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Coinbase Loses Bid to Dismiss Dogecoin Class Action Lawsuit

Coinbase 駁回狗狗幣集體訴訟的請求失敗

發布: 2023/11/04 18:30 閱讀: 301

原文作者:CoinPedia News


The post Coinbase Loses Bid to Dismiss Dogecoin Class Action Lawsuit appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

Coinbase 駁回狗狗幣集體訴訟敗訴的貼文首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

On November 3, the United States Supreme Court granted Coinbase’s request to hear a lawsuit concerning the company’s arbitration clause with its customers. Coinbase had tried to move a dispute stemming from a 2021 sweepstakes out of court and into private arbitration, but a lower court ruled that the exchange had raised its right to do so.

11 月 3 日,美國最高法院批准了 Coinbase 的請求,聽取有關該公司與其客戶的仲裁條款的訴訟。 Coinbase 曾試圖將 2021 年抽獎引發的爭議移出法庭並提交私人仲裁,但下級法院裁定該交易所已提出這樣做的權利。

The allegations against Coinbase Exchange accusing them of false and fake advertising in the sweepstakes and the Supreme Court’s decision could have broader implications for arbitration clauses in contracts.

針對 Coinbase Exchange 在抽獎活動中虛假廣告的指控以及最高法院的裁決可能會對合約中的仲裁條款產生更廣泛的影響。

Detail of the Lawsuit!


The Coinbase lawsuit, which was filed in 2021, accused Coinbase of hiding the fact that users could enter the $1.2 million Dogecoin giveaway for free without having to trade $100 of the meme cryptocurrency on its platform, reports Reuters. It is a separate legal action from the lawsuit against Elon Musk over alleged price manipulation.

根據路透社報道,Coinbase 於 2021 年提起訴訟,指控 Coinbase 隱瞞了這樣一個事實:用戶無需在其平台上交易 100 美元的狗狗幣,就可以免費參與價值 120 萬美元的狗狗幣贈品。這是與針對伊隆馬斯克涉嫌價格操縱的訴訟分開的法律訴訟。

Plaintiff David Suski, the person who filed a $5 million lawsuit against Coinbase, claimed he was cheated into trading $100 of Dogecoin for an entry into a $1.2 million sweepstakes offer on Coinbase.

對 Coinbase 提起 500 萬美元訴訟的原告 David Suski 聲稱,他被騙用 100 美元的狗狗幣換取 Coinbase 上 120 萬美元的抽獎機會。

The lawsuit says that free entry was likely into the sweepstakes, but Coinbase did not reveal this fact for its financial growth. Suski argues that he wouldn’t have disbursed if Coinbase had clearly disclosed there was another way to enter the sweepstakes. He claims that Coinbase disregarded state and federal laws, including deceptive trade practices and fake advertising.

該訴訟稱,抽獎活動很可能是免費的,但 Coinbase 並未透露這一事實以考慮其財務成長。 Suski 辯稱,如果 Coinbase 明確披露有另一種方式參與抽獎,他就不會支付。他聲稱 Coinbase 無視州和聯邦法律,包括欺騙性貿易行為和虛假廣告。

Debate Over Misleading Entrants!


Many users felt misled when the free entry option was revealed, with angry users on forums blaming Coinbase for trying to hide the information to artificially inflate demand and trading volume. The debate has also revived critiques of Coinbase’s treatment of Dogecoin, with some arguing its listing of the meme token lacked importance beyond generating publicity and trading fees.

當免費入場選項被揭露時,許多用戶感到被誤導了,論壇上憤怒的用戶指責 Coinbase 試圖隱藏訊息,人為地抬高需求和交易量。這場辯論也重新引發了對 Coinbase 對狗狗幣處理方式的批評,有些人認為,除了產生宣傳和交易費用之外,該 meme 代幣的上市缺乏重要性。

Coinbase had tried its level best to force the lawsuit into private arbitration, but a judge ruled that the sweepstakes terms specifying California courts as the forum superseded the account agreements.

Coinbase 已盡最大努力迫使訴訟進入私人仲裁,但法官裁定,指定加州法院作為論壇的抽獎條款取代了帳戶協議。


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