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Kaspa Analysts Agree on KAS Price Direction After OKX Listing

Kaspa 分析師同意 OKX 上市後 KAS 價格走勢

發布: 2023/11/04 17:30 閱讀: 694



The cryptocurrency KAS has seen growing interest after recently getting listed on the popular exchange OKX. Analysts now believe the OKX listing could help propel KAS to break past its all-time high.

加密貨幣 KAS 最近在熱門交易所 OKX 上市後,引起了越來越多的關注。分析師現在認為 OKX 上市可能有助於推動 KAS 突破歷史新高。

All Time High Imminent?


According to Kaspa enthusiast Mr. Kaspa, the OKX listing is a major development that could lead to an imminent breakout past the all-time high for KAS around $0.052. With the added exposure and liquidity from the new exchange listing, Mr. Kaspa seems confident KAS is primed for a new high.

Kaspa 愛好者 Kaspa 先生表示,OKX 上市是一項重大進展,可能會導致 KAS 即將突破 0.052 美元左右的歷史高點。隨著新交易所上市帶來的曝光和流動性的增加,卡斯帕先生似乎對 KAS 即將創下新高充滿信心。

Breakout Expected


Eunice D Wong, another KAS bull, notes that KAS has been her best performing coin this year after buying some at $0.005 and adding to her position on dips. With KAS trying to break resistance near the old highs, Wong believes a breakout is imminent and is telling followers not to “fade this.”

另一位看漲 KAS 的 Eunice D Wong 指出,KAS 是她今年表現最好的代幣,此前她以 0.005 美元的價格買入了一些,並逢低買入。隨著 KAS 試圖突破舊高點附近的阻力,Wong 認為突破即將到來,並告訴追隨者不要「淡化這一點」。

Meanwhile, the analyst KASPA Enthusiast also sees KAS gearing up for a push to fresh all-time highs. Despite some challenges, Enthusiast notes KAS has been fighting its way toward a breakout. With more potential catalysts in store this month, Enthusiast sees the charts likely breaking out upside soon.

同時,分析師 KASPA Enthusiast 也認為 KAS 正準備推動新的歷史高點。儘管面臨一些挑戰,Enthusiast 指出,KAS 一直在為突破而奮鬥。隨著本月更多潛在催化劑的出現,Enthusiast 認為圖表可能很快就會突破上行。

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With KAS bouncing off its OKX listing, analysts seem aligned in expecting a breakout as it fights to take out the previous high around $0.052. The added exchange could provide the volume and visibility needed for KAS to finally achieve a new all-time high, potentially starting a new uptrend according to experts. Traders may want to keep an eye on KAS here as it attempts this crucial breakout.

隨著 KAS 在 OKX 上市後反彈,分析師似乎一致預期該股將突破 0.052 美元左右的前高點。專家表示,新增的交易所可以為 KAS 提供最終達到歷史新高所需的交易量和可見性,從而有可能開啟新的上升趨勢。交易者可能需要關注 KAS,因為它正在嘗試這一關鍵突破。

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The post Kaspa Analysts Agree on KAS Price Direction After OKX Listing appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

Kaspa 分析師同意 OKX 上市後 KAS 價格方向的貼文首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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