PEPE and DOGE? Let’s hear expert opinions.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 是一款冒险游戏,在预售中筹集了近 100 万美元后,令投资者震惊。 NUGX 的价值上涨了 30%。然而,它的表现能否超越 PEPE 和 DOGE 等顶级山寨币?我们来听听专家的意见。

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NuggetRush: 30% Increase Highlights Mining Adventure’s Growth Potential

NuggetRush:30% 的增长凸显了 Mining Adventure 的增长潜力

NuggetRush (NUGX) has unveiled its mining adventure game, packed with NFTs, exciting challenges, and opportunities to build wealth. The project aims to capitalize on the growing interest within the play-to-earn community. It features an innovative mining game that offers a super realistic mining experience. It is perfect for individuals who are curious to step into the everyday life of an artisanal miner.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 推出了其挖矿冒险游戏,其中充满了 NFT、令人兴奋的挑战和积累财富的机会。该项目旨在利用“边玩边赚钱”社区日益增长的兴趣。它具有创新的采矿游戏,提供超现实的采矿体验。对于那些有兴趣了解手工采矿者日常生活的人来说,它是完美的选择。

NuggetRush (NUGX) goes further by offering exciting adventures that include both competitions and community collaborations. It allows individuals to form groups, complete challenges, and earn higher rewards. Furthermore, players get a mining efficiency boost from completing group challenges.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 更进一步,提供激动人心的冒险活动,包括竞赛和社区合作。它允许个人组成团体、完成挑战并获得更高的奖励。此外,玩家可以通过完成小组挑战来提高采矿效率。

NuggetRush’s rewards are numerous, but the game stands out for having efficient trading of game assets. Its marketplace allows players to swap game collectibles for cash. Furthermore, NuggetRush (NUGX) offers special NFTs called RUSHGEMs. These NFTs can be swapped for gold, which the platform will deliver to chosen locations for players.

NuggetRush 的奖励众多,但该游戏的突出之处在于游戏资产的高效交易。其市场允许玩家将游戏收藏品换成现金。此外,NuggetRush (NUGX) 提供称为 RUSHGEM 的特殊 NFT。这些 NFT 可以兑换成黄金,平台会将黄金运送到玩家选定的地点。

NuggetRush’s unique services have attracted high interest, leading to a blockchain ICO with more than $1 million as token sale revenue. Furthermore, NUGX’s value has jumped significantly, giving its first buyers a 30% profit

NuggetRush 的独特服务引起了高度关注,导致区块链 ICO 代币销售收入超过 100 万美元。此外,NUGX 的价值大幅上涨,为其首批买家带来了 30% 的利润。

NUGX traded at $0.01 by the first round of its presale. It is now in round three, jumping by 30% to $0.013!

NUGX 第一轮预售时的交易价格为 0.01 美元。现在已经进入第三轮,上涨 30% 至 0.013 美元!

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Dogecoin Eyes $0.10 Amid Growing Network Activity

随着网络活动的不断增长,狗狗币的目标是 0.10 美元

Data from Santiment has revealed a sharp growth in active addresses and transaction volume on Dogecoin (DOGE). It also revealed increased whale activity on the network. Dogecoin’s growing network activity could be central to its drive to reclaim the $0.10 mark. Since early November, Dogecoin has rallied but failed to go over $0.09.

Santiment 的数据显示,狗狗币(DOGE)的活跃地址和交易量急剧增长。它还显示网络上的鲸鱼活动有所增加。狗狗币不断增长的网络活动可能是其重返 0.10 美元大关的核心动力。自 11 月初以来,狗狗币有所上涨,但未能突破 0.09 美元。

Dogecoin’s DOGE token traded at $0.06828 as of October 30. DOGE then increased by 22.8% to $0.08386 by December 1. Due to widespread bullishness, DOGE jumped by 21.3% to $0.1018 by December 8. However it fell by 9.5% to $0.09204 by December 18.

截至 10 月 30 日,狗狗币的 DOGE 代币交易价格为 0.06828 美元。到 12 月 1 日,DOGE 上涨 22.8%,至 0.08386 美元。由于普遍看涨,到 12 月 8 日,DOGE 上涨 21.3%,至 0.1018 美元。然而,到 12 月 18 日,DOGE 下跌 9.5%,至 0.09204 美元。

Increased calls for approvals of spot Bitcoin ETFs influenced Dogecoin’s November growth. Several investors expect DOGE’s performance to rise further after the sharp increase in its market capitalization

要求批准现货比特币 ETF 的呼声越来越高,影响了狗狗币 11 月份的增长。多位投资者预计,在市值大幅上涨后,DOGE 的业绩将进一步上涨。

Data from CoinMarketCap showed that Dogecoin’s market capitalization increased by $5 billion since early November as demand for cryptocurrencies skyrocketed. Analysts say if the market bullishness continues, DOGE will rise by 32.9% to $0.1224.

CoinMarketCap 的数据显示,随着加密货币需求的飙升,狗狗币的市值自 11 月初以来增加了 50 亿美元。分析师表示,如果市场看涨情绪持续下去,DOGE 将上涨 32.9% 至 0.1224 美元。

PEPE Faces Strong Competition from BONK


Pepe became one of the top crypto coins in 2023 after spectacular growth in April and May. However, recent market declines have reduced its performance. Things worsened for PEPE as BONK, a Solana-based meme project, has overtaken it in market rankings. PEPE is now the fourth largest meme cryptocurrency by market capitalization, a position it held for several months.

经过 4 月和 5 月的惊人增长,Pepe 在 2023 年成为顶级加密货币之一。然而,近期市场下跌导致其业绩下滑。 PEPE 的情况变得更糟,因为基于 Solana 的 meme 项目 BONK 在市场排名中超过了 PEPE。 PEPE 现在是按市值计算的第四大模因加密货币,这一地位已经保持了几个月。

Despite PEPE’s 2023 decline, it has been on a modest rise since early November. PEPE traded at $0.000001148 by October 31. Over a month later, PEPE jumped by 40.5% to $0.000001614 on December 5. PEPE then declined by 19.0%, reaching $0.000001307 by December 18.

尽管 PEPE 2023 年有所下降,但自 11 月初以来一直在小幅上涨。截至 10 月 31 日,PEPE 的交易价格为 0.000001148 美元。一个多月后,PEPE 在 12 月 5 日上涨 40.5%,至 0.000001614 美元。随后,PEPE 下跌 19.0%,到 12 月 18 日达到 0.000001307 美元。

PEPE could rise further due to the sharp growth of meme coins since November. Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have recorded significant increases in their market capitalization. Analysts say the same could happen with PEPE, especially if the market sustains its bullishness until 2024. This could push DOGE’s value up by 38.2% to $0.000001807.

由于 11 月份以来 meme 币的急剧增长,PEPE 可能会进一步上涨。狗狗币和柴犬的市值大幅增长。分析师表示,同样的情况也可能发生在 PEPE 身上,特别是如果市场在 2024 年之前保持看涨的话。这可能会推动 DOGE 的价值上涨 38.2% 至 0.000001807 美元。

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

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