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‘Everything Is Falling into Place’ As This BTC Indicator Reveals Bitcoin’s Path to $47K

“一切都在步入正軌”,BTC 指標揭示了比特幣通往 4.7 萬美元的路徑

發布: 2023/11/04 17:00 閱讀: 859



Crypto analyst CryptoCon believes that the price of Bitcoin is right on track to reach $47,000, based on an analysis of the Fibonacci MVRV indicator.

加密貨幣分析師 CryptoCon 認為,根據斐波那契 MVRV 指標的分析,比特幣的價格預計將達到 47,000 美元。

What is the Fibonacci MVRV?

什麼是斐波那契 MVRV?

The Fibonacci MVRV is a market value to realized value ratio that compares Bitcoin’s current market capitalization to its realized capitalization, which is the value of all BTC when it last moved on-chain. This ratio can identify when Bitcoin is overbought or oversold.

斐波那契 MVRV 是一種市場價值與已實現價值的比率,它將比特幣當前的市值與其已實現的資本進行比較,即所有 BTC 最後一次在鏈上移動時的價值。該比率可以識別比特幣何時超買或超賣。

CryptoCon’s Analysis

CryptoCon 的分析

In a recent tweet, CryptoCon explained how the Fibonacci MVRV shows Bitcoin following the expected path to $47,000 that he projected when the price was at $29,000.

在最近的一條推文中,CryptoCon 解釋了斐波那契 MVRV 如何顯示比特幣遵循他在價格為 29,000 美元時預測的 47,000 美元的預期路徑。

He notes that when the MVRV first leaves the green zone between 0.37 to 0.65, it tends to quickly move into the red zone between 1.94 to 2.18. This red zone aligns with the 0.786 cycle retracement level from 2-day candle bodies, which is $47,095 in this market cycle.

他指出,當 MVRV 首次離開 0.37 至 0.65 之間的綠色區域時,它往往會迅速進入 1.94 至 2.18 之間的紅色區域。此紅色區域與 2 日蠟燭身體的 0.786 週期回檔位一致,即本市場週期中的 47,095 美元。

So far, Bitcoin’s price movement has aligned with what the MVRV model predicted. CryptoCon states “Everything is falling into place” for Bitcoin to hit $47,000, likely by December or January. While it’s possible the price could diverge from the model’s projected path, so far it has been an accurate indicator of where Bitcoin is headed.

到目前為止,比特幣的價格走勢與 MVRV 模型的預測一致。 CryptoCon 表示,“一切都在順利進行”,比特幣可能會在 12 月或 1 月達到 47,000 美元。雖然價格可能會偏離模型的預測路徑,但到目前為止,它一直是比特幣走向的準確指標。

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Time will tell if Bitcoin sticks to the script and continues on towards $47k. But CryptoCon believes the data shows the rally is on track, with the Fibonacci MVRV revealing Bitcoin’s path forward.

時間會告訴我們比特幣是否會遵循腳本並繼續朝著 47,000 美元邁進。但 CryptoCon 認為數據顯示反彈已步入正軌,斐波那契 MVRV 揭示了比特幣的前進道路。

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The post ‘Everything Is Falling into Place’ As This BTC Indicator Reveals Bitcoin’s Path to $47K appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

這篇 BTC 指標揭示了比特幣通往 4.7 萬美元之路的文章《一切都在步入正軌》首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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