(24-hour Dogecoin price trend)
Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Analysis
As of February 5th, 2025, 04:00 UTC, the price of Dogecoin (DOGE) is $0.26257272789695. Over the past 24 hours, there has been a trading volume of $4465820990.5608, representing a -6.0653522% decrease in the price of DOGE compared to yesterday.
截至2025年2月5日,04:00 UTC,Dogecoin(Doge)的價格為$ 0.26257272789695。在過去的24小時內,與昨天相比,總督的價格下降了446582090.5608美元$ 446582090.5608。
Circulation and Supply Information
- Circulating supply: 147909986383.71 DOGE
- Maximum supply: Unlimited
- Total supply: 147909986383.71 DOGE
Token Allocation
循環供應:147909986383.71 DogeMaximum供應:無限量供應:1479099986383.71 Dogetoken分配
The allocation of Dogecoin's token supply is as follows:
- 100% to the community
Market Capitalization
The market capitalization of Dogecoin, calculated by multiplying the current price by the circulating supply, stands at $38837128607.97.
Key Metrics
Metric | Value |
Current Price | $0.26257272789695 |
24 Hour Trading Volume | $4465820990.5608 |
Price Change (24 Hours) | -6.0653522% |
Circulating Supply | 147909986383.71 DOGE |
Maximum Supply | Unlimited |
Market Capitalization | $38837128607.97 |
MetricValueCurrent Price$0.2625727278969524 Hour Trading Volume$4465820990.5608Price Change (24 Hours)-6.0653522%Circulating Supply147909986383.71 DOGEMaximum SupplyUnlimitedMarket Capitalization$38837128607.97